You may call us "soy boy" and "feminazi", just remember we are regular people trying to make a living in this world just like the rest of you!
You may call us "soy boy" and "feminazi"...
Calling you names doesn't inhibit your ability to live in the world and make a living. Although I'm not sure if I'd wanna live with a face that that desu
Her prescription is so bad you can see through her head what the fuck
>just remember we are regular people trying to make a living in this world
Regular people have jobs or start a business. SJWs extort normies over isms and collect settlements/trust funds from their elite parents.
If people supported themselves then tax would be unnecessary.
That pube beard is an awful look.
I'm glad they found one another and make each other happy, at least for this moment captured in time. Btw pic is not you, you're a shill, and this is a slide thread. Fuck you all.
Absolutely disgusting.
has there ever been a study on the correlation between testosterone levels and having a white gf vs having a black gf
They say niggers and Jews are fellow humans and I still don't give a shit.
Hope to push zyklon pellets into your children's noses nigger lovers
You will be spared from the bag for now leaf... for now...
That shiksa is not nearly attractive enough for this jewboy
weed + soy.
Good day muh equal human
That's an interesting theory.
Soy nazi
Women regardless of race like men who are attractive and take care of themselves.
It's purely biological.
I get the feeling those two are against drugs altogether. One hit wrecks them, someone in her family died of lung cancer so she HATES anything that even looks like smoke, and he's whipped to anything she thinks so her thoughts and opinions are also his.
You sell soy?
Then mind your own fucking business!
this is true but atleast where i live in the US where you see interracial couples around it seems rarer to see the "gamer"/"soyboy" archetype with darker skinned women compared to lighter skinned
Man, the pube beard looks like hell. Scale the length back until the beard fills in more
Ugly and blind.
Test test. Left or right?
rest in soy
look up the effects of thc on follicle growth.
planet of the ape the vengeance
>trying to make a living
No? I don't need to try to do that. Really must be horrible being lower class.
I have 1150ng/dL, which my doc says is the highest he's ever seen. I prefer black women.
t. Dolph Lundgren
Fuck that degenerate half sleeve
That's in the absolute upper range, goyim. We're gonna have to do something about that. Seriously though what do you look like with those levels? Personally I've been 710 ng/DL as my lowest and 950 ng/dL at my highest.
Both. Twice.
daily reminder your genes will go extint due the lack of skill to perform as a normal human being, good luck it was a nice ridance
if you pick right you are a homo tbqh
great, now quit telling me what to do and how to live my life and we will get along fine
FPBP Moving on
Ah, well would ya look at that. It can happen, it can exacerbate, but at the same time, it can be mitigated, and THC is not out of control with causing hair loss and impacting hormones overtime. If anything, its nutrient deficient, heavy pot smokers that are most at risk for these long term effects.
That's not true and that's precisely the problem, you don't want to live in this world and are waiting for death.
Making a living by writing blogs and trying to get real normal people fired isn't making a living soyboy femnazi
Dear Mr. Leftist Shill
The purpose of this memo is to discuss what Sup Forums is really all about. As we both know the open and uncensored discussion of political topics is a threat. Not to us as Sup Forums, but to you butthurt leftist fags and your masters. You are boringly predictable and seem unusually obsessed with accusing Sup Forums of being like every other section of the clearnet that you control, that is to say a fucking echochamber. Why you think this is a mystery so far. This is why we need to tell you to go back to your actual echospaces, it’s your only hope to subdue your autistic rage at the fact that other people have different opinions than you do.
As you might be starting to realize, I am one of the Dealers in Butthurt around here, and this gives me great power, greater than the average soybrain immolet is able to comprehend. I suppose you think that being able to silence voices such as mine everywhere else on the clearnet makes you more powerful, but it doesn’t. I worked it out, and I’m at least 70-80% more powerful than you are, maybe even 100%. This is because Sup Forums is always right and we say what we want. I’m also very tolerant of other people’s opinions because it gives me the chance to blow them the fuck out.
I’ve been busy lately working out ways to defeat your hypocritical accusations and relentless autistic invasion of Sup Forums. The problem is that the newfags can’t into sage and remind you to fuck off. That’s why I need newfags to enter ‘sage’ in the options field before taunting you for you stupidity. You can at least sage, can’t you Sup Forums? You people really need to step it up on that, it’s getting increasingly difficult to have a REAL intellectual discussion around here because of all the stupid bait/slide threads. As I’ve said many times, the best way to deal with these screeching leftists is to sage and report their off topic threads.
I'm pretty muscular w/ wide shoulders and as a kid I got made of a lot for it. I workout now and people always accuse me of being on gear. My dad doesn't even workout and he's built too. I should mention I'm slav.
The term feminazi is cultural appropriation of my peoples. I would appreciate if you stopped. only national socialists can use the n word.
I bet she has no ass
Remember OP you are going to die soon once this race/civil war kicks off for real,you pieces of garbage are getting the bullet. You do not contribute or make a living on anything. You are scum to be wiped out.