map can be changed easaly so post your versions of map
Prove me wrong
Fuck off with the "is x white" threads.
White people follow the rules of the host.
>non-white Caucasians
Are you retarded?
>American education
North africans are arabs dumbass
I never asked is someone white so thecnicaly speaking i haven't broken any board laws.
>georgia nonwhite
>armenia arguably white
nice try kardashian
Shame that Russian mongolised Karelians otherwise it should be purple as well.
added to my word filters
I've seen a video where a guy gets on a bus a then 2 thing happen
1. A mudslime woman with a hijab walks off
2. The black bus driver lock the door on the guy
ENDland fucked
This. Britian will be the next country to lose white majority right after America.
Id say its a tossup between them, Canada, Sweden and Germany
Fixed that for you op
This thread is technically against the rules
And we are NOT white. Fuck off already Janka, we will never be a part of the "cool kids club" nor do we need to.
This map is very outdated. There are millions of arabs, Africans etc in West Europe now.
OHEXPLOITABLE version when?
Divide and conquer shills need not apply.
You just went and made "whiteness" completely obsolete as a term. Good job.
>People of European descent with fair skin
If you want further subdivisions look at ethnicity.
>He is German, he is also white
>She is Spanish, she is also white
>They are Russian, they are also white
>You are Latvian, you are also white
>He is an Arab, he is not white
>He is a Turk, he is not white
>He is Moroccan, he is not white
So you're saying that pic related isn't white?
By the very own original definition established by the Founding Fathers of the new world:
Europeans =/= white
(Emigrating to the Americas) north-western Europeans = white
one way to make a fool of oneself
As the Balticbro said, you made white a completely obsolete. If you just use white as a synonym for Europeans then just use Europeans in the first place. Iranians are white in the minds of quite a few people. White is a bullshit vague American term.
England is no where near white and Scotland is super white
Bosnians are whiter than you. Stop D/C you fucking turk.
This doesn't happen in Scotland or northern Ireland only England
>super white
I don't see how Balts or Fins are supposed to be whiter. Especially because a lot of foreigners live there, which can't be sad about Poland.
Spain and Italy should be arguably white, since in both countries the north is really white, but the south is more like northern Africa. Either that or you should work without topographical borders. Same with Russia beyond the Ural.
Totally agree.
official board rules were abandoned long ago
kek no, the south and north are pretty much the same, the country where you see a real difference is Italy
>super white
You telling me that moor invasion didn't leave a mark?
you mean white as an expression for superiority because you are fromn one of those country
honestly people here feel superior too, and that's happened preety much in every first world country
Why are you defending those brainless subhumans?
>prime british beauty
not from the royal lineage it seems
from 2007
if you apply logic it seems he reeferd to skin color.
if i use logic i think you have an infority complex
wrong pic
how long till this nigger lover subhuman gets diana'd?
Italian subhumans using fake pictures to feel better about their inferiority.
>doesn't even know how to use the eyedropper tool
>thinks he's a high iq white person
yeah i think this is the best map thus far
this is from 2012. idgaf though
idk why you hate yourself and some southern europeans - you a russian?
georgians and armenians look no different than Iranians, though.
that IQ map is incorrect and you know its Italys IQ average is about 102 if you remove the south our average is even higher
i've proven you wrong
>inferiority complex
no it's only mean how people feel
Italians are proud peoples
>from 2012 with PISA test
when iq is based on cognitive capacity
>Italian subhuman getting mad when confronted with facts.
Lol. This is bullshit. I hope you're trolling, otherwise you're even dumber than the burgers!
this lad is from Nice back when it was Italian does he look like a negroid?
don't ever reply to me ever again, nonwhite mongoloid subhuman
Amerifat from a nice part of wash DC here on vacation and can confirm Iceland as super white. Literally have only seen 2 nigs but they were clearly tourists. The prison population is only 109 so thats also a pretty telltale sign
Modern Italians are negroids.
They are mixed with all kinds of subhumans, their blood is too dirty.
Or what?
but im not mad, im just telling you what our average IQ is with the south included here i just screenshot this from google
way back when italy might have been white but its negroid now
>super white
>using google as a source.
Wow, you're even dumber than I thought.
Our discussion ends here.
hes a modern Italian you dunce we haven't had invasions in the last 200 years to change our demographics
Don't reply trolls my friend, he is shitposting.
iceland is pretty asian looking
Iceland has a large amount of Irish ancestry so the Irish must be just as white.
ok then read the many articles about the IQ of northern Italy instead of using fake info graphics
Leave them alone. They're so cute! Aren't we all Finnboos on here?
His ancestors are Germanic people who invaded Rome. Those people are the only reason Italy is still not 3d world shithole tier country.
Oh look, spotted Mustafa.
Kebab belongs on skewer.
Not if you keep voting SNP kiltclown.
Post the original please.
56% detected
Yea, didn't see it was pisa, that shit is useless.
Found this though, wonder how Germany fell 7 fucking points - decent sample as well.
Ok except for Baltic countries, they aren't Nordic, they are Slav.
I don't want myself and my ancestors to be associated with cumskinoid.
We are BLACK and together with our Bantu brothers we will genocide paleskins
>super white
they aren't even indo-european, get the hell out with them
baltic states should be mega white
>autism: the chart
French most famous men was non white
Souther Europe is objectively more European than N*rdics
hope you're enjoying your stay
also hope you don't run into the chink horde during your stay here
>13 btw
Latvia and Lithuania is baltic you retard.
Napoleon was E1b1b therefore BLACK
No. The north african admixture we have is from prehistory.
corsician are tuscan rapebaby therefore the best people in France along with Savoyard
>a Latvian
You are inferior among the Baltics, you dare talking about literally anyone else in the galaxy?
Also the northwest of the peninsula has the bigger concentration of north african genes, so the meme people keep believing about the spanish two halves is wrong.
Loving it so far, not too many chinks so far but they definitely have no respect for personal space. Also just ate horse, bretty good.
IQ maps are stupid, especially those using Lynn's data.
(1) They were all derived using different methodology
(2) Lynn didn't even collect the data himself
(3) Different geographic locations were used
(4) The differences in wealth environmentally lower the IQs of some countries
Posting these maps is about as useful as making numbers up yourself.
I guarantee you, if you got 100,000 people from every European ethnicity, raised them in the same environment, you'll get almost the exact same average for each group.
>American education
>calls berbers and north africans arabs