Do "red-pilled" liberals actually exist?
Do "red-pilled" liberals actually exist?
We call them retards.
No. Only confused liberals.
>sans the blatant racism
>redpilled liberal
How is it not a valid stance?
>inb4 stances must be valid and humanity isn't a flawed hypocritical piece of shit anyways
Of course (((they))) exist.
racism does exist, even though it might be rooted in logic
You can be a coherent leftist in economics, because economics is an unbeatable subject
You could also be for leftist organization of government if you think the ends justify any means. But the farthest left you can go without running into logical inconsistency would probably be like an Orwellian socialist. Not a communist though.
Also if we consider nationalism to be right wing, then there is nothing inherently "incorrect" about globalism. Many of the appeals under globalism are wrong though. You would have to pretty much consider modern society to be of no consequence.
Every other instance is just ignorance or idiocy
Economics is not testable*
> Imply most lefties wouldn't call you a nazi for believing a lot of the social side of the alt-right
Look, most people here don't irrationally hate other races. We just accept that people are different and should not be shoehorned together, and that certain *ahem* groups are undermining the others and there is nothing wrong with recognising that this is a problem.
Leftist ideas on education: Free education, I believe, could work if the following conditions are met:
> Axe 99% of the humanities. All that Marxist BS is defunded and restrictions on setting these courses up again come in to force.
> Only humanities that remain are high-end courses in classics, traditional art and architectural design, and a non-Skype'd version of history (I.e. One that will equip students to go in to heritage positions that will enrich the culture of the nation)
> STEM courses are largely unaffected.
However university numbers are slashed, meaning that only the cream of the fucking crop can go.
> Reinstate lecturers and researchers, who have lost their academic positions due to shrinking of uni sizes, and are actually working on useful shit in to purely research labs. They can get on with their work without the pressures of taking on classes and marking work, perhaps working externally with PhD students who need guidance with specialist areas of how quickly they change their tune, politically speaking
Job placement: I hope they don't mean affirmative action/gender quotas/etc.
I have yet to hear a valid argument as to why diversion from meritocracy is a preferable to hiring people on their suitability.
I see what he's saying but voting for Hillary just shows he was uninformed
Holy shit, good post, Anonymous.
That guy in your pic is not "red-pilled". Just a spiteful soyboy who now wants to be "apart" of something that doesn't even exist.
No. Only lying niggershills.
Can't tell if sarcastic or not my dude
I shit myself for a second because my email address came up and I nearly posted it
"the left" are so polarized that even classic liberals identify as conservatives now
So a National Socialist? Mind you fag Nat Soc cancer is a thing, but National Socialist none the less.
I'm being serious, I like your way of thinking. Very in line with what my father's ideals are, and he grew up beating niggers while voting for Blue Dogs
Playing doubles advocate, you don't find the arguments meritorious because you aren't coming from a leftist mindset
Who says the ultimate goal of a business is success or profit, rather than a secondary or tertiary goal?
Even today, we have hundreds of guards against pure meritocracy in every industry and when asked people will generally agree with those.
Then there's the leftist argument for elevating people who would not otherwise be elevated. Casting aside notions of identity politics, you have blacks for instance that wouldn't be able to compete with everyone else. Who is to say that excluding them in favor of profit or the benefit of the business outweighs giving blacks a better quality of life?
I supposed knowing that you're gonna die if you put your head in the noose is a "valid stance". If you make the assumption that knowingly agreeing to your own brutal slaughter is a valid goal.
no such thing, you can't be red-pilled and still vote in pedophiles etc
>Do red-pilled blue-pilled actually exist?
Reminder that NazBol’s are not people.
That's what I find a shame about a lot of leftist parties. Free education/basic free healthcare/state owned rails to keep the prices cheap (As these are easily monopolised/etc...
Personally I think these are great ideas, but every party that wants to do them are run by people who want to make refusing to refer to a man in a dress as "xir" a crime, defund the armed forces, and open the borders to the third world.
The last one irks me the most. How can the fathom that open borders and a welfare state is so at odds with each other and all of their other ideals?
