Due to the Arab slave trade, millions of African slaves were poured into the middle east. Resulting in said slaves mixing with the natives over the centuries.Due to this admixture, can Arabs even be considered Caucasian?
Are Arabs NIGGERS?
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they castrated their slaves tho
Not the female ones.
>Are Arabs NIGGERS?
Yes, are you twelve?
Are there Muslim westernized/slutty women who wear hijabs? I've always wanted to hook up with one but Ive just figured they are hardcore Muslim Sharia law bitches who will sleep with me only if I convert to Islam and marry her first tho if she was hot enough I might
no arabs castrated their nigger slaves.
I am a native arab. According to my dna test I am 95% middle eastern and 5% black. But I don't even look slightly black. But yeah here in Arabia we do have afro arabs and lots of us do indeed have some african admixture. But not all of us.
Afro Saudi arab and Afro Emirati arab:
We are still the master race though
Arabs cut their nuts off so no they didnt mix.
Not with black ancestry
You will never get muslim women as a non muslim. They want a husband not a hookup.
Alright fuck it, old testament Sharia law here I come!
We don't call them sandniggers for fun.
No. Only North Africans are like 30% niggers
Yes, you will. And quite easily, I might add.
I saw a hot muslim girl with a hijab kissing her white as fuck boyfriend in the plane once.
We were the one to create civilization snow nigger. I can see why cumskins want to be us so bad lol.
they castrated most of them anyway and when they did marry slaves as concubines it was ethiopians. Like the prophet Bilal in the quran which had a arab father but his mother was a abysinnian slave
Many North Africans and Gulf Arabs often have visible sub-Saharan admixture.
God i wish that were me
Arabs used to be white. this is False Prophet Turban man's direct descendant. Non whites don't breed whites. They were known as the Ishmaelites
Here in the arab world, Moroccan and Lebanese women are known as the biggest sluts out there. People travel to Morocco just to fuck their women.
Only high end slaves were castrated, back in the day the whole castration thing had horrible survival rates because of infections.
According to Remondino, Spooner and several later sources, the Coptic priests sliced the penis and testicles off Nubian or Abyssinian slave boys around the age of eight. The boys were captured from Abyssinia and other areas in Sudan like Darfur and Kordofan, then brought into Sudan and Egypt. During the operation, the Coptic clergyman chained the boys to tables, then, after slicing off their sexual organs, stuck a piece of bamboo into the genital area, and then submerged them in neck-high sand to burn. The recovery rate was ten percent. The resulting eunuchs fetched large profits in contrast to eunuchs from other areas.[223][224][225]
An identifiable Coptic area named in relation to castration of slaves is the former village of Al-Zawya. Slave traders travelling north from the Sudan would castrate their slave boys here, before entering the Muslim city of Asyut, 10 miles north, where they could be sold.
I doubt they killed 90% of their slaves for shit an giggles.
This guy is the Nasrid Dynasty of Southern Spain. His direct ancestor was some buddy of False Prophet Turban man in battle. Anyways the Mudslimes didn't care if the whites got blacked since it meant they got more slaves. Mudslimes are a false religion otherwise they'd still be white.
Arabs were getting fucked by camels while greeks and romans invented civilization.
Oh and here's a Moor. They had lots of nigger slaves but there whites at the top, they were like South Africa or Rhodesia
Wrong they still drink camel piss to this day.
True but the Arabs did have their moments.
Then don't say non-Muslim don't put out because they clearly do. I would say you could save yourself a lot of trouble by just going to Indonesia/Malaysia, but those Muslim women only fuck white guys.
You are disgusting, low-IQ filthy sand niggers.
The turban men are the moors according to this Spanish Catholic artwork. They had niggers as slave warriors too but anyways. False Prophet Chief Turban man also claimed to be white
don't Muslim women don't put out***
>prophet Bilal
>in the quran
Bilal wasn't in the quran and he wasn't a prophet but a companion of the prophet.
