I know how you all like to lampoon black people for having lesser-than-average IQ's. But how is it that most individuals with high IQ's and people of intellectual distinction tend to denounce racism? And why is it that the most ignorant of niggers and rednecks tend to revel in being racist?
Albert Einstein, for example, was a known Civil Rights activist.
>pic related
>Einstein teaching at Lincoln University, America's first degree-granting black college
Racism and IQ
You didn't even do the fucking math, and you're pushing the "Jewish Master Race" shit.
Are you implying that "smart" people will overlook statistics and put themselves in harm's way by associating with negros?
>everyone doesn't live based on statistics
I guess you're waiting for your guild to come online for that raid tonight?
>Are you implying that "smart" people will overlook statistics and put themselves in harm's way by associating with negros?
Einstein did, hence the pic in my OP, and I think his profound intellectualism is unquestionable.
>everyone doesn't live based on statistics
This. I've lived in racially diverse populations all my life, and there's good and bad in all people of all races.
blacks dont have huge di....
Yes these smart people will say that racism is bad and what not... while at the same time living as far away from niggers as possible and sending their kids to private school... it is the poor low iq folks who have to deal with struggles in multi cultural school... so the know how it really is... rich iq people like to virtue signal about they are nit racist a lot. But they are not about that life... next question faggot. That was too easy.
Because those High IQ high achieving individuals have not had to experience the average monkey. People that visit zoos find monkeys to be harmless and cute, let them loose and watch the destruction. Many of the blacks encountered have been in an academic setting where only the best and brightest are represented. Not applicable to the mass
I know it. It's the retards that ruin the world and I've yet to see a real movement of intelligence that's claimed to counter it.
Israel is only 40% Ashknazi, Faggot.
I don't think all blacks are stupid. I think a higher proportion of blacks are stupid though. Also I seek the secure existence of white Americans(non Arab, non Hispanic) so even intergration with a very peaceful people like the Japanese would be a big "No!"
As for OP,s question, it is because peer pressure. All governing and elite Nazis we're 120+ iq intellects. If we had a Nazi government, alot more smart Nazis would come out of the woodwork. As of now, you will be doxxed, fired and reported to the FBI for being a Nazi. Wouldn't a "smart" man weigh the consequences and wait until he has more freedom to preach his ideology? Or at least keep his beliefs very sublte as to dogwhistle fellow Nazis.
Also enstein was a Jew. Of course he fought for race mixing, and demographic destruction
You lived in diverse populations... but whites were still the majority where you live. I guarantee you don't live in a majority Hispanic or black neighborhood.
Don't generalise. Not everyone here is racist. It's fucking stupid to judge people by IQ anyway. It's also not smart to give say a desert nomad tribesman a math exam. Some countries simply dont have the infrastructure for their people to excel. Just look how the difference just vaporises when you examine 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. Hugely different culture. Doesn't make them stupid but it does mean you can throw IQ results in the trash
because all of their interactions with non-whites are voluntary. They live in white neighborhoods and 90% of their colleagues are white. Once a week or once a month they sum up the moral fortitude to virtue signal for an hour about how much they care about non-whites. Make no mistake: put any bourgeois white liberal in an urban non-white neighborhood and watch how quickly their patience and understanding reaches its limits.
>ust look how the difference just vaporises when you examine 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants
it doesnt with blacks...
White people--many of whom were in college--stood by blacks during America's Civil Rights movement, putting themselves directly in the path of harm's way. Most of these whites lived among mixed neighborhoods, and sacrificed their own comfort of living in order to stand against unfair prejudices against blacks.
>pic related
Happens to be Bernie Sanders being arrested for fighting housing discrimination at his college.
Exactly... stop virtue signaling and move your family into a non white neighborhood...
Not true pal. Black Americans have lived in this country, and much of the time been educated by white teachers, yet still only a small minority of they're population surpasses 95iq. Why? Because they're a more violent, more vain race and would rather hang with they're homies and do drugs and shoot up rival gangs homes instead of listening to some square ass cracker in class. Anyome who adopts hip hop culture may end up like this. It just so happens that almost ALL black people in American are active members of the culture since fucking birth
Fuck that shill.
Look up RA fisher or luther burbank. They were leading scientist and believed in eugenics.
Issacc Galton (the cusin of Darwin) discovered linear regression and thought it was rediculous that people thought races were equally adapted.
Norman Borlaug was the leader of the green revolution that feeds most of the world ATM. Hated faggots, trans, and africans.
The most easily manipulated and least informative form of information. Of course you low IQ fucks base your life around statistics. Retards.
