Post your political predictions for the next 30-50 years:
Post your political predictions for the next 30-50 years:
Severe authoritarian backlash against Moslems and PC soybois.
Business as usual unless Trump releases this fucking memo soon.
Europe turns into the middle east with multiple bombings and firefights in the streets, this will be ignored by the majority of the media.
Any decisive victory made by native europeans will be misrepresented as a "Nazi resurgence" and normie countries that are now predominantly ethic (USA) will refuse to send aid and demonise them.
I hope
>EU will fall apart
>US Dems will fall apart
>Trump will set the course for a new American destiny
>Canada will get more and more cucked until the great plains provinces secede and join US
EU tightens stranglehold on core countries in Western Europe
Certain countries (Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark are most likely to me) go renegade, deport and execute muslim traitors. Sparks war with EU and Britain who are under full Islamic control now
America ceases to become a world superpower, falling along the lines of China, India, Russia.
Middle East is mostly taken over by Turkey after Arab oil states fall apart
Russia takes over Ukraine, Baltics, Finland
Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians form pro-European superstate in eastern europe.
China takes over east asia (not Japan though)
(((Civic nationalist))) parties will come to power in most European countries and slow down the replacement of white people, so they slowly fade away in the next 200 years without giving to much resistance.
Yeah, that has been worrying me too.
>Moslems and PC soybois.
nuclear wastelands left and right desu
Slow and steady decline of the west. Shit's fucked.
Don't forget ((them))
It's a fucked up blackpill, no reason to stop fighting though.
Nazi LARPers online and IRL will push normies so far away from the rightwing and white interests with their edgy faggotry and sow so much in fighting on the right because no popular/persuasive public figure is ever good enough that the left retakes the office after 8 years of Trump, undoes everything he achieved, establishes a one world government ran by the Rothschilds and exterminates white people once and for all.
>Unification of Korea under North Korean lead
>The USA will collapse and splitter into smaller ethnostates within the next 40 years and lose their international relevance
>Nato gets disolved
>Russia invades Belarus and Ukraine
>EU becomes a Federation under French-German lead with an own army
>Britain loses its white majority just like the US till 2030
>China becomes interventionist and creates puppet states in Africa
>Cold war between Russia and EU
>Communist revolution of Kurds in Turkey
God willing,your country and Greece get conquered by Turkey, most of Western Europe becomes a caliphate filled with racemixed people and hopefully Hungary gets nuked or gassed by someone.
I think we're due for a world war tensions are high probability going to get higher China Russia probably north Korea; Wild card India and Pakistan. maybe I'm just a warmonger but that's the way I see it.
Au contraire, Shlomo
>world war
A world war means that every country that participates will be completely destroyed, and they know it. It's not going to happen.
Triumph of Judaism
2 billions of Africans in Europe
White race annihilated.
Chinks invaded EUA
>Russia rebuilds their empire through Eurasian Economic Union, Ukraine came back crawling in
>NATO dissolved and replaced with regional smaller alliances.
>Saudi civil war, Iranian hegemony over ME
>Ethiopia annexed Erithreia
>Paris, London etc are now like Rio de Jewneiro
Another war in the Balkans.
Right wing parties rise in eastern Europe.
USA gets a democrat president next election.
west goes out with a whimper. if a bunch of pre-pubescent nazi larpers and redneck yokels are the only ones with the balls to stand up to asia, then we are truly on a sinking ship.
Nazi LARPing has alrady been put to the test and failed. You fags tried it at Charlottesville to protest the removal of Confederate statues and all you got for it was more statues torn down across the US and less people caring abouut it. That is a political strategy failng in real time. Fuck you retarded edgy faggots for contributing to the erasure of white history by playing the lefts dream boogeymen, just fuck off.
Seeing the blackpills in this thread, it reminded me that I came across this and I hadn't heard of this guy before.
We're all big brain nibbas here, let's not give up; this is how we win
The Jewry is emanating from your text. The overton window shifts with every passing hour.
>US annexes Canada
>Spain annexes Portugal
>Some slav states merge/annex each other
>Baltics become more degenerate
>Pakistan annexes Britain
>Mexico annexes Central America countries
>Cuba does a 360 and turns into America Lite
>China and Japan have a few fights here and there, both sides win and lose but ultimately get nowhere
>Russia annexes Ukraine
>France is in flames
>Germany is in flames
>Turkey and Greece duke it off, Turkey wins at the cost of a destroyed Istanbul/Constantinople
>Israel becomes bigger, goes after Jordan and Lebanon
One of 3 things will happen.
1. Huge backlash against PC, SJW, Muslim violence. Civil wars all over every Western Country.
2. Western Countries collapse from growing degeneracy, China or Russia move in to pick up the pieces. Say good bye to human rights, animal rights or any right for that matter.
3. The World becomes Islamic. It's Islam, the World sits in stagnation for eternity.
>trash economy
>state enforced homosexuality
>clean drinking water for >2 bil. Chinese
>paradigm shift
Lambright in political office.
Fuck off nigger
>pic related should have been you
>Australia calling us pussies
Nucleair holocaust.