This country is now Germany in the 30's. I can't escape this conclusion anymore.
>People willingly opt out of democracy because it risks their tribe identiy
National socialism was an anti-national pan-european movement - contrary to its name.
>Strong leader revered with personality cult who cares about nothing but power and image and all the puppet he surrounded himself with only care about being close to power
>Everyone who objects the rule him is automatically labelled as allying with the enemy.
>No opposition as a result of "spontaneous" gangs operating uninterrupted by the state. PM himself was part of defaming the assasinated opposition PM.
Brown shirts.
>Unilateral Annexation of mythological clay is on the way
>Constant propaganda and brainwashing and obsession over control of the media.
Reifnestahl, Gobbels, all the best brains were recruited.
>Racial supremacy.
>Economical boom
This country is now Germany in the 30's. I can't escape this conclusion anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
Which country are you talking about? Poland?
>Dat makeup
The holocaust never happened, but it I sure wish it did
wasn't it supposed to be like this since the beginning ?
it's gud news, too bad you had to shit up every other countries around the world prior to this.
>People willingly opt out of democracy because it risks their tribe identiy
I opt out of democracy because I would like to run my own area of the world in my own way that I see fit, without any concern for big wigs in high towers.
That's our minister of Justice
Minister of education.
I can find loads of other examples...
There's already a storm of butthurt leftists flocking to EU, I estimate thousands of leftist activists live in berlin alone
Trump is Banon
Trump is Putin
Trump is Hitler
Reeeee I want to be Jew so much reeeeeee I want my ethnostate whyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaahhhhggg
But Trump isn't even right wing, he started as a Democrat. He's called a POPULIST, murrimaster.
Israel dindu nuffin
I understand the UK is utter shite but it's not worth it desu.
Much love for based israel. Can we kill your leftists here ? If Europe fall you will be ultimately fucked too u knoo.
>National socialism was an anti-national pan-european movement - contrary to its name.
Opinion discarded. Read a book, faggot.
>Read a book
Fuck she's great
I don't know why you're complaining user.
Because she wants a Jewish Arab Saudi.
>ywn suck on her milkies
Worst timeline
You know, jews are the backbone of so many disciplines because of eugenics. Jewish literature dating all the way back to the egyptians promoted marrying together skilled people, and giving people tax breaks depending on how intelligent they were. The human mind is what darwin missed. Sure, over millions of years your skin can change. But your mind can adapt to most situations in real time. So therefor, evolutionary psychology has much more relevance than the fins to legs theorys. The evolutionary potential indicates that traits such as intelligence are predicted more so by genetics than nature. (Not entirely so, but majority of your intelligence is inherited.) the potential is that the mind can evolve much faster than the body. For obvious reasons.
So yet another thing i see in our struggle today, our struggle against the decline of the west is this...
Can we fast forward to the part where we stuff Jew into ovens?
Whites should learn from the jews. Dont.marry for thme false god of beauty and love. Marry according to merit skill and finance.
She's a retard, she knows in her ideal Jewish State she would never have became a minister since she's a female.
Isn't that the whole point of your existence? To be an American client state in the middle east?
If America wants influence there, they want Israel to be strong, since Spain is aligned with America, you have to become as powerful as the Saudis and the Iranians.
When you're amerigun everyone looks smart
>don't have aesthetics
It's pretty obvious and not a crazy claim to make. Marrying and reproducing based on skill and merit drives a race forward. Fuck those betas who survived the civil war. Descendents of surrendered people.
She is being used as eye candy for votes, it's obvious. I still want her khazar milkies.
>muh jews
Loves khazar milkas
Are (((they))) going to gas themselves?
>Isn't that the whole point of your existence? To be an American client state in the middle east?
True, but it's completely different from the socialist state it started as, so many people are butthurt. It's also taken over with fascist methods, so it could end very far from what the Right is imagining.
>Oy vey, goyim. This is our hot Jewish minister she has big tits
>You want to suck her Juden milky bobs (Appealing to pajeet)
>Oy vey, she is like hitler's Germany but still muh 600 Gazillion Jews
>Oy vey, we hate shitskin Arabs we can burn them but trust me we are not like Hitler
>We are white, goyim.
>You love us now goyim?
What are you going to do, set up as chambers for Palestinians?
Get over it. Whites and jews are the top of pryamid. But the real question is, is their spce for both of us.
I still prefer that over soypolitics of western europe
Gas* chambers
> It's also taken over with fascist methods
quite literally oldest story in the bible, jews fucking eachother up lol
Come on al saud, would you not want to be allies and annihilate the per*ian scum? They are shooting at you from yemen but we are the enemy cuz we are (((al yahud)))?
Israel's Judaism resembles Brazil's Catolicism, also these parades will 100% be gone in a few years.
You would use us then annex us and make things 100x terrible. You infiltrated Europe into fighting the Reich and now they suffer from rapefugees and degeneracy which will guarantee the end of their race in the few centuries
Jews have infiltrated us millennia ago and we won't be bitten twice from the hole.
I feel ashamed being related to you
oh that happened when you release jews! their becomes a bad dog! I really want to the holocaust existed, but sadly that it was not true
Well if you are a huwhite american and not a shit skin immigrant you should ask your grandparents or gr8 gr8 parents since they killed the nazis you love so much.
made me laugh like a fucking mad man because its not that of a far-fetched scenario. the tribes went their separate ways for separate reasons which a "greater israel" isn't going to solve because the only thing worth ruling over is jerusalem not some random arab mena shithole province or city. see sinai peninsula, why would a jew give away anything for free?!?
Okay so we will let the pershits annex you. Have fun.
That's true desu, many Mizrachim can't wait for their opportunity to put all Ashkenazim in gas chambers so they could take over their property, their houses, and secure themselves as rulers of the land. I suspected for a long time the Right in Israel fights the Left with this hidden agenda.
I would fight alone and die than being a kike puppet.
Also, we fuck those pershits for centuries and it won't be that troubling for us to do it again
I wish we fucking would.
What country are you posting about greatest ally?
Kalb shrm7ta is what you are
Stop being a cuck shlomo and start removing kebab
Someone remind me again, why the hell are we not converting to Judaism and get our khazar milktank? Instead of being societys most hated people, we would have 100 million neoconservatives sucking our dick. We have clearly much more in common with the crafty jews than the white idiots that are slaves to the system.
>comparing your failed death cult parasite state to a state which possesed the highest degree of civilization achieved yet because they got rid of you
top kikery
He's talking about themselves
>mfw Jews build their own Auschwitz
On the plus side this means you get a fresh 6 gorillian to cry about. No America to save you this time though.
What will your people do? Who are they going expel from your nation? Who do you think will stand up and try to create an allied front against you?
>because they got rid of you
can you give an example how that played out?
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
It’s about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world’s population, yet look at all they control from the world’s finances to the media that brainwashes us. In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort. The truth about immigration, by the numbers: >
>jews build death camps, gas chambers, and crematoria
>quickly realize the logistics of the alleged holocaust are impossible
>This country is now Germany in the 30's.
>People willingly opt out of democracy because it risks their tribe identiy
In 1930s Germany, "democracy" was a brand new experiment that was imposed arbitrarily in a period of chaos post 1918. Completely and totally different situation than the US, today. So your very first point fails completely to have any grounding in historical reality. And so I stopped reading.
You're reading an American literary classic?
Just move to Germany bro
I just got my German passport but I'm planning to move to the USA.
But will the fags?
They'll go back to molesting little kids, like in every normal catholic state
>"No Shlomo, you are the Nazis"
>and then Israel was Nazi Germany
Top fucking kek
Khazar milkers overrated