Little Witch Academia

These are your witches for tonight!

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Last time shilling this

Enjoy the final episode!



My arts for a collage.



Wait so this ended up actually being good?


You mean the card collage?

The final episode is a 11/10

>make them friends
>HB didn't even get a white dress

Fitting song for the final battle

>Avery's pout
>Mary's expression
>Hannah and Barbara STILL holding hands.
>Wangari hype

My sides.

Step one is complete, step two will be commencing shortly

>Jasminka and Hannah
I see those were the famous sandwiches. Also, I wonder of what they could talk, about.

>Cucking both Hannah and Frank.

Lotte wasn't even interested in Frank

>There won't be a comfy ending
>Ursula dies
>Woodfucker is evil
Who's laughing now Sup Forums? Oh wait it's me because I kept my yay till the very end.

>Jasminka is one of the new nine old witches


What a finale, I loved it.

Over the last couple of months this went from being a series I didn't really care about to one I loved. Most of that was thanks to the threads here and all of you here on Sup Forums, you made the show ten times better. Thanks to Trigger as well for making such a great show and not dropping the ball and having a great ending.

I would love a season two, but even if it doesn't happen this was wonderful.

Sasuga Sup Forums.



Getting real tired of you fags thinking there be a S2..

Get fucking real this Trigger we talking bout..

Dat ps4 game tho.. looks like it being played on a ps3..

Fuck this Tv show apart from it having Chumlee in it..

Is that a monoeye or a mask?

Even Chumlee believed as hard as he could.

Who is that qt on the left?

That's her eye.

Sorry, but the TRIGGER don't do second seasons meme is dead with the announcement of Inferno Cop 2. Not to mention in the livestream TRIGGER did before the episode aired, Ootsuka, Yoshinari, Handa, LASTBOSS aka Producer-san and a couple other guys that I forget all stated they want to keep doing LWA.

Is Jasminka still irrelevant till the end?
If so I will never forgive trigger for this. How the fuck that boring shitty Skelly got his own dedicated episode and not for Jasminka?

H-how lewd!

>Barb's butt blocked

I bet it could have stopped the nuke all by itself.

So are Hannah-Barbarafags still mad they didn't get to be the ni-

When two of your friends get an episode each dedicated to them, but you don't, the message is clear.

She helped, she powered up stage one of the booster!

White is right

>Croix: Is it getting hot? I hope she doesn't notice I'm sweating. Oh god why did I wear the villain outfit with no armpits. Does my hair look okay like this? I hope she forgot how I shot at her with that machine gun turret and then tried to crush her in a force cage. Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead but after all this is over maybe we can... no I mustn't get my hopes up!

>Chario: I don't have to think about difficult things anymore!

>All witches are members of the KKK


>Diana and Akko holding each other's rod

its a mask, u can see it cover her nose. she is using her 3rd eye to see

I still pronounce it her name as lot. I don't give a fuck.



After all this Diana is still hoverhanding?

What does "donda" mean?

Now that I think about it, the anime was pretty bad, no wonder why it's flopping.

>she's flying

So you think s2 might happen?

I'd say OVA 3 before s2..

No since it flopped


I'm saying TRIGGER are ready and willing to do more LWA. I have no intent to play Nostradamus.

post the dragon


fugging cute

Can some user plz shoop edit Chums screen for lulz?

When are preorders going up for the game? Release date (11/30) announced so it shouldnt be long, right?

I don't even want the game, but I torrented ever episode and loved the series so much I feel like I should buy it as payback. Is it going to be on Steam?

reminder that your shitty show flopped in japan

I woke up half an hour ago and downloading the episode
Was it good

Nope, Netflix exclusive. Only Funimation and Cruchyroll show get on Steam for now.

He was talking about the game.
It's a Ps4 exclusive.

It was great. It was everything I hoped for.

Best Trigger episode yet.

All good anime flop in Japan.

It's not gay if handles don't touch.

