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I had a semi-auto at school when I was 12. I was on the school rifle team.
What the fuck is it with this generation?

they grew being told they would shoot their eyes out with BB guns...I got a .22 single shot rifle on my 10th summers consisted of shooting squirrels off our pear trees

(((They))) always add useless facts like "semiautomatic" to make it sound spooky

>with a round chambered

lugenpresse loves saying semi automatic like its a nuke

America is unintentionally retarded

How could this happen in California?

>guy shoots
>girls shoots

>(((Semi Automatic)))
I'm literally shaking.

>be american
>get shot

>America is unintentionally retarded

I know you are but what am I?

I once took an axe to school by accident. Shit happened.

Word on the street is she wasn't white. White=mass shooting, not white=unintentional

> I was on the school rifle team.

Cuz full auto is ILLEGAL

Says the leaf with a new anthem and no more free speech in certain places like abortion clinics

>semi automatic
Why is this even a relevant detail

The answer is: Irresponsible parenting.
Parents too busy working to pay bills instead of watching their kid.

inb4 "we need cavity searches at school"

>americans unironically have "Schoolshooter Rifle Teams"

Because more syllables means its more important.


>Surprised they have guns
They murder each other south of the border in droves. OMG I can't imagine why this beanorita shot some people!

they still have it I think only the rotc kids can go now though


>I was on the school rifle team when I was 12
>school rifle team

What the fuck

Most US high schools have NJROTC electives that participate in shooting competitions. Sometimes they use powder rifles, but most of them just use compressed air rifles.

This isn't really a new development. Even the UK has secondary schools that have rifle teams.

Do you guys not have these over there? What's the problem?

An old detective told me he's seen cases where negs had auto glocks. Apparently you can make a glock17 full auto by heating up a paperclip and sticking it through the backplate on the slide to jam the disconnector.

dont feel bad if you went to a limited shit school.

Americans have the right to own guns. Accidents happen all the time.

we use schools for education.

you don't have school rifle team??

Imagine a black lady making her point. Slapping he hands together with each syllable.

"it was a se-mi-au-to-mat-ic"
It helps them keep time with "big words"

to scare the sheep.

So.. why is It that americans carry real bullets instead of Rubber?

You can protect yourself Just fine with it.

hard to kill niggers with rubber, idiot.

>Los Angeles
That explains it

only schools w/o nigs my friend. We may be recalcitrant but were not retarted.

el goblino...

You guys don't have extracurricular clubs or teams?

Shoot to kill, huenigger.

I somehow think you aren't Norwegian, biathalon is a huge sport in Norway. There are tons of youth camps to ski and shoot.

>his school doesn't have a rifle team
Enjoy basket weaving and diversity training, queer.

For music, architecture, etc. normal, educational things.

No sports?

no, europeans are statist government worshiping automatons that do as they're told.

>implying air rifles are less lethal than powder rifles.

lewis and clark, not that they had the first, but that gives a good idea on the timing - they carried pic related on their expedition. If I'm not mistaken, it was the first repeating rifle.

You don't need to kill. No way he still up after a rubber bullet.

in euro countries you don't atleast get archery or something

What race was the girl? I'm guessing non-white since the headline doesn't mention "white terrorist school shooter!".

This girl is going to be given some extremely light sentence, maybe some bullshit community service.
The media will praise her, she'll get 20/20 type interviews, book deals and a movie made about her.
She'll go on to give speeches, warning about the dangers of guns.
Screencap it.

using a firearm is some basic education everyone should know, its like changing a tire or starting a fire with foraged supplies

everyone gets all prissy with their "higher" education, without learning the basic education a human should know to survive

our rifle team was an elective club, but archery was a mandatory study

>Implying California is a part of the US.

Yeah gymnastics too, but that’s mostly for meatheads who fail other courses.

but muslims can't get a hold of AR F-16 Fully-semi-automatic weapons and shoot up san bernadino.

Fully semi automatic assault pistols are illegal in LA. No way a 12 yo can get a hold of one. I think semi0fully-auto bullets are banned too. She must have reloaded the killer hollow point assault bullets. She probably learned from white supremacists who bought the meth to load the bullets from the mexican gang M-16.

>strict gun control

That's what pisses me off. Preying on ignorance

Well there you go then, faggot.

almost none. those are done in other institutions.
those are for specific sports schools where you go to learn to ski/shoot as well as some regular schooling. it's not something you just "pick up" as a class in regular schools.
>diversity training,
that's what you guys have lol

It's a girl. No accountability for girls or women EVER.

Whoops, didn't mean to. I'm just a girl!

Women were a mistake.

How is that comparable to handing kids rifles, are all Americans this retarded?

>CARLSON: Canada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he's nice, but you don't take him seriously. That's Canada.

>it's not something you just "pick up" as a class in regular schools.
neither is it in the states, "rifle team" probably refers to ROTC (army larpers) air rifle team which uses pellet guns and participates in competitions.



There's literally nothing wrong with a 12yo handling a firearm. In fact, it should be much younger than that. Also, you're complaining about kids handling rifles, but not bows and arrows?

Criminal justice classes also are allowed to try the guns.

How do we solve toxic femininity?

It's not like diversified schools do this. It's a pretty white sport

so it's not actually part of the school? then i guess it's not so strange. i don't know what rotc is. we may have something similar called "homeguard youth" where 16 y.o.+ learn army stuff including a bit of shooting.

