Best movie about an ethnostate, Sup Forums?
Black Panther is an Alt-Right hero
Other urls found in this thread:
>Entire country of negras
>Entire country of whites
Take a guess on which one has a civilization. Take a wild fucking guess. I wonder if they are going to include the wall in this movie adaptation, or if Rogandababwe will be the progressing "let them all in" shithole in the newer version of the comics. Outside of that, I literally don't give a shit.
Nigs will never leave for their own Etho state cuz they will get no more Gibs from the white man
Just remember to not go watch it.
Every race deserves an ethnostate.
Ours was given away by evil leaders.
Lol based mickey
> Yo Tyrone, you kno we wuz kangz ‘n shiet?
> Hol up, u be sayin’ dis brudda ere can be a kang??
> Das rite Ty, we gots like flying space pyramids ‘n Nubian kweens and we own wh*te slaves nigga
> dayum pham, were dat be at??
> weal homie, you gots ta get to a city far beyond the mountains of afrika, higher den any wh*te man ever been
> do u kno da wey Jamal?
> yeh, but to get that high you have to kno Wakanda...
> shiet nigga, Wakanda??
> yeh brudda, but I dont rememba no mo
> remember what homes? De way dere?
> nah, nigga - Wakanda drugs we was on
I’m not watching your shitty movie Marvel
Reminder they will not allow any bad review on the movie, both from professionals and regular people.
You know black nationalists and white nationalists get along really well right?
I completely agree with you.
You are correct.
Black Panther is /ourmovie/.
Jeez, everyone is being paid a lot to shill this aren't they?
Lol nice
>Best movie about an ethnostate, Sup Forums?
There was ethnostate for centuries. It was called Europe. Stop promoting this nigger garbage. This fucker is your hero only if you are soyboy cuck.
good point
spread this on faceberg and twatter
Here's the article:
>Black Panther is not a character whose backstory, morals, or goals will cater to globalists, multiculturalists, or SJWs. Black Pidgeon Speaks, a cultural commentator whose YouTube channel boasts over 200k subscribers, points out several tenants of Black Panther’s character that paints a portrait of T’Challa as a “hero of the alt-right.” Firstly, Black Panther is anti-globalist. Black Panther’s moral coda is steeped in a strong nationalistic conviction that constantly places the wellbeing of his people’s history, culture, and identity over any external attempts at opening up the culture and economy of Wakanda, the fictional African country in the Marvel universe. Wakanda is a hierarchal society that’s intentionally racially homogeneous, and its immigration policy is essentially isolationist. Other cultural influences are not permitted within Wakandan borders, as Black Panther believes them to be harmful to the wellbeing of his people. The Wakandan King enforces these policies through a culturally entrenched military, the Hatut Zerzae (a former secret police force turned mercenary group) & the Dora Milaje (the King’s all-female Praetorian Guard). In this sense, T’Challa expresses strikingly neo-Nazi tendencies.
Holy shit, it's like the script really was written by an /ourguy/ behind the scenes to sneak redpills past the idiot nigger actors and audience.
>There was ethnostate for centuries. It was called Europe. Stop promoting this nigger garbage. This fucker is your hero only if you are soyboy cuck.
its literally trying to ruin it for them, use your brain dumbass
But all that lebensraum is so tempting, I can feel my anglo-sense tingling
I completely agree with you. Black Panther is /ourmovie/.
One God! One Aim! One Destiny! Negro-Fascism on America’s Shores!
Alright, so Marcus Garvey is a fascist. Don’t take my word for it though, “We were the first fascists. . .when we had 100,000 disciplined men, and were training children, Mussolini was still an unknown. Mussolini copied our fascism.” When you think about it makes sense, of course - only because of Western myopia has fascism become the ideology du jour of white supremacy, as a system of values it could be applied to any oppressed and dispossessed racial and spiritual community with a shared history. Marcus Garvey then, in founding the United Negro Improvement Association and seeing that the future of Africans anywhere depended upon African success and strength everywhere, utilized a sort of proto-fascism to organize and unite a black diaspora which had previously been characterized by internal fraction and strife.
