>The handlers of Punxsutawney Phil said the furry rodent has called for six more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow at dawn Friday.

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How many times was he right?

Delete. This. Now.

Delete. This. Now.

Phil is horrible. For me it's the Staten Island Chuck!
>Using data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, we have calculated the accuracy of both groundhogs' forecasts since 1992: Chuck's predictions have been accurate about 80 percent of the time, while Phil is only accurate about 25 to 30 percent of the time.


Yo how old is this squirrel?

>6 more weeks of winter
I live in Colorado. It hasn't snowed once and most days have been between 50 and 65 F. Basically the same weather as San Francisco.

Delete. This. Now.

He's never been wrong.

>The Inner Circle maintains that Punxsutawney Phil is correct in his prognostication 100% of the time. They purport that it is only by human error of the Presidents translation of Phil's Groundhogese communication that the prediction could ever be misconstrued as being anything less than 100% correct.

0.02 shekles have been deposited into your Pennsylvania board of tourism account