I'm glad it wasn't one of those high powered boltaction sniper pistols with rocket bullets.

First gun I shot, I was 7 years old and learned a mean lesson. My dad was mostly fucking with me, but shooting that 12 guage with no training whatsoever, other than "point it to what you want to destroy, and pull the trigger", taught me a life long lesson that guns are to be respected. I didn't pick up another powder rifle for almost 10 years after that, and I had a certain level of respect not to fuck around with firearms. I felt like Jackie Chan falling back from a hard kick - I swear I flew about 6 feet back, legs in air.

TL:DR- my dad let me shoot a shotgun when I was little, and it kicked me on my ass. I learned that guns were not toys.

Even in Canada our older schools had gun ranges in the basement. Some were refitted into indoor pools by the 1960s and in the 1980s "pools are unsafe" mania swept the country so those too were shut down.

>it's bad parenting!
>accidents happen!
>we're more free than you!
>what if we have a tyrannical gubmint and need to start a rebellion!!

I love the international circus that is america.

ROTC happens in the school. Instead of gym class you have ROTC (in my state gym is mandatory) and you wear the uniform, learn drill formations, and general military stuff. It's full of losers who think war is like call of duty, and fat black girls who don't want to do gym.

I did it for one year because I thought you would be doing hard army type working out and outdoors stuff like camping and navigation. I was very wrong

There's a difference between the non-whites who use guns to commit crimes, and Whites who teach their kids how to use guns correctly.
At my high school they gave us M1 Garands.

My dad did the same thing, I wasn't quite as young, but it was freezing outside and raining. He loaded in one shell and I could remember being knocked over directly into the rain swamped grass and never bugged my dad to shoot again until I was like 19 or 20.

How is this not bad parenting though? Do you think that 12 year old went into a gun shop and bought that pistol?

I'm ashamed that no one has posted this yet.


America used to have rifle teams at schools in like the 1950s but they were slowly phased out by leftists and other scum. Poor Euromutts think it has something to do with causing school shootings when in reality the opposite is true. In fact, the first ever school shooting was cut seriously short by armed teachers laying down suppressing fire on the attacker. Only after rifle teams were diluted from the curriculum did school shootings ever become a frequent occurance with the kind of mass collateral damage they cause today. It just goes to show the myth of America’s gun violence problem is linked more with the decline of white domination of American culture and society than it does with guns themselves.

dat cutiepie

In LA? Nicked it of course.

Yeah, knowing how to identify and vote for anti-white marxists is on a need to know basis. Self defense and personal autonomy is for apes.

so another point men hating feminists cant claim for themselves


>Yeah, knowing how to identify and vote for anti-white marxists is on a need to know basis.

My son's private school has a trap shooting team. They provide them with Remington competition shotguns.
My old public high school had archery and shooting .22s in P.E. Those were the best times.

Something does not add up in this story:
>Jordan Valenzuela was in class when he heard the bang, and then the screaming. In a classroom next door, a 15-year-old boy had been shot in the head, a 15-year-old girl was shot in the wrist and several others were struck by broken glass.

>Jordan tells The Associated Press that his 12-year-old classmate at Salvador B. Castro Middle School told him it was an accident.

>The sobbing girl told him: "I didn't mean to. I had the gun in my backpack and I didn't know it was loaded and my backpack fell and the gun went off,"' the seventh-grader said.

>Five people were injured in the shooting. The most seriously hurt was a 15-year-old boy who was shot in the head but doctors said the bullet didn't hit anything vital or life-threatening.

Dropping a handgun does not wound 5 kids, unless there was some serious magic bullet ricochet shit going on here. Apparently there was no teacher in the room either as it was the 7th graders who responded to the shooting.

>Jordan said later, the girl asked him to hide the backpack with the gun in it.

>"I said 'No,"' he said. "Then I moved away from her because I was a little bit scared."

>But, he said, "she doesn't do bad things, she just stays quiet."

not a false flag
>kid woulda been white if ff

Olympic-style target shooting. We had that along with archery.

>eurotards too dumb to understand sarcasm
No wonder you can’t handle guns. I’m glad your commie government prevents you from blowing your poor, moronic head off.

There's no fucking way that's an 'accident'. She's just trying to abdicate responsibility because she regrets her outburst.

i think the difference here is that our youth shooting teams (we have them too, hunting and shooting is a big art of norwegian culture, the national shooting competition airs on television every year and is a decent sized event although fairly rural) is not connected to schools whatsoever, just like football/hockey/whatever also isn't, they're completely separate things and institutions.

Not saying false flag, just unrlaibale non-white teenage witnesses practicing "no snitchinin".

5 kids wounded from "one accidental discharge", no teachers, kids tried to cover it up and hide the gun. Bullshit.

his sarcasm didn't make any sense.
>No wonder you can’t handle guns.
we can though. it's americans that can't. constantly accidentally shooting your babies and kids. it's fucked up.

Man, most of you fuckers had parents that the only survival skills they taught you were to ask someone for help. Prepped for socialism from day 0.

Most non-libtard states have something like this usually its sponsored by the JMP.

>be American
>dress like a girl
>get shot

I hate this fucking country. Being passionate about shooting gets you mocked for being unstable, as if there's something inherently wrong with the hobby. I was never in any sports or clubs in high school because they didn't interest me, but you could bet your ass I would pour my heart into a rifle club. It's god damn heartbreaking to know that that actually used to be a thing in this country and wasn't looked down upon as a hobby for psychopaths