ITT: we laugh on /biz/ fags who fell for the crypto meme.
You can never outsmart the Jews cunts. Either join them or prepare for the defeat.
ITT: we laugh on /biz/ fags who fell for the crypto meme.
You can never outsmart the Jews cunts. Either join them or prepare for the defeat.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah but can they use a toilet?
Yea, but do you?
We knew BTC would tank. 20k a coin is not sustainable. Anyone with a brain moved their money into alt coins with good tech such as Quantum, Salt, etc.
Indians can't buy into crypto anymore though, so I guess that explains why you're fuding so hard.
>put 100K in
>sold for 80K
>can't use 20K loss to offset capital gains in stocks becauase btc has no market recognition
>Wanted to invest in Ethereum at $700
>Too lazy to do it
>Bitcoin crashes a month later
>Ethereum at where I wanted to buy it initially, but falling
wew, dodged a bullet. thank god i was playing videogames at the time instead
it was always going to happen
mania took over.
it'll grow back, just not as fast.
a lot of nervous hands waiting to cash out if it reaches above 10k again
Exactly, I don't know how people bought this meme.
being a lazy neet saved my life and my wealth more than once.
hell i would probably be alrdy dead if i wasn't this lazy.
feels comfy bro
Yea, but we should remember that many of these bought it at 19k.
nice quad.
we don't care they are redditors
Check these digits.Today I took your digits, tomorrow I steal your daughter.
yeah and they will be waiting to cash out as soon as it hits near that mark.
it might never reach above 10k again
who knows. its so volatile its shit. I'm glad I cashed out in dec
Same, very comfy right now.
If it gets to 6000 I might buy some
why do you all look and act the same way, Aashik?
thank god our ancestors were lazy but not too lazy to breed
I cashed out at 10.5, now I'm going to buy a car ama
spoil your parents and start an education trust for younger family.
you literally just have to wait 15 minutes
/biz/ was telling everybody to FUCKING WAIT FOR THE CRASH before buying, the writing was on the wall.
If anybody bought at 19k, now they get to KEEP. It will soar even higher than that.
The smart guys SOLD at 18k+, and are buying the drop.
Cuz we're try hard bunch of brownies who keep on trying instead of multiple failures.
Under 9000?!?!?!?
>never apologize
Ya should of pulled the ripcord the second that article came out that (((they))) we thinking of making their own version
>20k not sustainable
Yeah okay faggot, remember this at the end of the year when you had the chance to buy BTC this cheap. Fucking screenshot saved.
>bye bye lamboland
Should've listened to Spencer's Gen-X bubbleburst posting, eh?
make no mistake the smart people bought btc when it was a nickle and sold it when it was worth a dime.
really got the noggin joggin
Topkek, my parents are well off user
>he couldn't sell his shitcoin collection on craigslist fast enough
What is kek trying to tell us, these digits are pretty sweet.
then focus on family.
India will be a superpower by 2030 because people from india invested in people from india.
India is clearly the final level of the game. if you do good there, who knows where you'll reincarnate next.
Initiate operation Menorah
Crash the market with no survivors
The crypto of india
I want to reincarnate as a female heroine in a corruption h-rpg.
kek, Never tell normie friends anything technical or money related. Normie friends are retarded. They will blame the messenger first chance they get. That's part of what makes them normie retards.
More than doubled my money on Litecoin, sold in December. Fuck you Jews
>still 4000% up from my initial investment
>the pajeet meme is real
Wew laddy
they cannot accept responsibility and have no sense of duty.
You can't outsmart the Jews but you can outsmart a toilet.
Muh Bitcoin will BTFO of global finance
>Not understanding (((global finance))) literally kills people, starves people, starts wars and takes over countries whilst controlling mass media to protect it's own hegemony is threatened
The state of you idiots not reading history.
Savage leaf
I use the 3 shells
those shells allegedly concealed buttons
how tho
This... Sit back and denigrate crypto all you want, I bought in at beginning of last year and cashed half my profits which were 6 figures back in Dec, I am riding high and am betting that it's gunna blow at the end of the year again. Godspeed
>indian flag
I wish we had these on /biz/
Jews are behind crypto if you cant see that your retarded
shoo shoo pajeet
Let this be a lesson. By the time you hear “why haven’t you invested in ‘X’?” It is already too late.
Like what I did with gold. I bought it at $800 when I realized my retarded countrymen were going to put a Marxist in the White House and sold most of it at $1600 not two years later. So no matter what it fell to I had clear profit. Made a nice chunk and ended up with “free gold” at the end. By low sell high. Making money is easy when you can predict the future.
>put in 700
>get 1825 out
I mean, its not big money but thats still amazing returns
>the absolute state of coinfags
Stay current with pols only trusted YouTube channel!!
Sotu,Memo and the Rothschild murder plot train crash
Terry Davis time special
Unite my brothers !!!! Like fucking rome!!!
Niggers are not romans
lets make them panic lmao
>Implying the entire value and hope of Crypto currency is Bitcoin
Look up the 'tether bomb'. Half of the value between $1K and $20K was gained after 91 instances of new mintings of 'tether', a fiat currency by some exchange. The other half chased these rises.
24:30 minutes in is where he says this. The earlier part is where he explains Mt Gox and tether. There's a finer breakdown of the video in his first, pinned comment.
made 400K in three months and paid 45K in taxes and fees to lawyers and accountants.
350K for literally no work and shilling shit on biz. Granted I had coins going back to 2016, but everyone who wasnt a newfag already cashed out. We truly beat the jews this round. The war isnt over friend.
Nocoiner detected.
These things happen constantly, nobody cares
I got in on it early and cashed out, made over $300K profit..these dumb fucks who mortgaged their homes late in the game to buy BC are dumb as shit.
Hit range check @ $8,500. Fell to $7,5xx as promised and right on schedule a dead cat bounce :
Next stop : HELL in a hand basket
proof or it didn't happen
Alt coin scum
current events tho
>tfw bought the 8k dip
nocoiners and panic sellers btfo again
If you aren't buying right now you are r e t a r d e d
Sup Forums is not a politics board. One thread about something the mainstream media is talking about is fine
> Buying into a dead cat bounce...
> Proudly stating it
> The absolute state of neophyte coiners
Can't wait to buy a couple Vegas off some beta for $350.
I think we should laugh more at the retards that bought crypto with actual money.
Soon to be bankrupt idiots thinking they're chads because they participated in an illusion and were dumb enough to think it would make them rich.
Bitch bois stay losing
I think they got into it because their neetbux weren't enough.