At last raws for Shinohayu 46.
Saki Tanoshii
In the last chapter, South 2 ended with Shino dealing into the dealer's hand to avoid bigger losses.
South 1, 1 honba: Himebara: Yorina Ishihara dealer, who wins another dealer repeat.
Komosawa: Yuzuha Yukinaga: 37,300
Hirefuri: Maiko Terado: 27,900
Yumachi: Shino Shiratsuki: 25,000
Himebara: Yorina Ishihara:29,800
South 1, 2 honba: Yorina is still dealer
Yuzuha wins the hand and the dealer falls from second to third place again.
Komosawa: Yuzuha Yukinaga: 49,900
Hirefuri: Maiko Terado: 24,700
Himebara: Yorina Ishihara:23,600
Yumachi: Shino Shiratsuki: 21,800
South 2: Yuzuha is dealer, and she wins some hands.
Monitoring to avoid tokihood.
The points imply that Yuzuha ronned Yorina in the previous page, who fell to fourth place, but the points are 1000 off - need to recheck them (perhaps the points in the table are off).
Komosawa: Yuzuha Yukinaga: 69,900
Hirefuri: Maiko Terado: 21,600
Yumachi: Shino Shiratsuki: 17,700
Himebara: Yorina Ishihara:10,800
South 2 2 honba, Yuzuha is still dealer.
They are entering Shino's territory
The bird.
What would you cut?
smiling Shino in angel mode - Yuzuha plays it safe and discards the 7s
It didn't help, Shino did draw the fourth bird.
Shino doubled her points and rose to second place.
Komosawa: Yuzuha Yukinaga: 61,700
Yumachi: Shino Shiratsuki: 34,300
Hirefuri: Maiko Terado: 17,400
Himebara: Yorina Ishihara: 6,600
South 3 - Shino dealer
Shino is dealer and plays pon palace
I really need to start reading Shinohayu before the number of chapters start looking too intimidating.
naked wait - for a toitoi and two yakuhai
Maiko declared riichi and could not avoid dealing in in Shino's hand. She lost her riichi stick too (no pun intended) and fell to fourth place.
Komosawa: Yuzuha Yukinaga: 61,700
Yumachi: Shino Shiratsuki: 47,300
Himebara: Yorina Ishihara: 6,600
Hirefuri: Maiko Terado: 4,400
I think someone in the last thread mentioned that these are old yaku that aren't used anymore.
kachou fugetsu (not a konosuba reference) 1s, 5p, 1p, own wind when it is also round wind
South 3 1 honba : Shino dealer
here it comes - the bird...
Not stopping the rape train, Shino rose to first place.
Yumachi: Shino Shiratsuki: 59,600
Komosawa: Yuzuha Yukinaga: 57,600
Himebara: Yorina Ishihara: 2,500
Hirefuri: Maiko Terado: 300
Which chapter would give me the best stroke for my dick?
South 3 2 honba
Yorina ends Shino's dealership
Bonus art by Ritz
Maiko escaped death... but not for long
In South 4 (Maiko dealer), Shino ends the game.
Final points something like:
Yumachi: Shino Shiratsuki: 63,800
Komosawa: Yuzuha Yukinaga: 55,300
Himebara: Yorina Ishihara: 3,200
Hirefuri: Maiko Terado: -2,300
(from futaba)
Last page, next chapter in a month.
Question time:
How many hands did Shino by drawing or calling the bird?
Four hands in this chapter.
thanks for the dump
I see at least 2 people at that table who didn't have tanoshii.
27 has a good bath scene
The most parodied Shinohayu ero scene () is in Chapter 19.
Shino towel drop.
With this, Yumachi got the first win in the finals, but the point advantage over Komosawa is relatively small (8,500).
Next in the lineup is Kanna (sergeant), then Kyouka, Hayari, and Shizuku last.
Junchan, sanshoku, tsumo - right?
3 fan 40 fu
In Saki, the chapter in the booklet for the BD box
Reminder: this was only the vanguard match.
I have a bad feeling this will come down to Shizuku having to fight off that little monster from Komosawa.
It was a well fleshed out chapter.
The probable reason why there hasn't been a Zenkoku BD box is because Ritz injured herself fapping to her own artwork the last time she drew a bonus chapter.
I fucking love Hajime.
Shino's bird wins are uncanny.
The only time I won on a bird, it ruined a ryanpeiko.
meant for sorry
that was her last hand that Yorina stopped.
Riichi ippatsu tsumo Junchan Sanshoku Dora 2
8-10 han, Baiman.
Can't really see Shino's last hand.
If Team Shino can make it to middle school Zenkoku, then both Shinohayu and Saki could be set in the same location for several months.