"Arab" is not a race, but a type of language. Many black people from northern africa speak "arabic" languages. Is the education in your country really this bad?
he went to jail and there is a good chance he will be killed one day
Arabs and Jews are Semites.
Europeans are not.
They cut their dicks off, so no.
Or just go to the west and get white puss
How do you castrate females?
Correction: they continue to fuck camels while we continue with civilisation
I've been to UAE and have seen Emirati women with foreign men sometimes lol.
>Czech flag
you have no right to talk about civilization. I would have continued the conversion with you if you were Greek or Italian but you are a fucking eastern europoor Slav nigger.
because i'm a submissive sissy
Latins, Iberians, Northern African Arabs, Persians, Greek, certain Mediterranean Slavs are all master races who founded civilization and culture. M-muh white races were all uncouth barbarians who stole and pillaged and sailed a little.
I'd actually be curious to see you try that. The only time I hear about European women having sex with Muslim men is when they were being raped by them.
>Many black people from northern africa speak "arabic" languages
Northern Africans are not black and you're wrong, the niggers that do live there may speak arabic as a second language but primarily speak a different tribal language native to that area
t. Kumar
Also you meant to say: Saudi* women with foreign men.
Those women are whores and sell their bodies to get rich. They only care about materialism and they disgust me. There are however, very traditional women.
Sumerians are also Semites and the direct ancestors of JEws and Ishmaelites (Original White Arabs) Sand niggers are WE WUZZING MULATTOS
You'd be surprised mongrel
You do realise 4/6 or 5/6, depending on who you ask, of those you named are white, right?
Arabs didn't found shit, they chimped out and conquered a bunch of uninhabited deserts and converted people to a shitty religion.
I wouldn't call that a civilisation
Yeah there are traditional women all over the middle east. Real traditional women. Not the larping thots that proclaim they are trad in the west.
Southern Arabians are basically mullatoes. Is it a coincidence that Islamic empires collapsed during this period?
Arab = Ereb = "Mixed-Multitude"
From the Bible...
Mixed-Multitude = Mongreloid = Degeneracy
+ Genetic Deviancy + Genetice Degeneracy...
Trans-Despot, Faggotry...
Parasitic Injection of Serpent Seed...
I would be surprised. We've had several wealthy Arab exchange students here and they're pussy repellent.
To answer OP's question, a lot of the Lebanese people are mixtures of many different ethnicities due to the multitude of empires and civilizations that settled in our country, before Lebanon actually became Lebanon. You will find some dark skinned Lebanese akin to the Africans, but most of the Lebanese are light skinned Caucasians. For example, pic related. I may not be considered white, but I'm pretty sure my ancestors are a mix of Europeans and middle easterners.
I look it as he meant "we muz vikangz" or similar barbarian turned beta soyboy cuck races.
I can give a shit less about religion, the northern arabs helped found civilization before being wiped out by the romans, shit cicilians are all mostly arab as is southern spain thanks to their conquests say what you will but they helped shape modern civilization.
how's all that somali dick your women are getting cuck?
Personally know a Brit who has married one. It's because Emirati men keep marrying foreigners so their women are turning to do the same now.
Oh I've been to Saudi as well and saw more cats than I saw women. They're a rare sight at least in Dammam. But in Bahrain and Saudi you'll never see their women with foreigners.
How easy is it to get an hijabi Arab qt if I convert to Islam and get serious in it?
>tribal language native to that area
arabic languages are native to northern africa, you ignorant cuck. AMHARIC, the Semitic language descended from Ge'ez, is the official language of Ethiopia. that is an example of arabic language. it seems like you're just trying to shill divisions that do not exist. there's no "arab" race, you dumb cunt. there's only different shades of black people.
the north africans did help so did the phoenicians the problem is that both of these people were not arabic and genetically their decendants still aren't that much.
Varg is a retard.
