I want to become a Christian, but Christianity was founded and created by Jews and is about worshipping the Jewish son of God. How can I solve this contradiction in my world view, how can I worship a foreign people?
I want to become a Christian...
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Do all the catholic stuff, just don't worship the jew. Enjoy the community and you can just focus on the saints and all the different ones and their stories and enjoy the tradition.
God sent Jesus to the people who needed him most. The entire bible is the Jews getting shit on by God because they are a “stiff necked people”
Look up the The Natural Law.
It puts everything into perspective.
Christianity is really more of a Jewish veneer laid on top of Greek philosophy
>Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.
Jesus Christ disinherits the Jews.
Nuff said.
Don't be ridiculous, user, God has no nationality. Neither is He limited by time, space or shape or any other wordly thing, because He created all of them.
Become Christian Identity. It also has the benefit of being true.
Christians were one of the very first anti Semites. Our whole religion is based on jews being responsible for trying to kill God. Yeah it's become a little more PC nowadays, but back in the day I'm pretty sure Christians made up the majority of anti Semites
Jews hate jesus, should be easy
>. How can I solve this contradiction in my world view, how can I worship a foreign people?
The world is full of contradiction.
Take Sup Forums for instance. They're anti-jew , anti-immigration, yet they voted for a guy who's daughter is married to Jared Kushner. (Israeli agent). Their own president is AIPAC's best ally. (which is why america's foreign policy is designed to help Israel's interests)...
And they'll of course, turn a blind eye to the fact that their president is completely indifferent to this:
Take christians for ex... Their Pope wants europe to be invaded by the third world, and especially if said invadors are also muslim.
People are not rational. they don't necessarily always act in their best interest.
Yes, I understand that, especially since chaps like St Augustine. People like Augstine, Aquinas, and others are the one making me interested, not so much modern Christianity.
yea there's no contradiction, jesus has been public enemy #1 for the kikes literally since he was walking around here
do the right thing.. join islam
>very conservative
>strict on any form of degeneracy
>women are respectful and obey their men
>is family-pro
>damns Jews
Doesn't change the fact he's a Jew claiming to be the son of God. The reason the Jews don't like him is because he claimed to be their messiah. It's very similar to how the majority of Christians don't like Mormons.
>no science
>no art
>no bacon
>no dogs
>no alcohol
>yes to goat fucking
>yes to surprise kiddie fiddling
There's a reason the Middle East is stuck in the Middle Ages and its not because of America.
As Jesus foretold, the blessings associated with having God’s favor had been transferred from the fleshly nation of Israel to a new nation, a spiritual nation, later referred to in the Bible as “the Israel of God.” (Galatians 6:16)
Jesus speaking to the Pharisees at Matthew 21:43 'This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.'
Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE. The Romans obliterated everything, including the genealogical records. So no matter what Orthodox Jews say, there can never be a proven a decedent in the line of David. Thus no future claim to be the Messiah -- the foretold Messiah that the entire Torah points to. Jesus was it.
Islam is a just a copy of Judaism and Christianity, but worse than both.
implying islam wasnt created by the jews either to destabilicise christianity
what about the Islamic groups in china? what about Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar and many other Muslim majority countries that have better life style than most western countries?
The only muslim majority countries
America isnt fucking with seem to be doing fine..
>what about this and that?
Its precisely because they do not adhere to Wahabist Islam, or because they are more liberal in their application of Islam or because there is strong authority imposing limits on the form of Islam that is practised that it does not impeded those countries.
If you look at China, Xinjiang authorities literally shave their beards and make them do public dances. In Qatar they have two sets of laws one for the Muslims and another for the expats - whichever profits them the most they apply. In Indonesia there's a syncretic form of Islam that was tempered by local Animism when Islam first arrived in South East Asia.
Whereas you can see the devastating affects of Islam's implementation in Coptic Egypt, Christian Lebanon and Revolutionary Iran.
Too bad you’re not one of the 144,000