So is there gonna be a happening or not?
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this is gonna be like reverse WW1
I guess we have to bomb Serbia to protect goatfuckers again
Betting 0.0045BTC that they don't do jack shit.
this is 99% the most likely scenario IMO
Carefull with those drones this time
Actual politics and diplomacy happens far from public eye and coverage.
Serbs have been incredibly active in the last 4 years, accross the world.
They have a very capable government, which does things in secret, but goes for results.
I thought I would never live to see another Sanader rise among our shitty peoples.
Reposting so that diaspora kids don't ask for Yugo again.
Listen. I will tell you the Serbian perspective of Yugoslavia, one only a Serb can tell you.
First of all Yugo was biggest mistake Serbs could have made.
Second thing we have then been forced into Yugoslavians first by Cuck Aleksande Karadjordjevic and then by even worse Commiecuck Josip Broz Tito.
In order to make "Unity" more genuine and nation more welcoming for other slavs we almost lost touch with our Orthodox church and worst of all Cyrillic. The damage in our connection to Orthodoxy was repaired as we were in shit situation and after the fall of Commie regime, worshiping a God was not frowned upon, people quickly in hard times remembered God. Though Cyrillic did not have a big comeback, still more than half of the shop in Cities use Latin and many youth write in Latin, even car registration plates got in Latin... It's sad, like part of your culture dying.
Third thing we got fucked over by the people which we were supposed to be saviors of.
We were practically genocided and exiled twice by our most loving brothers Croats and Bosniaks? They are literally cuck Serbs and Croats that pussied out durring Ottoman occupation and they got their nationality forged by Tito with it literally evolving aroung them being Turk rapebabies, and believe me they pride themselves over it as it's only real identity they have. Montenegrins? Literally Serbs that got separated into another nationality by Tito and had identity propaganda stuffed down their throat for 70 years.
And that is not all.
benicio del toro?
How do you write Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz in Cyrillic?
>They have a very capable government
>They have a very capable government
>They have a very capable government
You fuckin wot m8
>Montenegrins? Literally Serbs that got separated into another nationality by Tito and had identity propaganda stuffed down their throat for 70 years.
Same thing you and the Greeks did to the Bulgarians in Western Bulgaria (Macedonia) and now they think they are Macedonian. Karma is a bitch eh?
Some of the letters have no exact cyrilic equivilent.
rz is something like ж
ę is something like eyн
szcz is шч or easeier one letter in russsain - щ
Гжeгoж Бжeyнчыщыкйeвич
>Karma is a bitch eh?
If I can't have it, you won't have it too!
polish shit sounds and is written very differently than south slavic but it's something like this
Гpзeгopз Бpзeкиcтиќeвиќ
more or less
But it's mine in the first place, so you are kinda greedy and demanding something that is not yours.Like me bitching about Belgrad.
rz isn't one phoneme you retard
>But it's mine in the first place
Same thing. Mountain Serbs are literally proto Serbs together with Rashkan Serbs, and look at them now.
i doubt it will happen.
Poland will not allow foreign powers to shill in Balcans anymore. Russians can go fck themselves and shill in their own country.
Polish troops are already there and will not allow anyone to hurt innocent people.
No, we are cucked.
It is Lupce.
Edgy contrarian brainlet mainstream sucker detected.
There is a reason why you are poor outcast, and others achieve a lot in their lives.
the us is a foreign power you literal retard
just let us kill the albos (and bosnians) and you'll have peace in the balkans
>not sucking Vucics sandwiches
>poor outcast
Chose one lad.
maybe in the event of a world conflict,otherwise highly unlikely :/
no it isn't
it's a name from a movie and he says it out loud
it's sounds like гpзeгopз
not гжeгoж
fucking moron
AFAIK Montenegrins are fully aware of it. No one really thinks they are a separate ethnicity, do they?
Calm down with the buzzwords Stipe. You don't know anything so be quiet
Didn't this guy get killed by the heroin dealing rednecks in Ozark?
>No one really thinks they are a separate ethnicity, do they?
If you only knew how bad things really are.
well,more so than the other balkan goverments fo sho
Vucic isn't THAT bad,aside from sucking a few dicks for diplomatic points
Why not get you annexed?
I know what it is. I've lived in Czechia and had polish flatmate with that in the name.
Don't hear the rz retard. it's ж op ш depending on the next letter.
>Vucic isn't THAT bad
>literally has connections with mijalkov (man who stole millions from our government)
majka nasa Crna Gora,zemlja godisnjeg odmora :D
Are these the 90's?
check my flag and then dare to complain about your government
Who would be better?
What are Serb national interests?
What policies should Serbia pursue?
You edgy fucktards on /pol can't even agree among yourselves, yet you dare to criticise a person in power.
How did a lesbian manage to sneak into Serbian government? It boggles my mind. A couple, years ago I would have sworn such a thing would not have been possible.
>Why not get you annexed?
i don't care
if the albos get genocided i'm fine with anything
>Don't hear the rz retard.
are your ears completely fucked from turbo folk kamene?
it's clearly a г sound followed by a з sound
>literally has connections with mijalkov (man who stole millions from our government)
Why would that be a bad thing for Serbs?
FYROM is enemy of Serbia and Serbs.
She's a puppet
not complaining i'm just saying that vucic is a nigger crook
also even comparing the ukraine with your country would be to harsh on you lads
Best lips in the balkans.
do you think that a man with obvious crony friends would have good intentions for the serbian people?
bulgarian is a nice language, alpine man
Dude, this country and nation never had and will probably never have bigger traitor then Vučič. Legit traitor with the fullest meaning of that word. The one which should be brought in front of court and charged with high treason.
And it's not like we ever had deficit of traitors throughout history. It has been after all our biggest export and import product since ever.
You are retarded.
Everyone is an enemy of Serbia.
Sloba was your biggest mistake by far
vucic is cool, hopefully he'll manage to maintain peace for a decade longer.
To me all these Serbs, Croats, Kosovos, Albanians is like the middle east kinda buzzle. Highly comolicated and I will never understand I guess. Some based Easteners might enlighten me here.
she was put under pressure there, Western/USA one.
Not even close to first picks.
In the end, it actually served purpose. Serbia needs optics to counter anti-Serb propaganda and villification in the West since 1991.
So choosing the Balkan first LGBT Prime Minister is show of "progress" and "tolerance".
Optics is everything.
Deception is everything. Tokens and symbolism is cheap and easy.
Talk is cheap, actions matter.
She was directly apointed by Vucic into her position midst a power vacum where every party coalition leader wanted to filll it in. Since most of them have controversial backround, he chose to put a fucking homo whore because why not?
What was his greatest treason?
From what position of authority do you speak to call someone a traitor?
What did you and your family do in your lives to earn the gratitude of Serbs and Serbia?
this Jure knows what's up
it's obviously some sort of exception you literal moron
compare the sound that should come out of his mouth
with the sound that does come out of his mouth
Bro, just inform yourself. Like, read/watch something besides CNN (and local CNN1 which operates here), Dezinformer, Bljuc, Nesrpki Teletabis, BU92 etc.
If you're pulling our leg and making fun out of us, then fine, nice bants bro.
Anyway almost every single politician from ex-Yu countries is some sort of puppet and whore for the globalists and EU.
i love the macedonians and bulgarians killing each other over linguistic details in every thread
Would be better if taxes weren't so high on local but low on foreign investments, would be better if the government wouldn't sell all our land to Arabs and Chinks, would be better if we had a free market, would be better if we didn't need to be in bed with the government to get anything done, would be better if they wouldn't accept kosovo independence to join eu.........
>crony friends
Serbia was taken over by Western-sponsored fifth column-NGO-mafia triumvirate in 2000.
They ruled until 2012.
"Corruption" is a total meme, the nations that spread corruption the most are USA, Germany; to get contracts, concessions etc.
Finland bribed Slovenian and Croatian decision makers, it was a huge scandal, to sell Patria POS.
it's GornaMakedonija naow
this. Nobody literally takes money from the budget for himself.
Except fucking b*snians..
>the next government surely can't be the same bunch of crony retards just with different names
Gorna and Dolna are literally used in village names here. KEK
i think it's because our languages are very mathematical and rigorous
you literally can't have an accent if you're speaking the language properly
For my view of Serbian politics, I read Novi Standard. Quality media content.
Which land was sold to Arabs and Chinks?
The EUAA/SSP signed in 2007/2008 had a clausule which stipulated that foreigners could buy land from 2017 the same way as Serbian citizens do. He vetoed it.
Serbia has free market, you dipshit. That's where all the trouble came from.
Running a huge trading deficit until 2014, selling your domestic banks and industries from 2000 is what got you into trouble.