When you have societies built up on the enlightenment, freedom of ideas, freedom of speech, and social responsibility.
Sure we can TALK about their claim that their is 589 different genders, and it should be a crime for someone to call this out as being wrong, but we are equally as free to provide a counter arguement to why it is a load of horseshit. Do they really think that Mkombe and Ackmed are going to share the same approach? Of course not, they will being hacked to bits with a machete.
...that said, people would likely not be having these discussions if it wasn't for a certain groups ideals pushing them on to the West. We would be free to express why these people were well and truly mentally ill, and get them appropriate mental health care and hormone treatments and cognitive therapy so that as men, they act like men
This is the best you're going to get.
Honestly it goes beyond the tranny thing even, did you read in Damores lawsuit how Google had a presentation by a "plural" being who identified as a "yellow scaled wingless dragonkin" and "an ornate room" this point how is this not just indulging mental illness at a scary level?
Yeah my brother is a red pilled liberal its fucking stupid.
He will sit there all day complaining how these people come into the country and go to his uni for free while he has to pay for it. Then do a complete 180 and say they are under privileged though so its okay.
Good point, the first clear argument for this.
However I would argue that the businesses should be run by the most capable people to make them function at their peak. Through this prosperity is created and the people benefit.
In the case of Europe, non- natives should be here anyway.
In the case of America, re-open the Blackstar line? Areas with high numbers of blacks descend in to an Africa-like society, so why not send them back to their native lands, where they can live as intended.
Exactly, if these insanity in our society was taken away, by attacking the roots of cultural Marxism, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
The only place this would appear would be a Monty Python sketch because it is genuinely absurd
This sort of "red pilled" progressivism is a meme ideology that isnt going to go anywhere.
In the late 2000s conservatives lost political power and a culture war in a devastating way. Not coincidentally, libertarianism emerged around the same time as cohesive and sane right-wing alternative. Folks converted to this new right-wing movement by adopting the "im conservative on economics but liberal on social issues" mentality. Basically this was a way to rhetorically shield oneself from the left-wing cultural hostility and moral high ground. But that is a cuck mentality because you are still accepting your enemy's premises and terms. You are acknowledging their power structure and instead of fighting it head on you are trying to carve out your own space within it. Now the left lost cultural and political power and so now they are doing the same thing cultural libertarians did in order to preserve existence in this new paradigm. Even if they agree with certain alt-right stances on social issues it is still only surface level. The alt-right arrived at these conclusions by a fundamentally different way of thinking. The left never accepted libertarianism as a legitimate position and the alt-right will never accept progressivism as legitimate even though in both cases the latter declared adherance to the former's moral/social system. We are the ones seizing power. Cuck movements will always fail because they have to ask permission to exist in the political paradigm. This is why there is a direct pipeline of libertarianism to the alt-right. Libertarians are realizing that the ideology reached a political and theoretical dead end so now they are joining the new power structure. But their ideas are not totally abandoned. Instead its being infused into a glorious new ideology where "alt right" is a placeholder name. The only two sides are the jew-left and alt-right. In crucial moments in history like this, all middle grounds are for cuckolds, cowards and losers
how can you be pro-right socially and be a liberal? that means you don't like faggots but want open borders? explain.
holy shit Hahahaha
He's just halfway there. He swallowed the nigger pill, but he didn't go a step further to realize why niggers ruin leftist economics.
This. Never forget Sup Forums: the most redpilled person of all is the privately-self-aware liberal Jew. The enemy knows himself better than we can know the enemy.
Voted for Hillary but glad trump won? Why vote at all for Hillary if they didn’t want her to win? Larping faggot.
>Playing doubles advocate
t. nigger advocate
Yes. There is a special place in hell for them.
