Little Witch Academia

The ride is over! Let's wait for subs to drop!


Other urls found in this thread:

now to go find some less exciting reason to live

that's a big broom

at least the game looks fun

That's okay, OP.


So what happened?

Why is Akko with these noncharacters?
Shouldn't her team consist of her and Diana?

Nah, they were fine. It was just clear they had no direction after the AkkoxAndrew thing was denied by producers. Make the Lotta and Frank subplot go further and actually use Andrew to explore the political side of witches more and it'll work.

YAY, user. YAY happened.

Stop posting in this thread the comments OP posted is obviously contains shipping

real thread

Needs a reboot without Andrew and Frank. That'll save LWA for good.


What the fuck am i going to do for 5 months

What did he mean by this?

Would anyone be interested in street subs after Raws drop?

>this desperate for (you)s
literally why

We Won, Dianafags.......
We Won, Akkofags.....
We Won, Diana&Akkofags.........

Kill yourself cancer.

he's just jealous not getting used the thread that he made

So this is a PERFECTION looks like....

>Andrew falseflaggers will never be able to counteract the canon Dianafagging because Andrew got jackshit in terms of meaningful screentime with Akko
Feels good.

>Constanze and Sucy weren't playing their own game in the epilogue
Missed opportunity there, Trigger.

I don't give a damn about shipping shit

I din't think the game was a robot game

>faggotry has started


I just want to know what Chariot and Croix were talking about in the end.

Tattun probably lurks Sup Forums and posts without his name

>playstation 4
wait what

Where are my Diakko bros?

Hey, i live in japan & i hear the news that YOKO HIKASA is abducted.

Police said YOKO was last seen with MEGUMI HAN.

Is this true ?


Have you been living under a rock or what


Why would Trigger invest into an actual PS4 game? Don't anime games come mostly for Vita/3DS or some shit except non-weeb stuff like wan piss

There's another thread w/out shipping faggotry. You could go there if you don't want to celebrate here.

What about WOODFUCKER?

I seriously hope those are placeholder artwork. Would be extremely lazy to just reuse those.

Endgame right here, anons.

See LWAJP Twitter

Most likely. It literally reads sample on it.

>no Croix in game
Just end me

The Diakkofags on Twitter were exaggerating like always after all. Why are the Nips such liers? It's been like this since Episode 1

Didn't you read the last thread?
>Croix is going to find a way to reverse the effects of Wagandea's pollen, and Chariot said "I'll be waiting for you" twice

>No blush
>Not gay
Nice headcanon


But why were the Wizards there



>yurifags are delusional liars

Who would have thought?

Tell me this is shopped. It's too cringeworthy to be real

Megumi took over while Trigger was drunk in the other toom.

A male wizard?
Will there be wizard school in S2?

Its a 'Special Game' you get for preordering the PS4 game.

Again Its like these faggots think that two people holding hands = kiss

Behold! It's one of the 9 witches! Why? No one knows!

>Andrewcuck samefagging

Just go watch Harry Potter




Using the term cringeworthy is cringe enough faggot

I hope we get to see some interactions with other magical schools.

Cringeworthy? user this was great for us and it's real

Croix is arrested by the magic police, when she serves her sentence she swears she's going to cure Chariot of the pollen and Chariot says she'll be waiting. Croix is also confirmed not to have been hit by that pollen because she flies off on a broom as well

Stop being delusional user kun

Post all "where are they now" pictures

Needs a reebot without Croix, dying magic and turning Ursula into french Wonder Woman.

Again, Akko just made that up.
They not Real 9 witches

You really that hurt because he's right

Goddamn, I honestly didn't expect to get pandered so hard. I was just hoping for a cute moment at the end not for Diana to be involved in the entire climax.

Tell me this post is shopped. It's too cringeworthy to be real

By the way, which board would start a thread like that? It's certainly not allowed on Sup Forums anyway since it's a real-time news event

You have been visited by the Magic Stick of YAY!

Say "Sign up for Netflix and watch and 5-star all LWA content!" to get its blessing!

There's always the neutral thread

I mean, who else was available? I guess Finnelan or Holbrooke was still possible.

No it doesnt.

>explore the political side
>of a witch school anime
How about no?

fuck off shill

Only one even worrying about /u/ at the moment is you and that faggot "neutral" OP from the other thread. Everybody's busy gushing over the episode.

Stop your autism already, attention whore.


/news/ if they had images.


>Andrewcuck damage control

Raws out

Yes it does.

Oh, the void.

It was literally telegraphed in the OP to the second half: they were going to hold hands and Diana was shown prominently with Akko

Not to mention that Diana's dream, like Akko, was to be like Shiny Chariot - both of them wanted to be Shiny Chariot.

But that doesn't mean its a yuri ending it just means they both become shiny chariot. But of coruse, thats enough fuel for shipperfags to be happy

Fuck off, Chariot and Croix were fine.


What is the girls' power level?

I think it's

Diane > Constanze > Amanda > Sucy > Jasminka > Akko > Lotte

Womanlets, when will they learn?

Why is Sucy that low?

Not purely political, but something like OVA 2 where the public views on witches is explored more.

You fuck off. They ruined the show and sidelined the rest.

Did we even ever see these girls, what the fuck trigger

They depicted the British prime minister as a literal manlet

Where should I submit a formal complaint?

Its been a fun ride

Dianakko is love, dianakko is life.

Not a argument.

Diane is muh perfect
Constanze has millions of machines
Amanda looks like she would just knock Sucy out in a one on one before she pulls her mushroom out