>a jew fighting to allow negros into exclusively white spaces, as if they are entitled to be there
Mother fucking this
Judging by your run-on sentences and shit-tier grammar, you barely have a grasp on english m80. You pretty much proving OP's point by displaying your double digit IQ.
It's because anti-racism is not a position people take after reviewing evidence and thinking logically, anti-racism is a religion-tier belief.
Protesting is the ultimate form of virtue signaling .... show me how they live in their actual life.... after the protest they pat themselves on the back and return home to their 10 bedroom home in Vermont. Aka the whitest state in the country.
>anons denouncing the intellectual merit of Jews
>proving my point precisely
So all of the research scientists from institutions like National Geographic, Scientific American, Smithsonian Institute, Nottingham University, etc., who willfully give-up their daily comforts to live among socially impoverished, indigenous peoples of the world are only virtue signaling?
Also they often benefit from cheap brown workers.
I was making a statement that he has no right to fight for the rights of negros to be included in white spaces. As he is not white he has no authority to determine who is or is not allowed in a white controlled area. It has nothing to do with his knowledge but his presumption that he knows the correct way to manage the affairs of other people.
It is his hubris I have a problem with.
I think they’re virtue signaling. It’s not like they live amongst those people out of the goodness of their hearts, it’s to make a career.
>(((Nobel prizes)))
>Finance, education, hollywood, law, philosophy and charity
Yeah you can take those out kek, the last two points are negative contributions
The chess one is good though.
The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.
Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.
Why should white people give up their daily comfort to please non white people? That is fucking dumb and not natural... feel free to give up your comfort and live with non whites... but don't support governments to force this on other white people.
So that was a long time ago.
What did these niggers end up accomplishing?
You posted a picture with black people.
Black does not automatically == nigger.
There are niggers of every race and culture.
>True academics
>Teaching young students
Pick one, you obviously know nothing about academia.
t. A well-paid scientist
>on Virtue Signaling
So Bill and Melinda Gates of the Gates Foundation, who's website is mastheaded with "ALL LIVES HAVE EQUAL VALUE", are donating half their personal net worth to African nations because they need their conscious to be clear to sleep at night? Like, as billionaires, they really have something to prove...like they could really otherwise give a shit about poor people in their billion-dollar mansions?
If anti-racism is so obvious why are there so many calls to outlaw the study of intelligence differences between races?
All that money is part of a social engineering program of which they are a part. The message "All Lives Have Equal Value" is commie to its core. In a hierarchy every person has his place but some are naturally more valuable then another.
>But how is it that most individuals with high IQ's and people of intellectual distinction tend to denounce racism?
Because they know it makes them look bad? You need people to like you in order to get shit done.
>rubba dubb dubbs
It's sad that it takes the government to enforce the social standards of racial integration. Take segregation in America, for example: It was supposed to be based on the principal of "separate, but equal"--which was a noble sentiment, for sure. But it took federal courts to determine that separate was not in fact equal. Like, seriously--whites back then had only ONE JOB: To ensure that blacks had equal opportunity under law. But no! Schools, municipalities such as water supply, quality of living, etc., were all spoiled by the ruins of racist numbskulls who couldn't even stand by a the basic principles of human rights.
Your reply is a complete non-sequitur. Surely anti-racists should be very keen to disprove the Minnesota twin studies, for example, by doing similar studies? Being as they're quite sure that there is no genetic component to IQ differences between blacks and whites, they should want to do this study as soon as possible so as to shut up all the racists. Why have they not done this in the decades since that study? Why have they instead argued that no more studies of that kind should be allowed to take place?
Does this strike you as the behaviour of neutral scientists?
How long is this going to be a problem that plagues America anyway?
It's time to just drop the niggers off back in Africa.
Note that most of the top Nazis had IQs that were superior or very superior
OP Btfo
The Nazis didn’t call jews untermensch for nothing you festering parasite
>doesn't recognize the unabomber
>"most individuals with high IQ's and people of intellectual distinction tend to denounce racism"
You can put a suit in the monkey, but you can't take the monkey off the suit
Every Leroy in that room is thinking "What am E=McHammer?"
They denounce racism because the media has the camera pointed at them. Einstein would quickly change his mind if he saw todays niggers and jihadists roaming the streets of former white countries.
Racism has lost its meaning and its high time people actually start acting like racists if they're going to be labled as such.
>But how is it that most individuals with high IQ's and people of intellectual distinction tend to denounce racism?
