is racism learned or is it genetic?
Is racism learned or is it genetic?
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I'd smash that without hesitation.
Polite sage
Even chimps kill members of other tribes.
Even in Chimp culture, there is a good chance they'd eat you for that.
Racism is just nonsense made up by Jews that they throw at people when they go against there one world government agenda.
>is racism learned or is it genetic?
It's learned and members of certain races who behave badly in disproportionate numbers teach it.
Genetic, When I was a kid I was afraid of niggers because I thought they were devils. I came up with that conclusion without outside interference.
So chimps kill other chimps? What does that have to do with race? Whites are racist for killing other whites?
Both environment and genetic traits, influence behavior.
learned of course
SAGE based on false premise
genetic - watch a black kid beat their chest like a baboon and make the wife abuser expression and you won't think about them the same way.
my parents were never racist. my father especially. my mom doesn't like niggers but never really said anything while I was young. My friends were not racist, however, I always detested foreign people, especially niggers and gypsies (I grew up in Portugal) so I would say in my case it has got to be my above average intelligence and insight when noting and analyzing patterns.
Humans are animals
Animals segregate themselves
A trait cannot be one or the other, it's always a combination of both.
what is racism?
Learned. I wasn't racist until I saw what most other non whites think of the white race, and I lost my patience on so called "assimilation."
Preference to one's kin is genetic, organisms that didn't have a preference to mate with a member of a same species died out. Racism as it is humanly understood is learned after being around people of a different ethnic group. The only non-racists are those who stay within their community and presume other People are the same.
>what non-whites think of whites
If you agree that it's learned, then isn't that just the result of marxist brainwashing?
there's no peer pressure for them to assimilate though. not only you let them set up their ethnic/cultural enclaves, you encourage it.
It’s in-group preference and it’s served all cultures well. All species and sub-species have it, except humans are the only dumb fucks who ostracise people for pointing that out.
maybe a little of both desu senpai
Anything said by a white that can be misconstrued to a 'minorities' advantage!
Racism is an instinct so it's genetic.
It's also learned after people develop their rational intelligence.
Only some emotions go against racism such as pity.
Mixture of both.
>not only you let them set up their ethnic/cultural enclaves, you encourage it.
Whites don't encourage it, the jewish MSM does!
Hatred against Turks is genetically imprinted in me and my fellow Maltese.
I learned to hate people with shittier genetics, but I was naturally good at it.
My racism is now cured. Open borders now!
>whites dont encourage it
oh sweetie
jews are literally white
It's called tribalism, and no, it isn't bad, unless your white.
I second that
I feel sorry for the ones who are actually grateful, because of the savage trash that slipped in with them.
it's pattern recognition
I'll drink to that, cheers mate.
polite sage as well.
That it is observed in chimps shows that it has been genetic even before hominids.
Whites have killed other whites for tribalism for a thousand years.
genetic and for good reason- the peoples without the gene all died out.
a very tiny minority of them are. I have christian syrian relatives all over europe, "refugees" and non-refugees alike. Very educated and hard working. Whenever the kike media talks about muh lawyers and engineers they are referring to that tiny 1% christian minority with degrees.
Also integration is a fucking meme. They don't let non-german kids go to school/kindergarten with german kids and you need some kind of permit to even start learning german.
t. half syrian
to the extent this bitch is attractive it's due to mixing with white genes that toned down her african features.
Okay, but how does skin color factor into all this? History shows us that some tribalism can be overcome with positive results.
also the US has plenty of irish,german,russian etc immigrants. Also japanese and chinese immigrants, the latter 2 even serving in WW2. Are they not American or what?
I'd say it's a built in response that can be overridden. People are tribal and we tend to self segregate. Evolution has built us from the ground up to be suspicious of people who are different from us. The most obvious differences are physical, so we tend to start there, but we go even further and segregate from one another based on political or religious belief which is why you can have physically homogeneous populations happily slaughtering each other over even minor differences in belief over how you should worship the local sky daddy. And before some atheist pops up to condemn religion, atheist communism was more than happy to take advantage of this system to get communists to slaughter each other, too. You'll occasionally see a meme with a black baby and white baby that declares "racism has to be taught." This is horse shit. That's like saying because you put a tiger and lion cub together in captivity and they become lifelong friends that tigers and lions in the wild wouldn't slaughter each other if they came together. All mammals have a window at a young age where they can be socialized, imprinted, if you will, with pretty much any other mammal as one of it's own. Humans are no exception. The tiger and lion cub will get along together for the rest of their life because they were brought together during this socialization phase ,but if that if that lion socialized tiger approached some lions in the wild expecting to be accepted, he'd be in for a rude awakening. We're basically the same. Civilized humans are basically domesticated apes living in self imposed "captivity." The more intelligent of us actively override deep seated instinctive responses in order to function in modern society. We're ALL natural "racists" because we're all basically tribal.
mommi i wanna sukkle
learned when u practice realism in normal day to day encounters.
