Trump is fucked. Memo highlights the FBI knew that Carter Page was a Russian agent all along. Once he got on trumps team the fisa warrant was granted. Page was in Moscow, he met with two senior Kremlin officials, discussed compromising information the Russians had on Clinton, and obtaining an ownership stake in Russia’s state-owned oil company, in exchange for Trump lifting sanctions against Russia. This is going to be messy next couple weeks.
Trump just fucked himself
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
The fuck man. How are you not paying attention? Fisa doc is different than that dipshit Nunes memo. Do you even read the news brah?
they based their memo on carter fucking page lmao
Fuck off Shillaryleaf, I have seen the same gif at least three times in ten minutes.
Lifting sanctions? OMFG!!! Impeach!
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
Bullshit KYS
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
>He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Releasing a memo is obstruction?
That's a new one. Where did you hear that, CNN?
>Page was in Moscow, he met with two senior Kremlin officials, discussed compromising information the Russians had on Clinton, and obtaining an ownership stake in Russia’s state-owned oil company, in exchange for Trump lifting sanctions against Russia.
He did nothing of the kind.
blumf is dummy and muler take blumf to jail
Either you are being lied to, or you have wishful thinking...
If Carter Page was known to be a Russian agent this whole time...indictments and arrests would be made.
The 4 indictments From Mueller's witch hunt have nothing to do with the Trump campaign.
Try again,
>Trump somehow accidentally chooses to release a memo that is all about how he is Le Russian Puppet
>Gee whoops... I guess that was a mistake... gee why did I do that? Man. Gosh.. Gee I really messed that up. I probably should have not done that huh?
How desperate would you have to be to actually post this?
Anonymous (ID: 4PDlUp7u) 02/02/18(Fri)08:13:12 No.158933924▶
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
Bot malfunction?
It is astonishing to see how your media outlets, brainwash you're gonna find out.
either way we will see soon so no need for the fucking thread you digeridipshit
at this point the shilling on this board is fucking pathetic
Another 2 shekels have been deposited into your account
Republicans convinced him to release it to get rid of him. If you think Trump is smart you're actually more retarded than he is and you clearly haven't been paying attention. The neocons got their tax cuts and military spending. He's useless now. What better time to get rid of the dullard?
Are you retarded? If Carter Page was a Russian agent he wouldn't be a free man right now. All his forms of communication were being surveilled by the FBI. If there would have been something incriminating, we would know about it.
>in exchange for Trump lifting sanctions against Russia
But Trump never lifted sanctions against Russia????
Even if he met with Kremlin fucking what?
The Shillary campaign met with Russian officials during her campaign as well...BECAUSE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO!
He doesn't have the full picture is what I'm saying. Nunes purposely left things off the memo which if trump knows he wouldn't release it. There's plenty of republicans on the record about it but nunes is in trumps ear. Screen shot it fags, nunes is deep state.
We can smell your desperation.
...or perhaps Trump is delaying sanctions against Russia until this bogus investigation is dropped????
>release it us
>well it says here "TRUMP COLLUDED WITH RUSSIANS"... I'm not so sure about this
>trust us. It's a good idea. Just do it, okay?
>well... okay. Yeah I'll do it.
>this happened
Your best shitty effort yet! Keep trying you might accomplish exactly nothing per the usual.
>Drumpf is finished gaiz the Memo is actually anti-Drumpf!!!
>Btw that Memo isn't factual it's just a Republican Memo xD
>Um can you please redact the names in the totally not real Memo?
This is what losing looks like - get used to it you fucking Kikes.
Then stop watching it?
Why won't he release his taxes?
>memo highlights x
>memo leaves out x
pick one you stupid mother fucker
You're actually spot on with this. Senior FBI officials who have seen the memo actually say the same thing. The memo leaves out key details and this is why Trump has fucked himself over. It's gonna be a shit show. I feel bad for him.
Especially cause he's known to sign anything that comes to his desk.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
Shoo shoo Shareblue
Dems wouldn't be shitting their pants if the memo implicates Trump. They aren't capable of memes or 4D chess.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
>paki in charge of not understanding his host countries language
>not realizing an omission is different than altered.
Leave the adults alone kiddo, we're having a discussion here.
>release memo in current state
>this means same memo with new info is allowed to leak
The delusion
>Some of the republicans tried to stop it
Is that why democrats like Nancy Pelosi are reacting badly?
So why would President Trump be willing to release the memo, since he has read it?...Being that he is a "narcissist"...why would he allow a document to be seen that would do him damage, when he could easily hide behind an excuse saying the memo release would be a risk to national security, and do a 180 not to release it?
It is blatantly obvious why lefties need the fuckers cant even think for yourselves!
kys retard
It's not even a good effort. Get some more rest, come back and try again hunny
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
You gotta up your shill game, bro. That copypasta was ready used in this thread.
Agreed. But it wasn't Dems playing 4d chess though, it's a deep state oop. Some Dems are going to go down as collateral damage, that's what they are shitting themselves for.
