Reminder that this is all a shitskin has to do to get a comfy house in a western country for free
Reminder that this is all a shitskin has to do to get a comfy house in a western country for free
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How terrible. Free shelter. What next, free food and clean water. When will the world learn life should be like your Mad Max fanfiction.
>you should get free shit for being a nigger
Free Shelter is good. But not on my costs. Fuck you commie.
So long as you personally pay for it, I want no part in taking care of those who contribute nothing. It is your prerogative.
How do you feel about the infirmed, or those who cannot work or suffered injury during work?
Can a satisfactory welfare state exist alongside free market capitalism?
wtf is even going on in this gif? its just water, kid.
> for free
Freedums ain't free
If we don't care for those who cannot care for themselves, then what? We just watch them die in the street?
You should get free shit for being a human.
I thought you were so smart and powerful you can't donate to charity. Times are tough, might as well blame the jews for being the ones running literally every corporation and government around the world.
You guys should be the ones that want to colonize the new planets out there, instead of worry so much about crying about immigration.
Exactly, gas the kikes for making money and burn the mudslimes for not working. Either way you're just a parasite on the culture of being non-colored.
>1 syrian
>2 wives
>8 children
>has never contributed anything to my country
>probably never will
>gets everything for free
>has a better house than i will ever be able to afford
>thinks that's exactly how it should be because those kuffar scum is stupid af anyway
You know what? You can go fuck yourself, cunt.
>freedom isn't free
1984 called they want their slogans back
>You should get free shit for being a human.
doesn't contradict his point desu.
And i just noticed how that one hijbai bitch is preggers again, jesus fucking uggghhhh
>wtf is even going on in this gif? its just water, kid.
It was holy water, and it harms the islamic demon.
Yup, either you're stealing your jobs or you're not contributing. THANKS OBAMA.
I'm sorry Britain and Germany fought wars against each other! Britain owes the German people a huge apology! We were the monsters, cucked by the jews!
You're against people that own pets because they don't pay for part of the rent?
>You should get free shit for being a human.
Please fucking kill yourself.
what's stopping you from impregnating a woman and receiving gibs, hans? oh, your autism...
> Britain owes the German people a huge apology!
piss off, groveling cunt
Social safety nets are fine. Just not for people who aren't actually a part of this country.
Civilized people only shit out kids when they are able to support them, sister-fucker.
>You should get free shit for being a human.
Yeah, they can get free bullets.
pets are obedient, potty trained. and don't rape.
also they can't and don't wish to kill me inb4 nigbulls, yeah I'm against those too
I worry about something like this happening to me
I'm too trigger happy with pranksters and niggers
this is why you will go extinct in the near future while my superior inbred spawn rules the world you filthy kraut
they can have all these things sociology student guy but YOU have to work in the factory 12 hours a day to pay for it. Cool?
>implying i want to live in such a world
Top kek, idc.
Drop dead kid.
Yeah. Thats the cost of our world. Some will live some will die, there isnt enough to go around. If you want, give up your stuff so he can stay and you starve.
>why aren't you abusing the very system your people have built?
maybe because he's not a flaming nigger memeflaggot.
>piss off, groveling cunt
Fuck off you normie fucktard! [see pic]
look who's talking, shouldn't you be starving or something, Ivan Slavshit?
His white skin is stopping him from abusing the system. You clearly aren't from the south.
I wouldn't starve because I'm capable of taking care of myself. When you live in a developed, first world country, preventing deaths which are otherwise preventable is typically a priority. No other country on the face of the planet develops sufficiently and then turns around and flips the "Survival of the Fittest" switch and reverts to barbarism.
This is actually mentally ill. No other way to put it. Not helping your own child due to fear of being labeled a racist is a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.
im a rootin & tootin son of a gun and for all i know i fathered about a dozen rascals and haven't paid a single dime to your commie "system"and im as hwite as a cotton field you poser
>weak ass banter
as expected of a nigger under a memeflag. lmao kill yourself.
>This is actually mentally ill. No other way to put it.
Agreed. We're utterly cucked, the MSM and our government fucking hate white Christian Brits!
Well in places like the US there's less social safety nets since the 1950s when they started making them, and that's even seen as a drain on society.
That guys a terrorist. Straight up Homeland Security watchlist with false bomb threats.
Either steal ma job or leech from me. If only there was some sort of in between . . . .
Its the fault of our jewed political parties and our women that this is happening to begin with, thats why I despise both of them.
stop reposting this image
if my grandfather hadnt fought the nazis, there would have been no serbs, or slavs left.
You not paying taxes isnt the issue. The point is if you and your cotton patch of kids went to social services to get some food aid or some house you wouldn't get shit unless you're a spic or a nigger.
That same kid was later used in another propaganda attempt, the elites capitalize on talent when they see it.
Ok by your logic, you should now give me all of your money, it's my right a sa human, to get everything for free.