Neither. It is common sense.
>another one of these threads
kek i was just memeing. I know how much you love these threads. Im geniunely curious though.
The mechanism for getting a bunch of people of widely varying ethnic and ideological backgrounds to work together is a concept dubbed the "Super Tribe." The biggest Super Tribe is the Nation/State, but other examples of Super Tribalism are Sports Team Fans and religion. Here's how it works. Basically, Humans have a fixed number of people we can consider to be part of our tribe. It varies according to intelligence. The higher your intelligence, to more people you can mentally file away as a member of your tribe, but the average is about 150, which is about as big as a tribe of hunter-gatherers could get and still be a functional group. What somebody figured out when we started building cities was that even the dimmest of us could glom on to the idea of a larger group. The Super Tribe has to be fairly simple in ideology and has to have a basic symbol with two or three colors the members cam rally around. Communism had the red flag with a yellow hammer and sickle and the basic ideology of "Workers of the world unite!" Christendom has the Cross with the basic ideology of "Jesus saves." A sports team has a mascot with a simple logo, two or three color pattern and the basic ideology of , "Fuck those guys over there!" The reason a Super Tribe works is because it offers a simple symbol and ideology to rally around. Individuals can add their own internal complexity to make the Super Tribe fit into the the more complex social structure of their own immediate tribe. A Super Tribe can supersede race, religion and even basic ideology if it doesn't clash directly with it. People wanting to carve off a piece of a super tribe to gain tier own political power over the splinter faction will emphasize the differences of the Super Tribe's constituent groups. Politicians wanting to keep the Super Tribe together will deemphasize the differences of the constituent groups and instead emphasize the bonds the constituent groups share within the Super Tribe.
I would shoot my genetics all over those tits desu famalama
Both. There is a biological root for hatred of all evil, shitskins included, but that can obviously be suppressed by environmental factors.
An thought experiment
Ask yourself, what would the world look like if racism was inherent?
Then ask yourself, what would the world look like if racism wasn't inherent?
And then tell us which answer is closer to what world history actually looks like.
>People wanting to carve off a piece of a super tribe to gain tier own political power over the splinter faction will emphasize the differences of the Super Tribe's constituent groups
So doesn't that prove that the more diverse a supertribe is, the bigger the number of weakspots it has?
Tribalism is genetic. Racism is leaned.
It's jewish.
you are instinctually inclined not to like what's different from you
then you learn why
>grew up in rural Canada
>complete liberal peace loving non-racist
>moved to toronto for school
>unironically hate niggers and want a race war
I think its learned personally.
Racism is learned but genetics are it's teacher. Being around subhumans makes you racist. Very few people hate other races based on never being around them.
Yep, good point.
It's an idea worth exploring until you learn why there actually is such a thing. Then you realize that it was Trotsky that learned to weaponize it to destroy national identity in politics. All of a sudden, it's not irrelevant anymore, and is something worth discussing. Until it's discussed properly, there can never be another ethnostate ever again.
Stop misquoting. Trotsky didn't "invent" it. He merely came up with a way to weaponize it for political gain.
Racism comes from personal experience
Imho, blacks and hispanics are way more racist, while whites are currently struggling to advocate for themselves.
Yet whites in cities are probably less racist than their rural counterparts. I suppose that proves there's a genetic component to racism
it's definitely learned
there was some muslim girl in elementary school i went to. we were all friends with her and didn't care about any differences until parents and teachers started yapping on about how we shouldn't discriminate or harass her. we didn't really understand why we would harass her in the first place, but as you get older you learn history, cultures etc
I grew up in a rural community two hours outside of Toronto that was 98% white. In elementary school, we would go on a yearly field trip to the Toronto Zoo. That yearly field trip was the only time I got to see large amounts of non-white people. When I was 8 years old on this field trip I can specifically remember being afraid of the Muslim women who wore full niqabs. No one taught me to be afraid of them, I disliked them because of how different they were from me. Everyone is racist to a certain amount and that depends on your upbringing. If you were raised in a white rural community, like myself, you are more likely to be outwardly racist. If you grew up in a big city, being constantly subjected to multiculturalism on a daily basis, the chances of you being racist are slim to none.
ingroup preference is instinctive and race is a very clear indicator you are not part of the ingroup.
Whenever someone asks you this question, link to this video:
A bit of both.
Humans (and any animal lifeform really) are very tribal in nature, so they stick to those that are familiar and whatever binds them can be race, language, political beliefs, etc.