Thanks for showing me what they want you to post. Time to dig.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
So this is how it all ends.
By me coming to Sup Forums looking for evidence.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
bless you bong
you post the same gif on every post
No, the memo leaves out key details. That's what is gonna fuck Trump over. You'll see soon enough, you brainlet. The FBI has and always will be a force for good that always has America's interests at heart, if you trust Trump a known charlatan and reality TV star over one of the most sacred and reliable government institutions of whom integrity is one of the highest ideals that they strive towards then you're beyond a fool but a traitor also. It's like trusting a nigger criminal over the white policeman.
If you honestly have no trust in the FBI it means that America as a nation is finished. It means Russia and other enemies have successfully subverted the United States.
You're saying Nunes set a trap for Trump with this. Then why are the Dems on the committee so against it being released? All just political theater?
To be redundant for your benefit...
Trump read the memo
Trump is an accused narcissist
But Trump would allow this document to come out, that fucks himself?
>yeeeeah, that makes sense
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
If this is the case. President Trump would have called for NO MEMOS to be released, whether it was the Nunes memo, or the Democrat counter-intelligence memo.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
>Did Carter Page get indicted?
>Calling someone a Russian agent to you can spy on Trump
Its Illegal
>Carter Page now has a libel case against the United States government
Just wait until the judge that approved the FISA throws Obama Admin under the bus
Get fucked shill!
Can I borrow that pasta? I'll bring it back, thanks
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
so russia wanted to ruin clinton after they gave her 140 million dollars because?
weak ass bitch.
>No, the memo leaves out key details. That's what is gonna fuck Trump over.
Trump can release all versions of the memo. Putting them in a bad position.
>If you honestly have no trust in the FBI it means that America as a nation is finished.
If you honestly don't believe agencies can't have conflicting interests, you are a """""Brainlet"""""
Cause he's being fed only part of the information he needs. It's right in front of you, this is deep state, screen shot this cause by Monday the narrative will be about how prez fucked himself.
>this is all i've got
trump is a genius
People will spit out Obama's name like they do Nixon's. Glorious.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
Fair enough...we shall see.
if anything, he signed all their death warrants.
He will likely survive this, most politicians probably will finish their terms. Whats really important is the hit the deep state will take.
Hopefully we return to constitutional adherence, and we are freed to survive and thrive.
>demoncrat *lack of intelligence* memo
You didn't answer my other question. But that's okay. We'll see. Right now, you're a D&C shill.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
>the losers are easy to spot
Frames the lie as if you were with Trump but too dumb not to throw Drumpf insults in.
>Yesterday Hope Hicks, Today Nunes is setting Trump up, and before all that Flynn and Manafort flipped.
Nunes the rat fucked trump, without realizing it the president bro just signed his own death warrant. Some of the republicans tried to stop it but nunes being a cunt was trying to make a name of himself left out the shit that's going to trap trump. I'm guessing nunes was a republican deep state agent.
Trump can declassify anything he wants by law idiot.
Error error does not compute....fpuck pflump
>a butthurt russian shill actually spent the time to make that
im honored
This lol..the amount of contradictory shilling against it is proof enough that it's clearly something.
this is some of the worst shilling I've ever seen attempted
Dems are going to fall for it too, both sides are going to fall except deep state agents. Think about it, the Dems tried to put out their own memo to stop the fall out, they weren't able to, so that's why they are throwing a tantrum. They know some of them are going to fall as well.
What evidence do you have to support that Nunes is DS? (Besides your scenario)
Shills, explain to me why you are all scared? Do you think your way of living will come tumbling down? Are you afraid that the boogeyman Trump will take away your social security? Do you fear that you'll be everyones mouthpiece for the rest of your life for a few mere nickels? Is that worth it to you? Do you want a real life after this is all over?
that's some of the most retarded shit I've read all day
(nice shitpost)
>If you honestly have no trust in the FBI it means...
Holy shit nigger. This is a metaphorical realm instantiated by consciousness, that's been overtaken by predatory thoughtforms who are currently inhabiting the body shells of %90+ of all government and elite class people on the entire fucking earth and whose goal is to permanently subjugate all actual humans into more and more secure states of imprisonment so that they can feed of of their life force for all time. OH NOES! THE GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT?! FUCKING OHOHHHHH NOOO!@!@!! SHOCKING@@@!!!!!!!!!! PLZ STOP SHOCKING ME LIKE THAT!!!!!! What the fuck board do you even think you're on?
Didn't see your other question. What question? I'll answer.
You massive goddamn idiot, They have nothing on Trump. The whole purpose of the illegal surveillance (which the memo details) was to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING on Trump during the election, to disqualify him from running. They never found shit, or he wouldn't be in office. How do you shills and leftypol not understand that??
Trump is going to make sure your false gods suffer for all this tomfoolery before this is over.
You answered it, kind of.
Here's the next one: