This month we will be holding each other accountable in our quest for overman discipline, virility and strength.
We will not be taking part in the degeneracy that is porn and masturbation.
We will not be wasting our seed, our masculine vital energy on virtual whores.
Post your progress and the effects it is having on you.
Post information you have about the negative consequences of pornography and masturbation and the agenda behind its normalization and increased availability.
/NFF/ No Fap February General - Day 2
fapping produces more testosterone.
fapping is good practice for sex.
fapping cleans out the old sperm and makes men more fertile.
The junk is a "use it or lose it" apparatus. Like any other part of the body, if it's not exercised, the body doesn't commit resources to it.
Every man fapps. This "no fap" stuff is Jewish propaganda to cut off the goy's balls
Op is probably a faggot. Don't be like Op.
I'm gonna make some coffee brb
>fapping produces more testosterone.
>fapping is good practice for sex.
>fapping cleans out the old sperm and makes men more fertile.
This nigga can't be serious.
Guys I am a foot fag. How do I end this degeneracy and become normal.
This is literally the most retarded thing I have read on this board.
Nice ty
Instead of fapping, why don't you:
-Have a gf?
-Have One Night Stands?
-Have Intercourse with a prostitute?
Are you underage or just socially awkward neets?
Even on the second day I notice that the veil of jewry is beginning to lift from me, like a veil is lifted from one's face to reveal the true picture of the world.
We're breaking the conditioning in all it's forms.
the idea is to get married first. or at least be in a serious relationship. if you get prostitutes, and one nightstands, you're making more roasties.
Fap every 7 days is optimal. If you do nofap for too long your testosterone levels shrink
Fapping takes 2 minutes. All that stuff requires a lot of time and effort and putting up with other people.
Is Theresa May secretly /ourgal/ because banning porn fpr under 18 and people with no ids will lead to
>more fertile men
>more white babies
>less soyboys
>britain becomes less degenerate as time goes on
>british men have more testosterone, which means they get more right wing views.
Hey guys! what's that over in the oven? why don't you go check it out
I'm against fapping towards porn, because it messes up your brain chemistry a bit.
Are you good breeding stock? Go try to outdo J.S. Bach in family capacity. I'll be over here with my dick in my hand doing something or other to try to contribute to society in my own way.
That's nothing compared to a ticklefag.
>good practice for sex
This board must be full of sex masters then. The closest thing you get is a numb dick to last longer.
Do nofap. There's also noporn, but you'd probably jerk off thinking about feet, so just stop fapping altogether. Maybe after 3 months you can jerk off once every 2 weeks with no porn (hopefully you'll be able to imagine normal sex).