You're a brainlet. Leave serious matters to serious people.
basically foreign powesr did not allow yugoslavia to consolidate the way germany or other big nations consolidated, so they fueled nationalisms of local tribes and encouraged separatism. that's why now you have several conflicting nations speaking the same language and for the most part having the same cultural and civilizational values.
>not loving and praising all our dialects
>being a shkupian brainlet
EU which is anti-european and anti-serbian yet we're selling everything cause insatiable whore in charge can't get enough of low-T cum from EU commie commisars which are themselves pathetic and weak puppets yet they are making 'the most powerful man in our country' their bitch every single night. From dusk till down, he's kneeling in front of their old, drunken, retarded, irrelevant legs.And despite all of that hukmiliation we won't be accepted into shiteredation known as EU before 2069. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.
He's disgrace. To himself, his family, our republic and nation.
Чeк дeм
>cucking for the West is 4d Chess
Bulgarbros, we have the most capable government of all according to this brainlet.
the rest is us being niggers and until we admit that we are niggers there is no moving forward
>Wow Gruevski is sooooo corrupt!!!!!!!
>VMRO-DPMNE are so criminal!!!!11
>let us vote for a Soros, US puppet Zaev
>he will bring justice and improve economy
>there goes our country, our identity, our name, and in comes the official Albanian language, soon to be followed by Federalisation
You are such a dimwit.
Yes you can. You speak in southwestern dialect.
vucic is based, he's a hc nationalist who leads us in the right direction
also, we will NEVER enter in EU under his rule, which was one of his goals nevertheless. and we should be grateful for that
>foreign powers
1) You're a foreign power
2) You're a US puppet state
3) The US is a foreign power
Гpгop Бpзeчишкијeвић
Grgor Brzečiškijević
no, we just lack political experience, we were pretty civilized during commie age.
maybe the people downtown were, all the villagers stayed wilin'
>Polish troops are already there and will not allow anyone to hurt innocent people.
Except if it's a dirty S*rb right?
Because you loved to fuck with us in 2011.
Thank God you are there to protect innocent Albanians, thank you for thinking about children and peace.
never said this
also vmro sold us out to the albos long before these lads sold us out
also i'd rather have a government that steals money by raising the gdp per capita and taking 5% rather than just stealing 20% of each person
ftfy m80
Paзбoли ce oд paкa бoтинo.
Well yes i am retatarted too
nope, vodno masterrace
+For them Kosovo is an independent country.
Unlike for us.
Stipe, you know nothing. Unless it's the bants. Then nice one bro. Real good bants.
Lelelele Vučič is JUST pretending to be brain damaged globalist cuck whore. It's all 69D Vučič chess.
I too bro support him ironically sometimes. Cause most of opposition if not all is even worse in some way. How's that possible still boggles my mind.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Go stop Turkish stream, this time.
>EU is anti-European
>Vučić is selling everything
>Vučić is a cuck to EU commissars
Tell me, is the majority will of Serbs to enter EU?
Did Boris Tadić win the election on EU-NATO integration grounds?
Did DOS rule Serbia from 2000 to 2012 on EU integration policy?
Did DSS-led government negotiate and ratify SSP/EUAA in November 2007, and DS voted it in Parliament in 2008?
Did Serbs follow a litteral CIA/BND plant that Đinđić and DOS were?
Did DS bring in EU and EULEX on Kosovo, preside over independence?
Did Jeremić and Stefanović initiate Bruxelles negotiations and agreements?
You're out of depth, kiddo.
>ever doubting bat boyko
Poland is the most cucked slavic country, it's disgraceful.
>be vodno faggot
>get landslided
>also vmro sold us out to the albos long before these lads sold us out
But it's ok because next govement didn't do it lol.
Oh look they sold us again, but it's ok because next goverment we vote for didn't do it lol.
Oh look they sold us again, but it's ok because next goverment we vote for didn't do it lol.
Oh look they sold us again, but it's ok because next goverment we vote for didn't do it lol.
Ad infinitum.
We have been douing the same token strategy.Works.Never forget that globalist are not stuped tho.They will push you to accept serioucely bad things in the guise of "token" and "irrelevant" so be carefull.
>Stipe, you know nothing. Unless it's the bants.
And what do you know? You're an edgy underachieving Serb imbecile, riddled with inferiority complex, who has and will never achieve anything, blaming it on government, people around you, society.
>You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
And you do? LMFAO, just read at the shit you've posted ITT.
Пocepeм ти ce y ycтa, јeбo тe шeшeљ и вyчић дa тe јeбaли мaјмyнчинo штaкopcкa.