Koromo did use the same unusual yaku (cachou fuugetsu) in Chapter 40.
111s 111p 555p WWW (double nan or double ton) and a pair
And we got a Kana moment in this chapter too.
Interesting; although she doesn't call "花鳥風月" explicitly.
And because Koromo's theme is the moon (1p), the bird (1s) is ignored, and vice versa for Shino.
looking through list of archaic yakuman...
Realize that Saki's win in Nagano was a special type of rinshan: Upin Kaihou
Rinshan on the 5p (Ch. 52)
not Shino, but the watching girls in also winning with the 1 sou while in a naked wait like in is called kinkei dokuritsu (金鶏独立) and worth a mangan (if in use).
Every time.
It doesn't stop here.
紅孔雀 beni kujaku (crimson peacock). The hand consists of only the 1,5,7,9 of Bamboo and the Red Dragon.
Another (unused) yakuman hand.
I'm always happy to see Shino win. Look at that smile on her face.
Thank for info. Oh, Shino is Mahjong goddess in making right? I really want to see how her skill/ability will develop from now on.
Wow - Shino is going through the entire catalog of poetic unofficial yaku.
This one is a combination of Mako and Yuu's favorites.
I'm starting to get more excited about Shino possibly appearing in the Saki manga than any of the other open plot elements (Goldfish, Saki-Teru rift, etc.).
It's becoming more obvious that Shino indirectly inspired the next generation of mahjong players. Shino is like Jordan in basketball or Pele in soccer.
the bird is coming
Anime when?
and I just noticed that the yaku was named here too.
dumping Toki (again)
I love them.
I wish western animation would use more real locations like this.
It adds a little magic to ordinary life.
OTOH, this is Sup Forums, so screw western animation.
Is that Shizu?
no, Toki and her classmates in 5th grade
Meki meki is very forward, not censored!
second naked Toki instead of Ryuuka in this chapter.
bonus sidekicks in swimsuits from Toki's first... vision?
last page, next chapter in a month for Toki too.
Toki (manga) began with naked Toki.
Interesting imagery; combines the water (Koromo; haitei) with the flower (Saki; rinshan ).
Who will be the first person to combine all of the mahjong natural elements: water, wind, dragon, flower, bird....
me too
I'll miss Maiko and Yorina. They were really nice atypical designs and their attitude and reactions felt really natural. Like me when I'm getting mad at R0.
Did her mind just briefly go to the future or something?
It's Fujita-pro's birthday today.
Presents she wants:
* Katsudon
* Super rare mahjong card
* Koromo
>Shizuku having to fight off that little monster from Komosawa.
I get hard just thinking about it.
The buchou who perfectly realises she's weaker than most, if not all of her underclassmen, but still tries her best for the sake of being a good leader to them and not betraying the hopes the rest has for her vs. a presumable demon-class who beat two pros in the captains match.
This has the possibility to match the prefecturals final in intensity, and Shimane's loss is a possibility. Man, this is what I like about career competitive series that follow a character's life and don't focus on a single tourney. Loss being a valid outcome always makes the stakes higher.
Well, it's a little sad that minor characters will disappear from the series. Achiga avoided this by rushing through the prefecturals and only developing somewhat Hatsuse (Ako's middle school friend) and Yae (Niwaka-chan) a little, and we will see her again in the individual tournament.
On the other hand, the teams are comparable to Tsuruga and Kazekoshi (prefectural finalists), so we may see more of them after the prefectural tournament.
*comparable for the characters, not necessarily for the series. There is also the rivality between Eastt and West Shimane, so we may see Yorina cheering for Yumachi if they bring down Komosawa.
Yeah, I think that's the idea.
Although the Achiga manga (pic) implied that Toki didn't acquire her future sight ability until high school after an illness.
I think this rivalry will continue into high school.
There will be two strong high schools in Shimane Pref.: Asakumi and Kasubuchi. Right now, it's looking like the Yumachi girls + Yue end up at Asakumi HS, and probably Aina and everyone else (Chihiro, etc.) at Kasubuchi HS.
It looks like she already had future sight but was only be able to control it in high school.
I mean the future she's seeing right now is way too far into the future.
Right now it's an uncontrollable glimpse. She will learn to control it in her second year of high school, and it was too late for the interhigh tournament. This means that Toki had her one-turn-ahead sight for less than a year in the Saki timeline.
Fujitan yay
6/25: Merry Inverse Christmas
Very strong players may be scouted (see Kokoro), but I doubt that it will happen for such a small prefecture, unless they provide impressive results (see Shino - no contact to her yet).
This means that some of the players may join schools in other prefectures.
The cutest!
the similarity with
is noticeable - Shino trying (and failing) at making a poker face.