Most people here don't actually understand leftists and their arguments, they think they do
Directly refuting people in their own framework is more effective than refuting people in yours
>people would likely not be having these XYZ gender discussions if it wasn't for a certain groups ideals pushing them on to the West
user, I was like you several years ago, when I voted for Obama in 2008. But I became redpilled, not through Sup Forums, but through firsthand experience in two major cities working in social activism and MSM. While I'd love to thrive in an American society where free healthcare and higher education are offered to citizens, we must understand this cannot happen, because the (((threat))) for fully saturated subversion is terminal to the country.
user, this is why the redpill is such a mindfuck. It means realizing that while you have a heart, you cannot use it, because to do so opens one up to a gradual, or more rarely instantaneous, infection. Once you understand we are in a forever war against a people who will not cease subverting in an attempt to convert the entire world to passive submission, you realize there is a CHOICE you must make, that the war requires full commitment because (((they))) are nearly unshakeable in their ambitions and POV.
Look a photograph of The Gone with the Wind premiere in Manhattan. Examine the health, posture, pride of the people. Of the citizens. Compare to Manhattan today. What we're dealing with is a mass psychosis induced by an out-group that has blinded us to reality, that has convinced us that CHANGE is inevitable, that change is the sole constant of a progressive future, when it's only change because it's slow death, white Americans are being literally suicided. It's incredibly creepy. Unfortunately, it's entirely real.
White Americans are born with the optimistic and love for our fellow man. But our youth are born into a world of deception now, like those turtle hatchlings drawn to city lights instead of the beach, that proceed to fall into sewer drains (Marxist culture/academia) or get splatted by autos (illegal immigrants/opioids/depression/isolation).
"doubles advocate" is not a phrase, it's Devil's Advocate, soy vey.
>Do "red-pilled" liberals actually exist?
You can be redpilled and still champion an ideology which could be considered historically liberal.
It's voting Democrat in the current year which disqualifies one from being redpilled. Unless they're looking to accelerate the downfall.
I am sorry to be the baron of bad news, but you seem buttered, so allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies, and are more than just ice king on the cake. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite.
So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality.
I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the fax, instead of making a half-harded effort. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.
>that means you don't like faggots but want open borders
Perhaps he doesn't like faggots who wear dresses and call themselves women but also believes uncontrolled immigration is awful and that leftist ideals in economics and education can be a good thing?
Checking in.
Leftist economy ideals, so he's from Detroit?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
t. Reddit AIDS Fuckface Champion 2018
tfw radical centrist
Yes and they're called "AnCaps"
its a meme you fucking retard newfag
Civic NatSoc
I can understand liberal topics and see valid points in the fud, and the same goes for the right.
Multiculturalism is the opposite of Diversity. I.e. Blacks are fine, as long as they socialize with other blacks. But trying to incorporate Black culture into white culture, and visa versa is not going to benefit anyone. Whites still won't be able to dance and blacks fathers will continue to be a myth.
I'm very liberal when it comes to technology and thing that hiring teams of coders from India to write scripts and front end applications is fine and a great use of cheap labor. We should spend more in school and education but at the same time we need to purge the Tenure faggots and start teaching student not indoctrinating them.
So I guess I am a moderate, or Civic Nationalist.
I find myself leaning to the left when it comes to things like social programs, welfare and healthcare. I'm a Commiefornian and I believe that with the wealth that CA generates, it can easily take care of its CITIZENS and help the needy on to a path of self reliance. I also am for things like Labor Unions (I'm going to be in one when I get certified) and workers right and that racial bigotry is usually unjustified (niggers have been really testing this lately).
What I don't believe in is open borders and chain migration that will ruin all of that for the native born citizens, I believe that illegal immigration is crossing the picket lines on a national scale and must be stopped as well as all their enablers executed or deported. I would rather see immigration from Europe (not hajis but actual Europeans) than from south of the border.
t. It's-a-meme-fag fag
The meme predates Reddit you fucking newfag refugee circa 2016
Hey guys, I just finished reading the memo. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's anything major. Save your time and don't bother reading it.
So read it is what you're saying?
Taking so much pride in being a meme historian in 2018, that you reprimand anons with history lessons and basic bitch insults on a Friday afternoon during your splurge lunch break at Ruby Tuesdays.
>"I'm wrong? Yea well you're stupid"
Kill yourself driftwood
There should be Sup Forums threads just for big brained anons like yourselves