People do this because inherently we are insecure and have evolved with that type of thinking.
Now the extent to which one shows or displays that hatred, fear, aversion, etc is learned.
For example some may display their racism towards another in a very expressive and outwardly way, and that usually is due to an environment that permits that like 20th century America for example.
on the other hand a person may be racist, but not to the extent of the previous example, it could be small things like avoiding crossing a certain person's path on a sidewalk, or glancing over at a certain customer in a store more often.
This is racist too, but it's not as blatant because the society it occurs in probably doesn't allow for outwardly show of these thoughts, but is okay with the implication of it.
Personally I don't think the later form of racism is always bad, (since there's definitely a valid reason humans act that way, it's because we follow patterns, and when we find patterns we like we stick with them and those we don't like are watched for.) but it can also become an issue at times when assumptions become a persistent form of thought.
She’s got big hands
In the sense of in-group preference and everything that entails, genetic. In the sense of "I hate this other group" that's environmental in the sense that you only hate something if you are in contact with it. For example, I don't hate abbos or tatars because I literally never have had to deal with these people because they're not in my country. If I were Aussie or Russian, I might hate them more from having to deal with them.
As far as learned behavior, anti-racism is something that needs to constantly be pushed on people as propaganda, and if the propaganda is ever interrupted, people return to their natural state of being "racist"
its not prejudice if its from experience, then its postjudice and perfectly justified
Learned, after having to deal with them. That is why uber liberals are from gated white as fuck communities.
It is a lesson taught by the niggers themselves.
there definitely are implicit biases
but... for the most part it is learned
To be fair, a bet a fuckton of that is just niggers calling each other niggers if you're just looking at word usage on twitter with a broad brush. The general trend is true though; whites are racist where they have to deal with nonwhites.
for you
>is racism learned
it's one of very few things learned by the illiterate, innumerate, incompetent,
uncomprehending members of society, so congratulations on learning something, you shits
I'd smash with my car too.
learned but also perpetuated.
Probably a bit of both. If blacks acted like whites on average, I suspect they would still self segregate into their own neighborhoods, and over the decades would eventually be absorbed into the greater society. But there is going to be in group preference - which is not the same thing as racism, though it can include racism.
Also, if you're a white guy, think about what bothers you more: Coal burning, or oil drilling. Most of you, I suspect if you're being honest with yourselves, would say coal burning.
back to plebbit faggot
you have a genetic inclination to liking members of your own race/tribe and generally a natural aversion to foreigners.
to really hate niggers you need to live around them though.
I challenge you to move to Detroit or Chicago's south side. Lets see if you last a year with your kumbaya bullshit.
Ingroup preferences are inherently genetic. Genuine racism is learned either through parents, actual lived experiences, or statistics
"Genetic". We are social animals that prefer our in groups
> How dare someone have actual contact with nigs and learn from it! How dare you understand tabulated crime statistics!!!
Jew conquer and divide tactic perfected by Trotsky.
You don't come out of the womb hating someone else.
All I’m saying is racism is influenced by environment, and I’m making it a clear distinction from in group preferences. Learn to read
You're taking a very thin approach to genetics. You don't come out the womb hating someone, but you are naturally inclined to form tribal groups and prefer your in-group. And close contact of different groups with different goals results in conflict, and therefore hatred.
you're not born hating shitskins, but you're born with the predisposition that leads to hating shitskins if forced to live with them, as we are today.
Get your asses back to Haiti you fucking negres
racism exists for white people survival that's why they made racism white supremacy
And what's wrong with that?
Neither. "Racism" is a marxist propaganda term. An invented word used to attack Whites.
fear of the unknown is in every human.
racism is different. racism is the belief that there is multiple races in humanity.
but what you call racism is even different. disliking a person based on his skin color or religion is more xenophobia. this can find tis source in the fear of the unkown but elsewhere too.
in any media or social interaction you can develop xenophobia. or can never develop it. xenophobia may or may not be justified : if you like pork but are in a muslim contry, you can hate them for not letting you buy pork. this is a form of simplification (not necessarily all want to forbid it) but also justified xenophobia. but at the same time, if the country allow you to eat pork and no muslim put social pressure on you when you eat some, your xenophobia should disappear.
xenophobia or racism has a bad press right now because of how the norms are and how the media treats it. "racists" or "xenophobes" or "homophobes" are likely to suffer harsh moral or even physical attacks by the medias or by other people. the cause is very likely to be linked to the end of world war 2, the end of slavery then segregation in USA, and the decolonisation.
so in a nutshell, both.
Would you fuck an animal? Because, assuming you're White, what you're proposing is only a small step above bestiality