For the right wingers here, what stance do you have on abortion.
Referendum in Ireland coming soon pushed by Marxist liberals against catholics and moderates
For the right wingers here, what stance do you have on abortion
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Abortion should be an expensive ($25000+) last resort for people with jobs or husbands, and absolutely mandatory for everyone else.
The stupid man is pro choice
The smart man is pro life
The smartest man asks what race it is
Only acceptable in rape cases.
I'm torn. I absolutely think it's murder. But I think it's necessary murder. I read this crazy statistic 7 or 8 years ago, that year in the greater metro area of Detroit, more black babies were aborted than actually born. Can you imagine how much shittier that would make the situation?
Fine with niggers doing it
Not okay with whites doing it
Beat me to it. Agreed.
If we just reduced it to
>health issues (mother in danger
It would be better than what we have now.
but also this
Abortion is murder. How we ever got to this state is lost on me. In the UK, we are okay with kiddy rape as long as it is a nigger raping a white child.
I hope any woman who murders her baby rots in hell.
It’s hard for me to decide what I believe abortion is philosophically, but practically I’m all for it as long as it’s niggers being aborted
therapeutic abortions are necessary if the woman has kids, if she's a roastie without kids let her die
if it's from an incestual relation, kill everyone involved
if it's from a shitskin rape then immediately take baby ejection pills
If u were dumb enough to get pregnant by accident you don’t deserve to have children
Why is it still not murder in rape case? We dont murder 'born' people when we discover they were conceived through rape. So why is this different? Woman have a moral responsibility to defend the life they are giving.
dont allow abortion. It leads to more roasties. they have sex earlier because abortions are their back up plan.
Nigel has a point. If abortion is murder (it is), the father being a rapist does not justify the termination of the child.
>what race is it?
If you want to murder babies then that's like your choice man
Ayyyy lmao
Against, obviously. Exception in rape cases.
I'm conflicted, I don't particularly care for abortion but I find it has proven to be one of the most effective tools for controlling the negro population
After the gay marriage referendum in ireland i kind of lost hope, most irish weren't informed enough about it and soros made the propaganda unescapable. From what I remember it was about ~60% in favor so if just a bunch more Micks went to vote they woud've remained normal. What is the public perception of abortion in ireland?
Is the average person for or against it? Are they aware that (((soros))) founds all these so called "pro-choice" organizations?
>for the right wingers here
all three of out resident leftists are going to feel left out.
Just legalize it so those with justified reasons to kill babus can do so, keeps the nigger population in check, and so we aren't hearing about roasties trying to abort with coat hanger every other day.
Pro abortion.
We have too many niggers on earth.
it's the same in most metro areas. In NY Blacks had a negative birthrate to abortion rate for a while too
I am pro abortion, its a no brainer actually, think about it, me and my girl wont engage in it, but dirty niggers, spics and liberals in general will, so the question actually is... Why dont you support it ? Do you want more leftists ? Or do you want them to abort their future leftist children ?
but wouldn't it lead to more mixed race babies since roasted only dick blacks?
Memo didn't work out huh? Too bad...
I think I was raised on an island of narcissistic idiots so my opinion on anything is filled with bias and is probably wrong.
>Right wingers
>On Sup Forums
We're all Nazi LARPers dude, you're in the wrong place. Gas the Kikes! Race War Now!
A true catholic is unable to vote in favor of abortion on this referendum because it infringes catholic ethics.
In 1990, our catholic king descended the throne by force for 36 hours after which the government passed the law. Over here, there wasn't even a referendum. You have to decide wether you are in favor or against this proposal. May God have mercy on your soul!
eh, I think it's morally acceptable if the child comes with no brain or something like that; the life of the woman is in danger; or, if she was raped.
But I think the law should allow abortion up until the 13th week of pregnancy, let the roasties deal with the guilt of murdering their offspring.
It's the most humane way of getting rid of unwanted people, but it's still murder. Just decide if those murders are likely to be justifiable enough for you.
Maybe possibly if the baby is female. If male it will have a higher chance of also being a rapist which would make it no better than a nigger.
Only about niggers, chinks, spics and leftist babies
i support it only if its equal, if we're gonna kill some, its only fair if we kill them all, just end this farce of an island
most people here think soros is a type of detergent
It only matters if it's life or not.
If it's life, then no matter the exceptions (race, rape, incest, etc.), then you can't kill it, unless you'd be okay with killing a newborn
If it's not life, then no matter the reason (race, class, birthrates, etc.), then you can remove it like any tumor.
Only idiots attempt to come up with some value system where it's some % human life, that is relatively affected by external unrelated factors.
>A true catholic is unable to vote in favor of abortion on this referendum because it infringes catholic ethics.
if the Irish vote to make abortion legal, you have the Catholic Church to thank. For years the Irish have lived their lives listen to the Church hand out the rules for living life and then, eventually the hypocrisy of the child molesting protectionism was revealed. Once that happened, many in Ireland took a step back and asked themselves, "why am I listening to this pedophile?". Now they are making their own decisions about their own lives. Catholic hypocrisy brought abortion to Ireland.
It's satanic
Typical leftist bullshit.
A true catholic wants to see pedo priests hang even more than you suckers do.
Still, some pedo priest hasn't got anything more to do with the faith as being the person who reads it in church. He doesn't write any legislation himself, now does he?
He is still a man and if a man commits a crime, he needs to pay the price for it. Even a priest can sin.
Time to hit the books on political philosophy and history.
>some pedo priest hasn't got anything more to do with the faith as being the person who reads it in church.
So if Father Penetration diddles your kid and the church does nothing but move him over a few towns, you're no going to question the church's decisions about anything else? Right.
Rape only if involves whiteys. If we're talking niggers, they should be encouraged AND FREE.
But I don't see the latter being an issue for you spud fukkers.
>sacrificing unborn children to moloch
I believe it’s a sin. Late term should b illegal. Other than that However, my hatred of big government is so strong, I that I think the Federal government needs to stay out of it.
No, I'm going to question the competence of the bishop. Where are you from btw?
>I also can't fucking believe you haven't checked my trips. Especially on this matter.
Mine stance is this
Actions need to have consequences. I fucking hate sluts.
>the competence of the bishop.
That's already a flawed system. Jesus preached against this type of role in Christianity constantly. He reserved his angriest words for the Pharisees. Church leaders who dictated how the rest of us should live our lives. The entire set-up of the Catholic Church is a slap in the face to the New Testament. When Jesus died on the cross, the veil that separated the Pharisees from the rest of the church was torn from top to bottom, symbolically ending the dictatorial leadership in Christianity. You don't have to go thru a self-proclaimed leader to talk to God. That's what Jesus is for; he's the connection between Man & God. Ask Jesus for forgiveness, not some made up club of self-righteous pedos. The Catholic Church has always been about controlling people, as opposed to saving them. I don't agree with abortion, but I understand the reaction of the people of Ireland after putting up with this nonsense for years.
Plz novstand like this;;;; is offensive
So you just hate catholicism?
Because all your arguments were against the religion instead of talking on topic of abortion. And you refuse to post under your flag, so there's that.
Especially the whole 'some made up club of self-righteous pedos' got me a bit offended because it is simply not true. As I said before, if a man commits a crime, he should pay for it.