I just woke up from a coma. What is happening?
I just woke up from a coma. What is happening?
Ron Paul couldn't make anime real.
Rand Paul couldn't make anime real.
Donald Trump made anime real.
wb bro.
how long?
Year and a half. Last I heard hope was coming I think
Everything. We live in a quantum reality. We woke up.
Hope is here.
Taxes are cut, the wall will be built in exchange for DACA, Europe is increasingly race aware, Poland openly defies the EU at every step along the way, ISIS is near as makes no difference destroyed as an occupant entity, Turkey is failing to kill some Kurds, North Korea has big balls and Trump's balls are much bigger.
Oh yeah almost forgot.
It's okay to be white, and pic related is starting to turn women towards traditionalism.
>wakes up from coma
>Immediatly gets back to shitpost in on Sup Forums
At least take a bath dude, you've been shitting your pants for the last year
The left is about to play an evil nasty card in response to this since a cornered injured animal will lash out violently before it goes down.
It wasnt a coma... it was a trance
No you didn't.
Don't lie, you pathetic deceitful piece of shit.
Take you bullshit fantasy lies elsewhere you liar.
what happened to put you in the coma, if you don't mind me asking?
and yeah, Trump did it, the absolute madman
it's been a wild fucking ride ever since then
Sup Forums is now the biggest board on Sup Forums, surpassing even Sup Forums
the mainstream media regularly report on what happens here, ballooning our userbase to beyond that of "just us" and now including several hundred thousand dumb teenagers and baby boomers not to mention the intelligence agencies
Shia LeBeouf did a protest art project involving a webcam on a museum in New York - we ruined it
then he filmed a flag, and we ruined that too
now, arguably, we're a force to be truly reckoned with and a legitimate player in the world of international politics
things got weird while you were out
welcome back
Obama and Clinton and Comey and every other weasel and liar in the former administration and the Shareblue propaganda mill is about to have a very bad day.
Tom Fitton is the intelligent chad
Lmao shut the fuck up loser
dumb fucking teenager detected
It's happening!
Nice projection horse mouth.
Go back to chanting stupid shit and following e-celebs. Fucking tool.
what is your problem, exactly?
that I sincerely replied to an obvious larp thread?
or are you just having a bad day and need to take it out on someone?
it's ok pal
I'm here for you
Suck Paki cock Mohammed
hey buddy, fuck you
Go back to sleep
Total Reddit fag they make themselves so fukin obvious
Anyone else feeling sleepy?
My little sister, 10 years old, is not political at all nor is she showing signs of liberal brainwashing. She's been asking me the last day or 2 about what the memo is, what the government did wrong, etc. HOW DO I EXPLAIN THIS TO A TEN YEAR OLD? HELP! I HAVE A MAJOR REDPILL OPPORTUNITY HERE!
only liberals but they will have to wake up to it again and again and again
if that's your assessment, then you're an idiot, and worse still, you're an idiot that thinks he's smart
OP asked what happened in the last year and a half, I replied
now stop proxy posting and go find something worth being mad about, you odious arseclown
Prepare for the comin planet of the apes riot of 2018.
Obama is going to hang with a side of guillotine. Niggers won't care if hes guilty.
This was Obamas Trump card his whole presidency. Too bad Trump holds 4 of a kind.
post trach hole with timestamp or raging faggot
Tell her the truth.
Trump's opponent in the election illegally used federal authorities to spy on his activities and to fabricate evidence that would destroy his campaign.
Those same federal authorities recorded everything in a neat little memo, which the president is scheduled to release soon by Congressional decree.
The teacher doesn't like that, because she doesn't like Trump.
As such the teacher can't be trusted to tell the whole truth, and she needs to question everything.
Our Founding Fathers knew that we had to watch the government as closely as possible every single day.
Eternal vigilance against corruption is our only defense against tyranny.
God bless America and good luck with your sister.