But, all Europeans contributed to civilization. Caucasian civilization, that is.
Also, I consider the pure anatolians with 0 negroid or mongoloid or dravidian blood, as contributers to civilization too. The mixed race middle easterns of today, arent the ones contributing to civilization .But right now, our cultures are vastly different. So, we must segregate.
Yes, they are because they have a caucasian skulls
>caucasian =/= European
Women in Europe go for North African, Middle easter, Turkish and Somali men. Women in America go for black men. Simple as that.
Kick them in the ovaries
Thanks for confirming that Jesus was white, OP. I always knew it in my heart.
with the same logic people in northern europe speak greek. it is differant to be semitic and different tp be arabic.
Race isnt skin color. That could be a hand of a mongoloid from Japan.
Skull shape/facial features/bone structure determine race.
Marriage is about building a bond and a family not qt3.14s or whatever.
Niggers are easy to kill you oil mudslim scum.
حبيبي please stop shitting up the thread with retarded BLACKED memes, ma 2elon 3aze. You're making us seem more worthless amd despicable than we already are.
You're evading the question Ahmed. Is it possible for a white muslim man to marry an Arab muslim woman? I have friends (arabs) who deny that.
there's a difference between the pasty skinned, thin armed feminine nordic cuck countries and actual Mediterranean people with their mixed blood over centuries to create superior genetically strong people. Look at niggers with their sickle cells thanks to inbreeding nords were heading down the same path.
Well, I know I am descended from neanderthals due to the structure of my face and head.
But I love it when they get all worked up. Trolling here is rather great lol. 7abibi, you should try it some time.
Theres no such thing as nigger race, only nigger mentality.
P. S alot of russians are niggers
It is 100% possible. Islam is for all.
the north africans and phoenicians were by no mean arabic. also again cicilians have phoenician and greek brood they do also have arabic but it is not even close to the amount of phoenician and greek.
My theory as to why northern africans were so based compared to the central and southern africans was because of their varied diet and constant contact with other cultures. They basically adapted to be flexible thinkers with superior intelligence thanks to nutrients from varied diet. Same with Latins, Iberians, Greeks etc;
ash hadoe la illa ill allah wa ashadoe muhamaddan rasul allah
They are niggers in behaviour idc about their skull shape
Meant for
I'm pretty sure its because they're not niggers.
I agree, I meant northern african arabs as in the berbers(who by fossil and art clues) were vastly different from their southern or central african counterparts.
Allahu Akbar!
I'm going with this.
I am mixed with Lebanese the rest souther European
I kinda look like one of those pale turks
The Arabs imported a fuckload of niggers into Iran and Iraq during the middle-ages to work in date plantations and mines, probably close to a million. There was even a slave uprising, but there are no records about what happened to these slaves afterwards. There is also the thing with egyptian negroid ancestry, that did not exist in ancient times.
>Are Arabs NIGGERS?
Yes. Why is this even a question? Arabs are practically the same shit as jews and isis.
I'm an Atheist, former Muslim. I'd wish Bahrain would separate from the GCC, overthrow the oppressive monarchy puppet and become a sovereign democratic state.
In time it will come too.
Moors Weren't black in more News experts say Rain may make you wet
>Due to the Arab slave trade, millions of African slaves were poured into the middle east.
That true
>Resulting in said slaves mixing with the natives over the centuries.
Very little mixing actually, arabs had such an easy uninterrupted access to slaves that they literally castrated all the males.
The small mixing that occurred was with female slaves, which were much, much uncommon.
In the arabian peninsula only around 5-10% of the total population is of african or mixed descent
>Due to this admixture, can Arabs even be considered Caucasian?
Arabs have a caucasoid shaped skull, but this doesn't means they're white.
Many norther indians also have a caucasoid skull.
Arabs are semites, they're not half black or half anything, they're their own thing.
Why should the Arab woman live as a ninja when you can have white delight?
I'd pound an Arab qt all day if I could