That is some very pretty artwork.
I really, really like this picture.
Let's be real. Rem is going to lose the Subaru-bowl.
The side stories are all we are going to get.
Nobody will win the subaru bowl because he will most likely perma die by the end of the series and its gonna hurt watching that shit happen.
next WN chapter when
LN comparison when
That happened in an IF, user. An edgy april fools' IF. Subaru won't perma die at the end because he's resolved himself to stand among those he saved, when it's all over.
Reminder that Rigel is destined to become the strongest.
And I'm pretty sure Spica is calling him a chuuni in this picture.
Stronger than Reinharto?
I wish people stop caring about this at some point. There is more stuff going than that and it's not enabling waifuwars by shoving your opinion down either side's throat will have any effect anyway.
It's needless stress for something that will be rendered moot by one word from the author. You will be lucky if Subaru himself doesn't die or something.
Question, the Black Snake/Serpent was frozen along with the Elf settlement right?
Rigel is not even a full oni. He will be stronger than his dad but never come close to matching his mom's power.
His mother is deficient by being a twin, and Rigel will be trained by ninjas.
Every thread until Crusch-sama gets her memories back.
Oh, I see. They're talking about his arm bandages. Rem thinks he hurt himself, and Spica is saying he's just chuuni.
If what I heard about the latest chapter is correct, the next one is gonna be pretty good.
>Oni powers
>Spirit affinity
>Super ninja and a great spirit as sensei
He has insane potential
Is this like Re:Creators?
No. If you were expecting every work of fiction with "Re:" in the name to be similar, you'd be wrong.
He is the true Kishin reborn, and will eventually star in his own harem anime to repopulate the Oni race.
Spica's still alive, you know.
You don't fuck your own sister.
where do you think you are
Rigel will stop thinking about forming a harem as soon as Spica says 'no' to him.
Reminder that Ram will chew Subaru out
Honestly best way to end it, Subaru dies nobody wins. Suffering to the end.
Spica's hair is going to give Rem quite some PTSD oh boy.
>let character suffer endlessly in order to achieve a happy end
>give them a bad end
>best end
that's retarded
I'm bored of happy endings, have Subaru suffer so that things end well for everyone else and he grows as a person, but then he dies. Leave me feeling bitter and nostalgic with the ending.
I wish the anime hadn't skipped the epilogue in Volume 4. It shows how bros Ferri and Julius are.
A tragic ending less ideal in this case because the story has been a series of near never-ending suffering. Happy ending work well for darker series than lighter more shounenish ones because they feel earned after multiple arcs of traumatic shit. A bittersweet ending wouldn't be bad either, but there is no wrong with a happy note in this case too.
And he's growth as a person pretty independent from that.
Rem's spot is free!
It's Subaru-kun's special seat!!
Could some nice user post that recopilation with all the chapters from Mega ?
its in there somewhere, find it yourself
Read the available Arc 3 Interludes and Arc 4 chapters on TranslationChicken, and when you run out, move to user.
how often is that updated? the google doc seems to be more up to date than that, I can't find the Rem IF LN RW is translating
Google Doc has literally everything that has been translated and is being updated every time something new is translated. Pastebin won't be updated.
Say Rem gives birth to twins shortly after to Spica, how many horn would each of the twins have?
shouldn't it be a half instead?
a half would still be a horn, just a small one
Are Rem and Ram's horns growing at all? The adult onis' horns seem much bigger and longer than those of the twins so it would be weird if their horns stay small forever.
I don't regard Rem as the best girl. She just loves Subaru because he saved her which happens in almost every anime, boy saves girl and then girl falls for boy. So if we look at it that way then we can clearly see Rem is too mainstream. She even killed Subaru because she was suspicious of him even though she had 0 proof. As for Emilia, I haven't seen any female character as selfless as Emilia. She saved a complete stranger and made sure to tell him he owes her no debt. No girl would do the same thing Emilia did (because in addition to helping the stranger, she made sure that he doesn't feel indebted to her). Rem murdered Subaru two times, but Emilia always cared about him. When Subaru was killed by Rem, he wanted to gain her trust so he worked very hard even though he became sick afterwards. He was broken from inside. He wanted to cry but he couldn't. He couldn't even tell anyone about his problems. No one cared about him since he tried to hide all his misery by putting a pathetic smile on his face so as to win Rem's trust. Even Rem didn't care about him at all. But Emilia saw thru that facade. She forced Subaru to sleep on her lap. She didn't question him or his motives (while Rem killed Subaru for that). She just provided him what he needed the most and after all the love that Emilia showered, Subaru then started to cry. That scene was beautiful. So we can clearly see that Emilia here is the ideal girl.
This is bait, isn't it? There are just way too many details which are completely off.
its pasta
Every thread until Rem wakes up.