Post evidence
I see you're conveniently ignoring my posts, top kek
Intelligent people are better able to defend wrong ideas and can therefore cling to them via sophistry longer than the average person.
Look at how they got even an all-black college to dress up back in the day, before the Boomers in the 60s started screaming for no dress codes. Now you have students at Ivy League colleges rolling out of bed in their pajamas. I don't even think there are any even private, exclusive colleges that still have dress codes like this.
The larger question is, is there anything the Boomers got their hands on that they didn't destroy?
Is there anything the Boomers got their hands on that they didn't destroy?
USA is only 50% european and it still has an average IQ of about 100.
>be smart
>see how people who are publicly racist lose their careers overnight
>don't act racist
Also known as hiding your power level, personally I do it with tactical cynicism
>not realizing how much this proves my point
You have to denounce racism to be recognized for anything in the mainstream.
Because of the other 50% maybe
Einstein was an overestimated thief
the alt right is founded on cowardice and secrets
In short, OP, the higher your intelligence, the higher your capacity for delusion.
what does any of this have to do with the alt right? hello shill
Because high IQ people are well off generally and don't have to live in black neighbourhoods.
They have no contact with blacks, so believe the media BS about race.
As a minority you cant show your power level unless you want to be stomped out. So its best to work from the sides and implement policies that undermine the majority i.e. why jews jew america into doing thier work for them. Also high iq is actually correlated with self-interest(not racism persay but conservative values), upper education on the other hand is correlated with advocation for civil rights because of indoctrination.
Remember the average iq of a college grad is omly 106 because of stupid liberal arts degrees. On average a college educated person may vote left, but remember the average college education that earns more than 50k votes right. So only poor college educated people vote left.
>But how is it that most individuals with high IQ's and people of intellectual distinction tend to denounce racism?
Because only a retard would openly talk about how much he hates Jews and niggers instead of working in the shadows to eradicate them.
The higher your IQ, the greater chance that you're a subversive kike
The bulk of that is composed of Mestizos and Blacks. Asians are only about 5% of the population and their IQ is only 5 points higher than the white average (compared to 10 points lower for mestizos and 15 points lower for blacks). Jews are also only 1-2% of the population.
Because they're not stupid enough to ruin their lives by naming the jew and calling blacks and Mexicans niggers and beaners.
Sage, faggot
>have all that intelligence going for them
>instead of improving society and the world through science and innovation, instead use their gifts to kill millions of innocent Jews
Yeah. They're really smart, alright.
Because most high-IQ people exist within academic environments, which are overwhelmingly leftist as a result of the "march through the institutions", vy Marxists in the 1960s. Previous to this, conservatism was the dominant ideology in academic institutions.
I'd go out on a limb and say most of the supposedly-leftist high-IQ people aren't leftists because they believe on the ideology, but because of convenience.
>innocent Jews
pick one
Oy vey goyim, you are taught that you must hate nazis no matter what, and hate everything connected to it. Don't question anything and enjoy your bread and circus, be a good goy and never question authority or reach your potential. Carry the red flag, don't question what they did to europe, ignore venezuela, wear a che shirt and enjoy your slow death.
This guy gets it.
When nigs had their own city back then, they were nice, such as Harlem back in the 20s-50s. Now when they have their own cities, they're run down and crime infested, like Harlem, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, South Chicago etc.
These negroes would be called uppity or coons by the niggers of today.
I'm willing to bet the nigs of the 30s, 40s and 50s were smarter than the nigs after the civil rights act.
And they didn't even vote 95% Democrat and rely on gibs. Can we bring back those blacks?
It's amazing what you can achieve with an ethnostate.
Is that quite whose face is shown from a profile perspective Goebbels? Nose looking quite kikey
Because if you dare take a racist standpoint you will be shunned by everyone.
I once read about the guy who the IQ differences between races and how he was completely ostracized for "racism".
>But how is it that most individuals with high IQ's and people of intellectual distinction tend to denounce racism?
Because most of those are wealthy, which means they live in rich white areas and are sent to colleges which has a big big effect on impressionable young minds.
Intelligence is not wisdom.
"Racist" people come from working classes, no college education and live side by side with immigrants, blacks and so on. Any rich white lib who has to live in some black ghetto for 1 year would find it hard to still have a positive opinion of them. Most of pol wasn't "born racist" they learned what they did by reality, stats and facts. A child would walk into the cage of a lion, someone who says not to do that isn't a bad person; just a learned and informed person.
Academics tend to associate with other academics meaning that the only other members of another race they talk to are the top 10% of that race. The 'low IQ rednecks' as you put it have to deal with the rest of them , that is why they are racist.
