This guy is an ally

This guy is an ally.
stop being autistic cunts and giving him such a hard time.

We disagree on like 0.01% of the issues.

I am not a shill. I am not paid to post this and I will not be posting any replies. It doesn't mean I am sliding, shilling or paid.

grow the fuck up pol

if you want to get anywhere or do anything with this movement you better learn to make allies.

Other urls found in this thread:


Male e-thot fake celeb.
I don't care about his opinions if he will never buy me a beer.

This guy is joke. Do not watch his videos.

sure sure it's not like it's a natural consequence of the network effect that individuals rise to voice the views of the group.

stop acting like we don't need famous people. it's inevitable and it's necessary.

he is not. he often makes good points and covers relevant topics.

I tried watching one of his videos.
It was egotistical garbage - he just rambled on and on.

Guys user is right. At the end of the day he is still the person that converted me from Commie-ism to Chadism. Its better for us to have him on our side.

He's a Jewish Koom-by-yah shill.

anons do fine without this fag

I don't know who that is. Does he agree on the whole enacting a real and global holocaust to take out the Jews and niggers? If not we can agree to disagree I guess desu

I like how these sort of dudes always claim they critique and hate the alt-right, while 100% of their videos are criticizing the liberal "SJW menace" and feminism. They're just gateways to being an alt-right lunatic, like that dumbass peterson and "LE POSTNEOMARXISTS ALSO HITLER WAS A BYPRODUCT OF HIS TIME"

I don’t listen to any retard that makes a name for themselves by simply going for the low hanging fruit of “DESTROYING SJWS” and not actually having shit for an ideology of their own.


You literally are repeating Richard Spencer lol

Even if he's not an ally, he's an entry redpill.

Just leave him alone while he drives more normies towards the right.

Carl is a leftist. It only seems like he's on our side because we have the same enemies. At most he's a useful idiot.

By this standard I would say to also not listen to retards that think big rallies with tiki torches and "uniforms" look good and help their own cause.

>natural consequence
I doubt you've seen any nature for years talking like that.


No he's a kike who is preaching the same toxic individualist bullshit that other kikes who founded the (((libertarian))) movement. Extremist individualism is divide and conquer on an individual scale.

His facial features are 100% kike, just look at his noxious, smug little expression.

>We disagree on like 0.01% of the issues.
You means the core foundation of what we advocate for?
This must be bait, I refuse to believe that people are actually this retarded.

He's a fucking retard mutt that think he's a genius.
The cunt deserves everything he gets, especially after thinking the '''alt-right''' are dumb enough to be subverted into becoming SJWs to make his videos accurate and mutually destroy SJWs and ourselves completely.

He also thinks SJWs somehow got a shit ton of power and they are the whole problem.

Fuck off

>covers relevant topics
Dude, watch my epic six hour long take down of a twenty second feminist clip.

>this guy is an (((ally)))

if he wants to be a nigger, he can be treated like one

Fuck off ewhore faggot. Sage in every hole.


It actually does though, well minus the tiki torches. It shows the group is not afraid to show themselves, and instills fear in the cucks and kikes.

Obviously not good optics but it's a necessary thing to give the massive amount of people that secretly hold the same views more courage to voice them

Even if I was, it doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

How do I know you don’t use this site

Im just pointing out how you're pointing out how its easy to go for the low hanging fruit while you're quoting a low hanging fruit verbatim

"I will not be posting any replies"


>shill post
>reddit spacing
>1 post by this ID
>yes I saged this shithole of a thread

Alt right just does what it was designed to do, no need to wonder about it.
Every single time someone gains traction, alt right mongoloids charge out of the woodwork to screech about juice and jeans.
I wouldn't be able to come up with any better way to shut down any nationalist thought than using alt-right.


The day we find out that watching vloggers gives you cancer is a day to celebrate.

>sargon is our ally

Anyone who utters the words "I don't care if the white race goes extinct" or any other variation on that theme is not an ally.

No, he asked for it. He was the one who started "splitting" the alt-right and trying to stop the Overton Window shifting by declaring a clearly still left-centric political zone "the center". Her plays the same game as the SJWs, that anything remotely right of him (his self-proclaimed "political center") is hard right and Nazi.

He has to adapt or perish. He has to take all the red pills, then see if he can find his way to a true center, and hold that territory against honest debate and science.

>We disagree on like 0.01% of the issues.
hes a doxxing, wanna be nigger, we dont agree on much

All I see are a bunch of morons talking past each other. You know who won the SvS debate? Cultural Marxists.

Expecting anyone to undo the Marxist bs of the last 5 decades with a you tube channel is laughable.

Hitler WAS a byproduct of WW1

>The alt right is a jewish controlled opposition designed to encourage cannibalization
WOW, who'd have guessed?

They genuinely believe that SJWs are the cause of all problems, rather than being a symptom. They're unwilling to look a step further and ask WHY there are people who believe this batshit stuff in the first place.

At least they're on the right path, attacking people as soon as they think "hmm, there's something strange about these pink haired feminists" doesn't help us at all.


>an ally
the only movement you should make is into the gas chamber

I'm more of the opinion that we should stop gunning for him because our time should be used elsewhere. He is in no way a priority. Same with Jordan Peterson.
Anyone who attacks insane leftists is not worth our time going after.

For the record, I agree with you. But if you're not going to reply in a thread that you make then you're a faggot.

I don't see your problem here, he's even mentioning the white genocide which would clue a few people into suspecting it might be a thing/ researching it. Do you seriously think it benefits us if there's nothing in between freebleeding and gas the kikes race war now?

>dishonest pseud is /ourguy/
No he isn't; sage.

fuck off Sargon. You're not even capable of making a coherent argument.

No what he is, is control opposition.

I agree with you op, and I'm a pretty fervent identitarian.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a government agent

Nice argument my dude. Go ask (((Richard Spencer))) if you can borrow anouther one.

>people who speak out against white genocide are bad
>people who say they don't give a fuck about whitey and don't care if we go extinct are /ourguys/

It's time to stop posting

I don't have a problem with more normie-friendly types and a Sargonite is still less shit than a basic bitch liberal, but since he's not sending people who want something harder our way it's incumbent upon the harder types to poach people from him- hence the debates. Ideally we would have a conservative-to-fascist pipeline set up where people ripe for radicalization are sent to us, the way the left has it set up, but that leads to polarization and the cucks that would be the starting end of the pipeline want to hold onto their power.

Ally is an SJW concept get the fuck out of here


>personally attacking a centerist
>pushing him to left
>frightening off his followers
Speaking up about white genocide all right.
>taking a youtube comment as gospel
user, I...

the collective of individualist strike again

>It's just one comment
KYS carl