I imagine that, while Subaru is fucking Emilia and kissing her, Rem is present in the room, assisting the intercourse. "Subaru-kun, do you need more lubricant? DO you need another condo- Oh, I see you are going to cum inside her unprotected, do you want me to order some pregnancy tests to ascertain that Emilia-sama has been impregnated? All I want is for Subaru-kun to be happy with your family"
How can anyone like such a pathetic girl like Rem is beyond me. They must really have something worng with their head.
Not only that, she will probabily be their maid when Emilia and Subaru get married, doing all the chores andd dirty work around the house while Emilia enjoys her life as a goddess. Subaru would probabily use her only as a sex object, as a way of satisfying his basests fetishes that he doesn't want Emilia to partake beacuse she respects her too much. So Rem would become just a eventual fuckhole where to practice anal, bukkake and other desgusting activities, receiving no love and being prohibited of feeling pleasure. And this would go on until she became too old to be of use and Subaru lost interest in her, and she would be dumped in some smelly swamp, and live the rest of her days childless and unhappy until she would die cold and lonely in the slums amidst all the dirt and filthyness.
And above all that Emilia-tan would be shining towards heaven like the true angel she is.
Remfags suck.
whats wrong with you and whats wrong with NTRfags?
Remfags are just shit. Dumb newfags who fall for pasta and start shitposting angrily.
Do NOT reply to the fucks trying to start shit, any post diminishing Rem or Emilia in favor of the other is obviously baiting for yet ANOTHER thread filled with pointless shitflinging.
What do you mean by that, user? That's nonsense.
But it's the only thing that keeps the threads alive
What's wrong with NTR? I thought it's very enjoyable and alluring.
I get neither the attraction or the outrage for NTR. What's it all about?
the good kind of NTR
NTR is wrong, you nigger.
Why are there so few fan arts of Rem and Emilia getting jealous of each other? So disappointed that not many people are interested in the "Emilia/Rem is the Jealous Witch" theory.
Is Subaru daijoobu?
I know. It's kinda weird people haven't really picked up on that yet. There's plenty of foreshadowing for it.
>It's kinda weird people haven't really picked up on that yet
It's been done a dozen times. Most things have been discussed to death already.
I was talking about the fan arts. As far as I know, there're not many fan arts wherein jealousy is the theme at the moment.
Would you contract?
What are my actual obligations?
Then they are better of dead until translation and somebody feels like discussing something.
Probably because Emilia's plausible connections to Satella are pretty limited after Arc 4. Even her looks don't come from Satella despite looking identical. Her eyes and hair are from her father and she gets her face from her mother.
Satisfy her endless sexual curiosity.
Look, that sounds like it'd be nice for the first week or so, but I doubt "endless" curiosity is going to end at Vanilla. After the first few months, do you even know what kinds of soul-degrading horrors you might have been forced to experience?
I hope Ferri and Subaru become bros.
Roswaal should be her contractor then.
i only finished animu just now, is there way more content than that on paper? i wonder if i should bother myself enough to look for novels, mangas, whatever, then search for the place anime story was finished, et cetera.
and how far the story progresses? as far as i understand, emilia is somehow the evil witch since puck is contracted to end the world (=kill+reboot protagonist), is it already explained on paper?
i just want to see more puck doing fanservice and comic reliefs. i'd befriend this cat
>i just want to see more puck doing fanservice and comic reliefs. i'd befriend this cat
Puck basically fucks off and is never seen again.
aaand dropped
oh, so research is already done for me. Thanks a lot.
Puck is still around, and has role rather important role in the next arc. But yeah, his screentime is gonna be very limited.
Who is it that these two refer to as mother?
Probably the assassin guild's boss
that thumbnails looks like betelgeuse screaming his lungs out with his eyes bulging and horse teeth
>all the things she would want to put inside your butt when you're done with safe bdsm foreplay
I'm gonna have to pass on that one too.
I'm curious about why that person didn't send someone to kidnap or assassinate Meili to avoid her leaking classified information about the organization. I'm also surprised that Subaru couldn't get much info out of Meili. Isn't Meili pretty fond of him?
She probably can't. it might be some weird curse. This mother character is also highly suspicious, perhaps Mother might be Pride.
Meili most likely doesn't even know that much herself.
Also I have a feeling that this Mother and rest of gulid is gonna show up in Arc 7. With being about political spies and shit it would be best places to bring into the story.
Perhaps that's why Subaru didn't love her at first sight.
Rem probably styled it herself
This is the real battle for the Subarubowl
Girlfriend vs his steed how classic
>NTR doujin where Patrasche is raped by a male ground dragon while Subaru is forced to watch it.
what the hell
>he expresses extreme distress about it while everyone tells him its normal dragon behavior
Ram IF story where Rem was never born when? It'd be very neat if Tappei shows us a glimpse of it in arc 6 since that arc heavily involves the twins and the impacts of one's existence on the other.