are employment drug screening an invasion of privacy? 4/5 checmicals they test for in the non-dot pass through your system in less than 72 hours.
Are employment drug screening an invasion of privacy...
Not if you sign a piece of paper wavering some of your rights.
You can refuse to take the test.
I can refuse to hire you.
>4/5 checmicals they test for in the non-dot pass through your system in less than 72 hours.
If that's true, then it weeds out only the most degenerate and should be allowed.
but is it an invasion of privacy?
So if someone has any of the shorter half life chemicals it means they were high just before the test, rather irresponsible. But I agree that it is an invasion of privacy and never should have become part of the hiring process
It became part of the hiring process because employers get a substantial break on their insurance.
Weed is legal.
Just sue the company and make a quick million.
For spiritual and religious persecution.
No jury will believe a corporation.
Risk managment will settle with cash.
72 hours.
>Kek might as well make it 12
>are employment drug screening an invasion of privacy?
Yes, it's none of my employer's business what I smoke, drink, snort, etc while off the clock.
It's none of there business who I put my dick in, or what church I go to.