Studio Trigger to Announce New Titles

>Studio Trigger announced on its official Twitter account on Thursday that it will reveal "multiple" new titles at the Anime Expo convention this year. It will host a panel on July 2 to make the announcements.

So what will it be anons??
Trigger Girls??
Space Patrol Luluco with full budget??
PnS 2 cause Gainax does not know what to do with the series and need the money to pay of their Royalties debt to Khara??

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Imaishi's new mecha.

After KLK I am not excited for it.

Trigger's Patreon account I assume, Tattun has finally taught the Japanese how to make money on the Internet

if repeating digits, Inferno Cop 3

Did he manage to finally set up an account?

Dunno if it's already set up, but it's been cleared with the studio and Yoshinari was going to work on some physical rewards for patrons

upload this book pls

As long as it's an original I'll be fine with it; if they just do some more ho-hum adaptations disembodied from their own janky-funky-studio vibe then it might as well be from anyone.

It kind of sucks pondering here we are in 2017 and this is the last nugget of Gainax. In 2000s up through early 10s it was pretty much undisputed that Gainax was the king to many, and now they're kind of an afterthought that have some seeming promise but keep fucking blowing it in some way/shape/form. I guess we should be happy something is around from them at all.

>original I'll be fine with it
Because Kiznaiver was such a big hit, right?

I would want LWA2 or KLK2 for sure.

I wouldn't mind PS2 but this time the devil sisters would be the new two leads who would be looking for PS.

I don't care much about Luluco show since I dislike Nova and would prefer someone else to be Luluco love interest.

Well, I'm just assuming that they learned their lesson from that and won't go for some shitty omni-pandering design again.

well there's doubles, but they're not at the end.

>upload this book pls
not willingly to pull it apart for good quality scans.
its a really nice book tho. good quality paper, a luluco bookmark as gift too

Both sequels and new stuff will be good. Just no shitty LN adaptations, for fuck's sake.

>The """Art""" of Trigger
top lel

Gotta do whatever it takes to keep themselves alive.

New anime that leads up to revealing Trigger Girl #2 and/or #3
Trigger Girls itself
Inferno Cop season 2
LWA OVA 3 or Chariot spin-off

>Inferno Cop season 2
>he doesnt know

Ninja Slayer 2

I miss her

Excited for Imaishi's new series. Then there should be that one anime by a "guest director" they mentioned before.
But probably I'm most curious about FLCL 2.

I'm fine with Gainax being this obscure hipster studio making an airsoft girls manga into a dark psychodrama and a car ad into the best mahou shoujo of the new century. The Khara thing can only make them more humble and wise.

Inou Battle was better than Kiznaiver though.

Please don't make Ino Batoru S2.

Both are shit so it doesn't matter

Yeah but Inou Battle was fun and watchable and I actually really cared when they cut that chick's hand off, not like it was a masterpiece or that I'd watch it again but that entire scene where he's bullying the loli was probably more fun that any single interaction in Kiznaiver.

>the best mahou shoujo of the new century
Gainax made Princess Tutu?

No, it wasn't.

>But probably I'm most curious about FLCL 2.
I doubt Trigger are involved in that.

Inferno Cop: 20/10
LWA: 10/10
KLK: 9/10
Inou Battle 5/10
Ninja Slayer: 6/10
LWA 2: 7/10
Kiznaiver: 4/10
Luluco: 8/10
LWA TV: 6/10

Id have probably liked Inou more if Mirei was a more central character. the other girls where kind

Don't lie to me user, my heart can't take it

Children should eclipse their parents.

Will trigger actually deliver or it will become the Sp00ny of anime?

After the mess that were KLK, LWA, and Kiznaiver (does anyone actually remember that Okada turd?) my goodwill has dried up.

Hire some decent writers Imaishi or don't bother making a new show


KLK was visually stunning and had a lot of clever camera work
Kiznaiver and LWA are more traditional in this respect but they are still one of the better looking shows of their respective seasons

Midori is love.

>a anime does not need a plot as long as it shoves tits and asses in my face

Look, a retard.

KLK was exceptional. You're bad and you should feel bad.

Sushio has been teasing some KLK stuff it seems

>After the mess that were KLK, LWA, and Kiznaiver (does anyone actually remember that Okada turd?) my goodwill has dried up.
I don't hate this studio but Trigger is clearly drown into mediocrity. Overrated as hell.

Trigger's best stuff was always the stuff they didn't pour much budget into.