Can't make money if the Earth is destroyed so this investment is in his interests

Conny a cute

>All good anime flop in Japan.
That's not far off from the truth actually.

LWA and flip floppers are the exception of the rule


>purple team is there too
>sarah peeking out
trigger knows the favorites

hannah might have a cooking specialty, i wonder

It's more like only Lotte and Barbara had something in common and the other 4 were just thrown around.

well then, maybe jasminka and hannah get alone somewhere and jasminka keeps offering her food, and hannah is like "that's okay, i'm full" and jasminka insists, putting the food in her mouth like a gag and hannah's body starts thrashing around trying to escape, and this sounds too much like one of those stuffing fetish pictures on deviantart but was really intended to just setup the mental image of hannah kicking her body around for some nice leg shots

>Sup Forums
Trigger confirmed for bros.

So now that Diakko is confirmed, does that mean Chariox is canon too?


>Sucy and Lotte giving Diana and Akko their blessing

So, what's your dream LWA episode? Here's mine:

Akko gets a booty call from Andrew to meet him at the Luna Nova auditory. She gets there, turns out it was Croix using a voice modifier. All of her shapeshifting cubes are there too. They've stolen all of her Chariot cards and they tell her she has to follow all their instructions and whatever happens to her she has to act like she enjoys it. If she doesn't, they will rip all of her cards and get her expelled from Luna Nova.

So the next day, Akko walks into a room wearing diapers and a pacifier, acting like a retarded baby. All of the school fairies are there and they give her the hardest, most brutal gangrape in history. As instructed, Akko acts like she completely enjoys it and asks for more.

Then in walks the dad of that Louis guy from the Holy Grail episode. Turns out he joined Croix for revenge. He's been eating a special protein-only diet for weeks just for this. He pulls down his pants and partially defecates the longest, thickest, hardest log ever, and proceeds to use it to give Akko the most furious ass-to-ass action ever recorded. Akko can't hold her tears anymore, but pretends they're from pleasure. It's finally over.

Then Croix reveals the room they're in is actually see through from the outside, and they're in the Luna Nova auditory. All of the school has been watching Akko get gangbanged and enjoy it, and it's been broadcasted worldwide. They finally kick her out of the premises, and rip all of her cards anyway.

Later, Akko runs into Chariot, who tells him she didn't know she had such an unbelieving heart. Andrew and Diana walk in and proceed to have passionate sex in front of Akko, and after they finish, he pees all over Akko, much to Diana's delight.

After the ending credits, Akko is wandering off on a road in the middle of nowhere. A speeding Shooting Star broom runs her over and breaks her spine, but it's non lethal. She is left laying there in extreme pain for days, and finally dies of hunger.

wait, did they actually even keep in that red text janitor message?

I can see the "I want to cum inside sucy" poster from here.

Nice blog.

>Nine New Witches
>actually, there are only seven of them
>also only two of them are of any actual importance
Just like the Nine Olde Witches with Woodward and Beatrix being of any particular importance, Akko and Diana continue their tradition.

None was confirmed.

Gee why ask questions that are in the fucking image

Alright, which one of you touched it?

because fuck you that's why

They went for a more realistic approach.

Akko throws a tantrum and leaves school alone, unapproved, and without an escort.

A gang of roaming Albanians kidnap her

Nobody cares and the show becomes a Point of View show showcasing everyones life and hardships and how hard work can achieve success.

Friendly reminder that Bokujoukun is doing a vanilla Diakko doujin.

>I'll be waiting for you
Like a wife to her husband who's going to jail.

So Croix can pretty much return after finding the cure for the pollen. Seems easy enough.

>Diana was literally the first one to jump in and agree with Akko saying that they could do something against the missile
What a good wife.

Unrealistic. Change it to North Africans.

Shit Chariot why are you still so gay for the person who betrayed you MULTIPLE times?

She wont be going to jail. She just goes to look for the cure.

Remember when this show was about a little girl wanting to become a witch?