By emphasizing the ancient strength of Africa by talking up the Kingdom of Ethiopia and by emphasizing the spiritual nature of the African community by talking up the biblical origins of the Ethiopian Kingship, Garvey developed the origin myth and call-to-past-glories which are so typical of fascism. And by emphasizing the importance of success in all fields, including business, as opposed to the then in vogue vague-socialism of black intellectuals, he worked to divert black energies from what were of course completely pointless and lethargic complaints against the class component of their oppression and into the productive development of the United Negro Improvement Association, which developed black business interests and social and political organizations across the country.
Of course in strange aeons all niggas must die, and so too did Garvey in 1940 and holy crap who could have known the UNIA fell into internal conflict and nowadays the association don’t matter a shit. Garvey did have a massive impact on black nationalism afterwards though as an example of a guy who actually succeeded at what he aimed at. Also Malcom X’s mom and dad apparently met at a UNIA meeting and MLK jr. gave him him credit for starting the whole black liberation “thing”.
So you see LF, fascism is not only not All That Shit You Hate, but rather a defined and historically identifiable movement as well as potentially a positive, even from the sort of pathetic, emasculated white liberal point of view most of you fuckshits probably are looking at things from.
In all honesty, I personally would not be that disappointed with world revolution and international communism, being that capitalism seems poised to literally, literally, destroy civilization in a suicidal frenzy should it not achieve 8% growth every year. But I sincerely consider fascism to be the backstop of human development, the highest point of possible human organization and society. That is of course a statement contingent upon our current level of technological and social development, though, as further progress naturally mandates more and more complex systems, like the Federation of Planets.
The crux of the thing is materialism, and just as I said in the op that a core part of the fascist program is that certain things cannot be compromised and voted upon, so too can fascists never bend on the issues of God and Country. The idea that we are alone on this earth, that there is no higher calling than the development of yourself as an individual through the temporary and intermediary steps of helping the development of others, that history is a cabal of rich people working to endlessly fuck the poor - these ideas are simply wrong, and there can be no compromise on them. Fascism has nothing to say to Communism then, the differences between the two being fundamental and unalterable, and as such the only possible resolution between the two possible is achievable only through long knives and pistols and einsatzgruppen.
So remember, lf, that our place is out in the clear air, beneath a moonlit sky, cradling a rifle, and the stars overhead. Let the others party on. We—outside—in tense vigil; earnest and self-confident, we divine the sunrise in the joy of our hearts. Death to America.
>The good guy is the one trying to democratize, open up, and bring diversity to the ethnostate.
>The bad guy is the xenophobe trying to keep it closed off.
Yeah, no.
Nice post
So Wakanda is basically nigger Rhodesia? (assuming the """"""""good""""""""" guy wins, I haven't seen it)
Heil Black Panther.
No amount of "/our movie/" memes will get me to watch, let alone pay for, nigger capeshit
Freaking kek. Top kek.
>paying to watch a movie
Why would you ever do that?
Say it with me Black National Socialist. This scares the Jew.
Kek. Make Disney great again.
Can someone explain the plot of this movie? Im not going to see it
apparently mickey was the first SJW
Why isn't this movie called Black Nigger.
Fucking nogs. Get out of my face already.
>Black Panther goes back to Wakanda after having been out in the world for a while
>Population are weary of him for having been absent
>African-American guy shows up and challenges T'Challa for the throne
>They punch for a bit
>T'Challa makes Wakanda great again
There. I've just summarised every Black Panther story ever.
how have they rendered you germans so unable to 'get it'?
You are a fucking retard if you can't see how this will piss off the Left.
Look at the big brain on Lauritz von Guildhausen
Please elaborate.
>Wakanda drugs we wus on
Is your dick Jewish? Cause this is fucking gold
Reminder how liberals aren't complaining about a lack of white people in this movie.
>muh ethnostate
Fuck this piece of shit. Aids infected faggot.
>Black Ethnostate is a utopia since all share the same culture and values
>Sup Forums won't capitalize on this because muh niggers
Cappin this, pure gold, thank you user
La Creatura....
>muh niggers
isn't actually a meme, Sup Forums despise niggers