Trigger should stick to making like 6 shorts instead of a full length show. I like trigger though.

Luluco is unironically the best show Trigger has made


Awful taste. Shit Le shit was a complete disappointment. I wanted to like it so bad too, yet it was a train wreck only liked by 9gag memesters.

You must be really slow to be confused by KLK.

infernu coppu


>implying KLK didn't have a plot
>implying tits and ass mattered after the first few episodes

What? I never said I was confused by it. Just disappointed by how god awful the story, characters, fights and comedy were.

The series literally ends in a giant naked pile. Go ahead and type some bullshit essay you parroted from tumblr about how it's not supposed to be sexy now.

He's been teasing a piece of Momoiro Clover Z art

>Infero Cop S2
>New Imaishi mecha series
They might as well not announce anything else. It wont live up to these.

Trigger is a failure of a studio.

flop season 2

>implying KLK didn't have a plot

KLK had a nonsensical plot that kept introducing and dropping dozens of plot points with no clear goal in sight, with every member of the cast becoming a parody in the 2nd cour

>no clear goal
Retard alert
Are you even capable of dressing yourself without help?

They were always fucking parodies

>Go ahead and type some bullshit essay you parroted from tumblr about how it's not supposed to be sexy now.
What the fuck are you even saying?
I meant they showed us tits and ass too much it stopped being interesting. Seeing Ryuuko nearly naked for the 34637th time doesn't do anything anymore, it's just her regular suit ready for action.

If you only see it for fanservice after watching the whole thing you missed the point. The naked pile wasn't meant to be arousing either.

>Looking too much at naked girls means you never find them hot again
No user I think your just gay.


Luluco and Ninja Slayer S2.

>You killed my father Satsuki
>No wait lets retcon that Nui killed my father
>No wait my father was an asshole
>I'm angry now so I will run to my mother
>No wait I'm not angry anymore and I am sorry for running away
>Remember then Senkestu died but then he got better?
>Wait what happened to the brown butler girl in the end? Oh shit we better make a final-final episode about her and a giant robot
>Hey what about that mcguffin bullet we foreshadowed or that whole secret organi.... ah who cares

Clearly the plot is to complex for the average mortal

It will be one of the trigger girls shows.

I really liked Kiznaiver. It just wasn't very "Trigger-like".

Inou Battle was better left unmade though.

I might be wrong, but didn't KLK's production get fucked half-way through and a lot of the story was rewritten from what they originally had planned?

What ever you say gay boi

Yea guys if KLK is shit i cant imagine what modern anime you like


Pretty much this. KLK wasnt the pinnacle of anime but it was far from bad. Its probably people that circlejerk berserk or naruto that are hating on it.

>there are people ITT that would have shit on TTGL when it came out just to seem edgy on an anonymous image board
Good thing they weren't even born back then.

It became apparent they were just making shit up as the show progressed with no clear idea where it would end so it became about underwear aliens.

Remember how Senketsu used to drink blood, or how the Scissors were supposed to be a big plot point but then they just game everyone the ability to cut Life-fibers.

>>You killed my father Satsuki
>>No wait lets retcon that Nui killed my father
Stopped reading here.
I refuse to believe there is someone so retarded to believe an obvious red herring to be a "dropped plot point".

I haven't really been impressed by Trigger's shows. KLK was OK, I didn't finish it though. Ninja Slayer was just horrible looking. I was excited from one of the early trailers but then I found out it was just another "wacky" (shit) animated show.

They literally changed the flashback animation sequence and handwaved it away with "lol amnesia"

They didn't even bother to obscure the figure in the first flashback and it's a straight up silhouette of Satsuki

If you can digest being forcefed garbage like that then I applaud you.

TTGL had a coherent plot and proper character development

KLK fell apart after the half-way mark

No, it isn't bad. But it also isn't the masterpiece like many make it out to be.

>They literally changed the flashback animation sequence and handwaved it away with "lol amnesia"
They literally didn't, the first one shows a silhouette which Ryuko wrongly believed was Satsuki.

>Remember how Senketsu used to drink blood
You mean that thing that was never abandoned and foreshadowed life fibers being parasites? What about it?
>or how the Scissors were supposed to be a big plot point but then they just game everyone the ability to cut Life-fibers.
Bakuzan could cut life fibers since episode 2, and the only other weapon capable of doing something similar were the tailor gloves, that were much less effective needing to sever the banshi directly.
I'm convinced KLK haters have a sub 80 IQ.