Because they’re mostly liberal faggots who live in a bubble. They literally have no idea what it’s like to deal with the people they do staunchly defend and celebrate.
>people with high IQ are against Human biodiversity
Untrue many of the best scientists and mathematicans were extremly aware and open about their opinon on human biodiversity. It's only recently that (((they))) manged to get everyone fired, who disagrees with (((them); recently James Watson the one of the two founders of the Double-helix structure of DNA. Sure most people will keep quiet about the truth, if they can lose their Job. Case closed, sage.
What's hilarious about this thread are all the anons who continue to cling to racist beliefs while acknowledging how intelligent people are typically non-racist UNDER ANY GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCE.
Spoiler Alert: Depending on your level of autism, it may prevent you from understanding the delicious irony of my statement above.
> Einstein
Sound's like a jew to me.
Almost as funny as how queer you are.
>this much cocksucking
>All lives have equal value
Here’s how you know they’re lying.
Every intellect from the past was generally considered racist by today's standard. What you really mean is intelligent people in the past 10 years or so versus hundreds of years.
There are plenty of lower class people anyway that are unheard and seen with high iq's. The stats of iq organizations such as mensa has people from all walks of life.
You are just thinking the 0.1% of prominent intellectual people you see today is a representation of this (retarded) argument.
You continue to ignore all the posts showing how anti-racists deal with the evidence for intelligence differences.
If your heuristic for truth is 'all the smart people believe it' then guess what, 100 years ago you would be compelled to agree that the Christian God is definitely real.
there are several studies that points towards a correlation between low IQ and prejudice
Hodson, Gordon, A. Busseri, Michael. 2012. Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes : Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact.
T. Wodtke, Geoffrey. 2016. Are Smart People Less Racist? Verbal Ability, Anti-Black Prejudice, and the Principle-Policy Paradox
fucking nigger
pick one
>But how is it that most individuals with high IQ's and people of intellectual distinction tend to denounce racism?
The presumption of absolute equality, and the presumption that denouncing absolute equality necessarily engenders the dehumanization of those less equal.
In being a race realist, I don't at all think the lives of blacks, Arabs and Hispanics are worth less. People have the same intrinsic moral worth until they do something to surrender that worth, like sadistically rape and torture 1600 white children out of racial malice. Those who don't behave like that should be treated decently.
The only "restrictions" most race realists would impose aren't really impositions, they're just acknowledgements of human difference. Immigration is destructive to all, so stop doing it, but that doesn't mean every immigrant has to be deported or any has to be exterminated. Affirmative action is destructive to all, so stop doing it, but that doesn't mean capable blacks should be thwarted in their attempts to secure employment and status. Interracial reproduction seems to have more downside than up-, so stop pushing it, but that doesn't mean the state has to prohibit it or that interracial couples should be harassed.
Race realism is less about what should be done than what should not be done. Just stop pretending and stop leveraging those falsehoods into policy.
Thanks for confirming you're a merchant shill.
Wouldn't that mean mas immigration of low iq people is importing prejudiced bigots then? Lol.
Or does iq not exist in those situations.
Haha the fuck nigga, how can these studies say low iq people are racist towards people they perceive as having a lower iq and that's wrong while at the same time doing the exact same thing and being racist towards people they perceive as having a low iq and now it's somehow ok and right
Also, jump to 1:18 in this video
>you are taught that you must hate nazis no matter what
That's a bold assumption on your part. I don't hate Nazis and have no reason to. I don't think I can take the rest of your libel against me seriously.
Methinks you doth flatter yourself in excess.
yes it is quite ironic that it is the same morals that stops us from denying refugees shelter that also stops us from sterilizing nazis
because these beliefs are completely spiritual and divorced from reality.
Sometimes they just outright say this, for example here is Noam Chomsky talking about this type of research:
But discovery of a correlation between some of these qualities is of no scientific interest and of no social significance, except to racists, sexists and the like. Those who argue that there is a correlation between race and IQ and those who deny this claim are contributing to racism and other disorders, because what they are saying is based on the assumption that the answer to the question makes a difference; it does not, except to racists, sexists and the like."
He is explicitly stating that the truth doesn't matter, that what matters is whether you are 'Racist' or not, and that all further inquiry into this should just be abandoned.
It is a mistake to think you can reason with people who approach the issue like this.
user you haven't once addressed what I said about the Minnesota twin studies. Why on earth would they ban further studies like that instead of reproducing them to prove them wrong?