Do you like girls with womb tattoos?
Do you like girls with womb tattoos?
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Only if it's a tattoo of a womb.
It's my newest fetish.
Womb tattoos are best fetish!
Same as the bad mommy tattoos (tally mark tattoos for abortions on their stomachs).
Tattoos are gross to start with
Don't lewd the Kokoro.
I think so.
Tattoo are already shit
on a women it's twice as bad.
only on the pure maidens I corrupted into sluttiness myself
Womb tattoos : no
Womb spells mark : yes
Slavery spell
Pregnancy or Contraception spell
Pleasure spell
Body Enhancement spell
Biding spell
they're the greatest.
>Womb spells mark : yes
>Slavery spell
>Pregnancy or Contraception spell
>Pleasure spell
>Body Enhancement spell
>Biding spell
This, normal tattoo are basically worth nothing
No that's kinda trashy
All of a sudden I changed my mind. Muh dick
>tattoos are already shit
Let me guess, you aren't allowed to get them because fear of your normalfag family/friends stigma. They usually are shit on women though so I'll agree with that.
Everyone in my family has tattoos, that shit is degenerate nigger technology.
all degenerates
Left, is it even a contest?
I love pussy tattoos, panda needs to have a tag on it
The coolest thing I learned today. Makes me think of marks for planes taken down on a fighter.
It does you dumb faggot.
>confusing 3D sluts with pure 2D maidens
Come one, guys.
If planes were meant to kill their pilots.
Only ace of spade womb tattoos.
So because your family is a big old poop you associate tattoos with negative feelings. I get it, but you aren't being objective at all.
I like yakuza-style full-back tattoos.
I understand you
Right side, obviously. Virgins fucking suck in bed, takes them literal months of shitty sex to get better. Also some boobs and shorter sounds way better than no boobs and taller. Nerdy, good with her hands, easily teased. Nuff said.
Mai is a disgusting shit
>womb tattoos
>not geometric belly tattoos that only work when she's 9 months pregnant
>left uses rapier
Left it is.
Spot the normalfag.
Yea, but statement remains quite true.
They're fine for lewdness but any girl with one is absolutely not waifu material as it's a 110% slut indicator. Same deal with a tramp stamp.
Other tattoos are fine though.
only if they're magical womb tattoos
Mai is perfection.
Titty tattoos are better.
I like when they're on a loli.
>it was removed in Dr3i
Fucking why?
Kuro got tired of feeling Illya's pain.
Pain from what.
>flat as a board
No need to read the rest.
From Shirou's dick.
>Being a homosexual
>Calling others degenerates
How am I a homosexual?
Because only gay men dislike lolis.
probably all the sex with other men
The mark transmitted all the pain Illya felt to her.
You CANNOT have condom-less sex with sexually active girls without being in huge risk of contracting HPV.
So unless you are a bugchaser, training a virgin seems the most reasonable option.
Imagine being worried about something so meaningless. You know it doesn't even do anything to men, right?
There are a million reasons to avoid fucking sexually active women, but HPV isn't one of them.
>willingly getting an STD
Aka bugchasing
By the time you're forty approximately 90% of adults have at least one strand of HPV or HSV; there's no avoiding either of these diseases. Meanwhile HIV/AIDS gets tons of funding, tho it only affects 5% of the population because minorities and 3rd world shit holes are the major carriers.