If I could I would do everything in my power to help you. I simply cannot understand what type of human scum thinks that anyone else doesn't deserve sympathy or compassion without compensation.
His acting is godawful.
The time will eventually come. No more brother wars. Next time we will be fighting side by side. We will either stand and fight together or die.
Well I need 200 bucks for "personal" use.
good enough to fool half of europe
> You should get free shit for being a human.
There is no such thing as free. For every "free" meal you eat, somebody somewhere earned it without being paid for it.
You could argue your ancestors already paid for their descendants "free" shit to a degree, but fucking foreigners?
How does that even make sense
How much you wanna bet that it's a news reporter pouring water on his head for a good shot to put in the papers?
You're the guy that sees something on sale, and demands to pay full price.
I want to show this shit to an old friend who wants to do a sponsored refugee walk...he thinks they walk the whole way to Berlin and dont bunk trains/ can actually drive etc
t. German
>you're stealing your job
You have to be retarded to be a leftists example #100000
didnt it wipe your entire country out like twice? I don't even need to tell you to kill yourself, it's like a habit for you
Not an argument. Not even addressing the point.
On behalf of all burgersharts, I/we apologize as well.
it didn't, and here I am anyway, and my BMI is borderline overweight actually.
but *you* are a memeflag faggot using nigger logic and nothing's gonna change that fact lel.
now go suicide by cop or whatever your nigger pasttime is.
Not when the welfare state leeches off the free market and undermines it at every turn.
Charity is a much better and ultimately more moral way of helping those in need.
Did that response make sense to you?
LOL, check it out when he eyeballs the camera and goes full diva.
Anarchists get the stolen rope.
Good point.
Well than, what are taxes for?
>muh feels
ad hominem
Do you have a job Jamal ? Of course you fucking don’t. Go buy a dildo with the government check I pay into and go fuck you’re degenerate self.
Is this a doki doki ref?
Not with sand niggers blowing everything up
Straw Man, but still if you've never had hard times, it's really hard to understand what shelter means. Not impossible, it's not just a status symbol, m8.
I guarantee you have never done anything for anyone in your entire god damn life
What the fuck is going on here?
I guarantee you're projecting.
Ideally to finance the state in its function of enforcing the social contract, i.e. protecting and enforcing rights to life, liberty and property. Not to force some people to finance the lives of other people under threat of violence. Unfortunately the state has expanded well beyond its original function.
get your hunting license m8, you`ll bloody need it.
Where do you think wealth and resources come from, you retarded faggot?
There's only one of you to work, and literally an endless supply leeches willing to consume the wealth you produce.
Seriously, every 3rd world parasite that comes to the west is replaced many times over by hyper-breeding back home before their plane even hits the tarmac or their boat hits the shore.
I'm not kidding. They never stop producing more people who need "muh shelter", "muh water" and "muh dream".
They reproduce beyond replacement every day. War, disease and starvation is the only thing that keeps them in check.
6 min video. Tells you the basic math in a way even retards can understand.
Also, here's another to illustrate just how many people there are and the rate of breeding going on.
If you stood every chinese person 100 abrest and marched them off the top of a bottomless cliff at regular walking speed, they would never, ever, ever, stop marching and falling.
Enough new chinks are produced every moment to replace those 100 falling off the cliff. And more.
You don't get to volunteer resources to "the needy" that are not your own. You do not have the right to volunteer other people's labor or wealth away to make yourself feel like a "good person". A million times so when you do it after watching an obvious propaganda video designed to make soy boys like you respond to your cultural marxist programming and throw the village gates open to invaders.
But you think "in your power" includes opening the village gate. It doesn't.
Also, go give all your shit to first street person you meet tomorrow. Give them your job too.
Remember, you said you'd do "anything". The only cap on that is where your actions harm others.
You can only give until you yourself are destitute. You have no right to make other people impoverished or suffer any stresses to salve your little bleeding ass homo conscience.
You can pretty much sum up taxes
>forcing people to finance the lives of other
You just choose to see what is applicable to liberty and the other as defunct system that is out of control. I know your liberty is important, but how you can't feel the same for other is what's the real problem. I am sure the people that go into government to help people don't feel bad about helping people to much.
Society started from the group being stronger than the individual. I know you think that only death is what keeps the world in check, but the fact that developed countries have 2 kids per household instead of 14 should be some indication how the correlation of technology and human rights also play a role in it.
Like I said before
>When will the world learn life should be like your Mad Max fanfiction.
Bull shit.
I hope you fucking live to the very day it's only niggers around us. Go check in about what's going to happen to you.
t. shit eating 20yr old neet still leaching off mom and daddy
Well, survival of the fittest.
projecting, that hard?
>take a child to a protest
>gets teargassed
>not a single fuck given
You have been outed as a fucking idiot stop posting
but if we take all the scientists doctors and space explorers out of their shitholes how will they ever improve their shitholes??????????
I hate child actors
I think that's true for every retard on this planet. I mean, half of the population of earth is dumber than the other half. No one said it's equal.