For sure better writing, characters and visuals then in KLK lul

The first silhouette was unmistakably Satskui, then they just change it to Nui after she appears

It was best in the season for sure.

Whatever happened to the Ninja Slayer remake that was promised?

It was Ryuko remembering the events from her perspective. She believed the silhouette to be Satsuki's.
Unreliable narrator, storytelling 101.
If you ever believed Satsuki to be the killer you were retarded.

I require additional Akkos.

>You mean that thing that was never abandoned
I mean the thing where Senketsu actually drinks her blood and that sets a time-limit on her fights

How about that part where Senketsu absorbed life-fibers of the defeated uniforms. Remember how that went nowhere?

>lol I just misremembered it's not a retcon

Sasuga trigger

>I mean the thing where Senketsu actually drinks her blood and that sets a time-limit on her fights
That stopped being a problem after they activated Life fibers synchronization in episode 3, requiring much less blood.
In episode 21 Senketsu tells to Mako: "I need to drink some of your blood, try not to pass out".
>How about that part where Senketsu absorbed life-fibers of the defeated uniforms. Remember how that went nowhere?
I remember the last episode, when it was revealed that it developed the absorption ability that allowed him take over Shinra Koketsu, other than making him grow more and more self aware, you clearly don't. Have you even watched the series?
>>lol I just misremembered it's not a retcon
>Sasuga trigger
>being proud of your ignorance in basic storytelling devices

>>lol I just misremembered it's not a retcon
You're not well versed with narrative devices, are you? I'd like to say you're not familiar with 'complex' narrative devices, but showing an event to the audience from a character's specific perspective, even if that perspective differs from information that the audience knows but the character does not know, should not be a difficult concept to grasp. Ryuko's flashback was told with the only information she had at the time to keep the audience in the dark, then later on when the truth is revealed a correct flashback of the event is shown so the audience knows the truth as well as the character. It's a basic story telling device because both the character and the audience don't know the truth of the event before the truth is later revealed.

Please no more daddy/mommy issues.

>I wouldn't mind PS2 but this time the devil sisters would be the new two leads who would be looking for PS.
I personally would rather the ending of P&S to be retconnned. It was silly for an ending but horrible for sequels.

Having a unreliable narrator and deliberately obscuring the silhouette is one thing.

Having the silhouette that is clearly, unmistakeably Satskui then going "lol you just missremberd" in the same episode you introduce the real killer is shit writting and nothing more.

If you want to rationalize eating shit be my guest.

>That stopped being a problem

That's my point, there was extreme emphasis put on the Blood drinking then it's just resolved and handwoven away.

There are a how of other issues like the mindbogglingly dumb pacing of ep12 and ep13.

>Well, I'm just assuming that they learned their lesson from that and won't go for some shitty omni-pandering design again.

Designs weren't the problem

It's the story and its messaging which were ho-hum

An Atlus RPG game could do a better job with that concept

Fuck yes.
Fuck LWA, I need to know their next series. Can't wait for more Luluco and Imaishi's new anime.

No, you're just being retarded. If Ryuko had that flashback before meeting Satsuki you would have a point and it would be dishonest writing, but at that moment she believed Satsuki to be the killer so the unreliable narration is entirely justified.
>That's my point, there was extreme emphasis put on the Blood drinking then it's just resolved and handwoven away.
Activating Life fibers synchronize was the first major turning point in Ryuko's growth and her relationship with Senketsu, not the issue being "handwoven away".
>There are a how of other issues like the mindbogglingly dumb pacing of ep12 and ep13.
Those episodes have no pacing issues.

>still expecting P&S2

It's dead, Jim, let it go

He's drawing KlK stuff all the time, especially Mako alone or Mako with Ryuko.
I highly doubt they'd do a second season though. I loved KlK but I don't want a s2, it could only get worse. Part of what made KlK enjoyable were the enemies who weren't actually bad guys (Satsuki's gang) and their background and all this shit. All of that is gone and revealed now, and some new villain vs Satsuki and Ryuko would be retarded. I rather have some whole new show with new good characters and maybe a cameo of some of the KlK characters or something.

Daily reminder that Trigger don't give a fuck about filthy gaijins even despite they funded their shit. Absolutely based

>no yoh yoshinari autograph panels

then how do they explain LWA?

They shouldn't interact with the U.S. in any capacity full stop.

Why would they even make LWA TV then? The kickstarter was only for LWA 2. They were probably aware that this type of show would not be popular in Japan.

It *is* their explanation. It's from LWA interview