Daily reminder to gas the kikes
Daily reminder to gas the kikes
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Stop posting this shit.
Bit racist m8
shartblow is having an epileptic fit with these posts, I wonder why?
My guess is they're going to hide the other posts, take a screenshot and prove to the world how every user is the same racist bigot.
Only stupid folk try the same thing over and over and expect a different result
Shit. I almost forgot. Thanks!
Line up line up
Being a natsoc larper on pol must be really nice, since we all know you dont have the balls to do anything in real world you spineless cuck.
Show me your NatSoc face /po/
>implying we need a reminder
Bump for deh lulz
Race war now?
Unironically this.
There are some very arrogant jews in goa
Gas the kikes by lifting heavy and eating one gram of protein (AT LEAST) for every lean pound of body mass
I fucked a sheila in himachal, have you tried fuckin them
I am sure you dont have the balls to say any of these in real life
Daily reminder to wash the bikes
Sup Forums is a national socialist board. never forget it and get gassed, catalonian kike.
>Race war now?
No. The race war doesn't start until noon EST.
Daily reminder that the Holocaust gassing, Operation Reinhard, was planned by and named after mischling Reinhard Heydrich, supervied by Zionist Jew Adolf Eichmann, and implemented physically by Jewish kapos and Sonderkommando in the SS.
>Sup Forums is a national socialist board
I think it is so sweet that some people think this. I wonder do they ever get out of their mom's basements?
The sleeves are folding up. The faggot was likely wearing a sweater that he took off before taking the picture.
>went full commie shill
doesnt suprise me
Daily reminder that at last instance, a jew is always behind your source of unhappyness.
That's his double you fuckin moron
stop larping
Or I could have just changed into it in the bathroom after picking it up from the shop. Either way, you can stop being jealous of my titanium balls.
Kikes love this gay flag, gas yourself already.