Tomboys are for winning
Tomboys are for winning
Right you are, user. Always remember that people who like tomboys always objectively have better taste than people who don't.
Not all of them
Jesus Christ, please never defile Tatsuki with such a cancer image ever again.
And while you are at it, stop posting.
But were they nakama?
She's such a great character
Best girls, best moms.
Read that just now
Good shit
/lit/ a best
Wrong. They're for dressing up.
Any series where tomboy wins?
what is this
Fuck off.
holy shit, why is this the first time i see this.
this is not a spoonfeeding thread
this is not a spoonfeeding board
Google and Yandex don't turn up shit, it's fair play to ask
google works perfectly fine for me with OP image. or just lurk more people talk about this manga all the time on Sup Forums
Normally I'd give source if reverse image searches don't work, but the other user is right, the scanlator's name is right in the fucking image along with the title of the god damn h-manga itself, end yourself.
Use saucenow for pages
not him but i don't think he's talking 'bout OP's image
I'm not after the OP image. And clearly, they don't talk about the one I was after
That I didn't notice, my bad
that also worked, thanks
>google works perfectly fine for me
Google is unreliable, it returns results based on localization and search history.
that one's even easier!
>That I didn't notice, my bad
Kill yourself
>hurr no spoonfeeding
>hurr reverse image search it fag
How about you neck yourself faggot? If it's the same thing as the op then it's not a big deal, but how fucking hard would it be to just say what it is instead of being an insufferable cunt?
>being this much of spastic
I know this is Sup Forums but there are limits
your right and i don't condone spoon feeding, i was just trying to clear up what *I* thought was a misunderstanding....... i get enough of those in anime.
>hurr I am too dumb to fucking read shit and people are mad at how fucking stupid I am why are they so mad?????????
Kill yourself
>thinking I don't know this but say it anyway because "lurk more" doesn't carry enough meaning anymore
tbf he just needed to look at the image for >5 seconds.yeah my bad I just assumed it was op because it's not a full page like the one he asked for is.
>but how fucking hard would it be to just say what it is instead of being an insufferable cunt
If you even need to ask that question unironically, then you don't belong here.
>tbf he just needed to look at the image for >5 seconds
Yeah but the matter is already sorted, any further shit slinging afterwards is pointless overkill
We're supposed to be talking about best archtype here!
>faggots won't stop arguing and derailing
Just report and ignore.
>I post a full page with no crops
>it has the translation and title in moonrunes
>all this buttmad
I didn't expect that.
OP's already told everyone who's best girl though
turning tomboys a little or even wholly feminine is the ultimate fetish of mine
>you're not autistic enough to be here
I just forgot how obnoxious people on Sup Forums are desu.
>weebs want their weeb board to remain pure and do not want to have to pander to retards, normalfags and secondaries
if you don't like this aspect of Sup Forums why do you stick around? there are other places that will be more open to your type of faggotry
>expecting people not to be horrid cunts makes me one of those things
Holy shit nigger kys
>asked for sauce when it's ettiquete here to not ask for sauce
>nooooooooo why aren't people giving me sauce they should pander to MY needs and change their nature to fit MY desires
you reek of entitled faggot
You reek of autism, please keep that shit in check.
>comes on to Sup Forums not expecting autism
how new is you
Because they have a stellar record of winning outside of doujinshi, right?
normalfag detected
Why haven't you seen owari yet?
tomboy osananajimi are for getting fucked by fat old men while you watch
>tfw not a fat old man getting laid with all the best girls who all love it.
>goes to Sup Forums
>be a dumb nigger
Lurk more.
> tfw not a fat old man
Don't worry, we all get there eventually. The only challenge is having a functional mind and penis by then.
it's not a challenge. just exercise and do a LOT of fapping.
Just fucking write allies, filthy weebs.
>old and fat
>keep exercising
That was adorable
you don't become fat if you exercise, retard.
>tfw now realize she's over autistic against him
Fuck, another red flag.
l2r mong
the goal is become old and fat and the advice is to do a lot of exercising?
tomboys always lose
Only when they are also tsundere.
you keep your mind active by making sure your heart stays healthy so it can continue pumping rich, nutrient-rich blood to every part. you keep your dick active by fapping a lot.
this shit is basic fucking a priori knowledge.
>It's a "gets blow the fuck out posts what he thinks is a smart comeback" episode
My favourite
Looking for source checklist before you embarrass yourself like a dumb monkey:
>Look at the damn image for hints
>Is the title on the page?
>Is the author on the page?
>Are there character names I can use?
>Are there translator links?
>Is it written on the filename?
If not then:
>Sauce now
>Did I forget to maximize the image before looking it up?
>Yandex (the most important step)
Still nothing?
>Did I read the thread?
>Is it on the archive?
Out of luck?
>kindly ask for source and tell Sup Forumsnons you tried everything on the list.
Nisekoi (if you consider every girl from the beehive, including the winning one, are manlier than the rest of the girls), TWGOK, Macross (militar girls are de facto manly), DB/Z, Video Girl Ai, Rurouni Kenshin. Being tomboy is more than looks and being carefree. It's showing odd temper shifts and attitudes that are really unfitting for a woman.
Not when they are tsundere, bae tho. If they are main girls, then they are the de facto winners.
I want to meme about you stuffing latin into such a basic reply but I love tomboys too much to derail this thread any more
These are the things that tomboys are for
Can't argue with that
Not enough tomboys in this tomboy thread.
What kind of tomboys are we talking about?
The ones with shot hair, a kinny body that get mad at you when you call out their femenine traits?
Or the busty ones, womanly ones that blush when you tell them their tits are huge and her body is very fuckable?
>What kind of tomboys are we talking about?
Tomboys with dicks
Go away.
now that's an offer only the most beta of males could remotely consider refusing
>toppest tier
Short haired tomboys with c-cups who know they get leched at and play along with it but who don't really see themselves as fuckable/wife material until the man they love starts to prod at their femininity.
>great tier
Long-haired tomboys with massive tits who get mad when you point it out to them
>good tier
short-haired aggressive violent washboard tomboys who get mad when you point out that they still have a cunt despite everything and when they fall for you they start to display feminine tendencies
you've got to be joking right?
Pretty good.
What about short haired tomboys that act manly, but refuse to date you because they think you can get a "real woman", but blush intensly when you start groping her tits a tong kissing her?
Wanna read it, don't know the name
Tomboys are the key to achieving world peace
I just find them so attractive
Too bad they don't exist in the real world
hey, you saved my pic, thanks.
you have fine taste, user
>those blushing dudes
>"Fuck why is my dick swelling for this girl (male)?"
Tsugumi is a shit tomboy anyway.
nothing translates well to 3D
if you had a girl like your image, it would be a SJW or a dyke
Don't I know it brother
>nothing translates well to 3D
2B does for me.
She is a borderline tomboy because still discovering her feminine side.
>The moment when nisekoi turned to shit
Can we have one thread without 3D shitters and bloggers ruining everything?