German hate thread
German hate thread
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Germans are the scum of the earth. They act like poles are disgusting,but at least they are not fucking niggers and Muslims.
Destroy Germany and force them to take refugees to breed out Germans.
Hate Germans for doing what being ordered.
at least we are not Inselaffen or frog eaters
>be me
>apply for Masters scholarship in Germany
>get accepted
>relative lives in Berlin and, tells it's an absolute shithole
>he's been an citizen for over 15 years
>tells me to migrate to any other ''white'' country
>refuse application
Did I do good ?
every 50 years or so the fucking retarded faggot germans start some shit and millions die. its time germany is bred out of existence and their worthless tacky "culture" erased
just learned about this gem of German cinematography:
>Katja is married to Nuri Sekerci, a Kurdish man with whom she has a 5-year-old son. They live in Hamburg. She met Nuri when she bought hashish from him when she was a student. She married him when he was still in prison, despite both his parents and hers being opposed to the marriage. Since the birth of their son Rocco, Nuri has quit drug trafficking, studied business administration while in jail, and now works in Hamburg at a translation and tax office.
>She drops their son off at her husband’s office in the afternoon. When Katja returns for him in the evening, she finds the road blocked. A policeman tells her that a man and a child have been killed in a nail bomb attack. DNA analysis confirms that the victims are her husband and son. Shortly before the attack, Katja saw a young blonde woman at the scene, and noticed that she did not chain her bike to the railings, although the bike looked new. The bike basket contained a black parcel.
>She tells the police what she saw, but their investigation initially focuses on revenge from drug traffickers. Katja suspects that her husband’s Kurdish background might have something to do with the attack. However, police arrest two suspects, André and Edda Möller, a young neo-Nazi couple with international connections, and the prosecution charges them with double murder, based on allegedly watertight evidence.
they're drowning in poo and they're too busy masturbating to fantasies about model citizen immigrants vs evil nazi terrorists
all refugees in germany should be round up and send to q*tar
kill yourself.
>A bunch of jealous subhumans who don't even show their own flag
>A mutt and a jew
This is pretty much what I expected from such a thread.
People on here unironically think a Jewish rabbi dressed up as a Muslim and is the guy on the right.
>kill yourself.
stop posting gando.
>but at least they are not fucking niggers and Muslims
German women have to be raped
American women do it for free
Can hardly believe
the funny thing is the evil Nazis were state funded, they got intelligence protection.
Hell in this country you can do everything when you work as "V-Mann" (undercover agent) many witnesses got killed before they could go to court
The peace truck driver of berlin was working with intelligence he sold drugs, but police did nothing, gee i wonder why?
Pic related.
Sup Forums is so desperate to defend retarded Muslims and blame Jews for everything that they will create conspiracies like this
You stop posting. Sup Forums was banned on my previous ISP. Had to change.
No shit. I did refused.
>the evil Nazis were state funded
you mean in the movie or in the 2004 Köln bombing?
Hahaha, you butthurt kra*Tfag.
Sup Forums was objectively better before the weak Sup Forums tier country bants
I actually don't mind Germans, I just think they should give Constantinople back.
T. Kraut that can't get laid because Ozk*n gets all the pussy
Kek, you're black - jokes on you (and it always will be)
>t. Inferior pale monkey
Show your flag, faggot.
>Islam is bad
>Jews make Islam only look bad
Can you brainlet Sup Forumsacks decide finally?
Hi Boland
This thread is sad because its true.
And I can't do anything to save my country, why live.