Why does American education system lean so far left

Why are American colleges and even high schools and middle schools so left leaning and constantly pushing lefist ideas? What the best way to combat this as a student?

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> in california university
> in bio lab with a girl
> she's grumbling about how science is so hard
> what's her major
> early childhood education

The hippies finished school and are our teachers now.

Because a society witouth clear goals will slowly kill itself

It's become increasingly run by women. This is the inevitable result of that trend.

If you are a supreme evil determined to establish a NWO, OF COURSE you infiltrate the education system. Are we really this dense to the tactics of evil?


there is a false idea that leftism is more psychologically soothing than truth. and we all know education is just babysitters for our children so we can breed faster.

They took God out of Public Schools so morals had to find a new way to be 'enforced'. Along came a new standard for morals as well.

I agree, I don't understand this idea. What is soothing about reality beating your face in? I don't get the comfort in this. And even if people find temporary comfort, it will give way to reality in time and they'll be in a much worse place.