CANADA YES! USA TPS Spics flooding into Canada after Trudeau tweets welcome

Heard from a friend in the RCMP that Meczicans, Colombians, Venezuelans, El Salvadorans, tattooed MS-13 Nicuaragans, etc are flooding into Canada all over the place, not just the Haitians in Quebec. Trudeau has ordered a media black out on the grounds that it might stoke anti-refugee sentiment.

>pic related

>On Nov. 18, 2017, Ribwar Omar, a 38-year-old Iraqi Kurd, arrived in Blaine, Wash., by bus. He stopped at a coffee shop, bought a hot chocolate and then, using the GPS on his phone, he made his way through a forest near the Peace Arch and crossed the border into Canada.

>Omar is awaiting a refugee hearing, one of 1,277 new refugee claimants that made their way on foot from Washington state to B.C. in 2017 and accessed services through the Immigrant Services Society of B.C. . New numbers released by the ISS show their group has tracked a 76-per-cent increase in individuals accessing their services that have applied for refugee status, and 90 per cent of those arrive the same way Omar did: by walking across the U.S./Canada border between Blaine and Surrey through Peace Arch Park.

>Chris Friesen of the ISS calls it “the underground railroad.”

>“We have seen single men, families of 12, 13, people in wheelchairs, pregnant women,” said Friesen, with the majority originating from Afghanistan, Iraq, Mexico, Iran and Colombia.


Are Leafs ready to welcome millions of shitskins flooding in from the USA?

Other urls found in this thread:

>families of 12, 13,

btw these shitskin breeders assuming they have 10-11 kids get about $100,000 cash a year as soon as they cross the border despite being an illegal. One of the reasons why they're racing up here.

You lose again, America. Just watch a these migrants improve the nation of Canada. Your racist pro-Trump beliefs have cost you these wonderful people.


Now we'll have to build a second wall.

I think like 0.1% of these rapefugees ever get jobs and are maczing out benefits non-stop.

Okay but how the fuck are they supposed to get there? He wouldn't love immigrants so much if he was bordered by shitholes.

Good, finally Canada does something right.

Take these fucking criminal sudacas from us, in special the negro ones that are starting to breed in the north



>The number of would-be refugees crossing into Canada at isolated and unguarded border crossings has increased in recent weeks amid fears that U.S. President Donald Trump will crack down on illegal immigrants, and photos of smiling Canadian police greeting the migrants have gone viral.

someone plz post smiling faggot leaf cops welcoming 3rd world rapefugees who will leech $1M+ from Canada without ever working



This shit is infuriating to no end. I hope the libcucks supporting this shit know that they're going to end up with meathooks going through their achilles tendons, upside down, watching their guts spill out of them like spaghetti for this. Their families will simply be shot in front of them painlessly.

>We have seen single men, b-but look at this cripple who crossed over too!

Unironically this. After they inevitably destroy Canada, which shouldn't take them nearly as long given the low population, enormous gibs system, and president currently running their already weak economy in to the ground, this might even be a bigger priority than the southern wall.

It's funny, I'm starting to think of them as a plague of locusts. Honestly the easiest strategy here might be to just let them all flood in, migrate south, build a us Mexico border wall, and start a new white ethno state country. There's plenty of untapped resources in central America,

>that guy
MMM, im gonna smash that small pussy

That tweet's fake senpai.

kurwa piotrek its too early for the wodka

Wall can't wait to see their faces all Frozen in the minus 40 we got up here in the average 6 months a year that last for

Why do you think trump tried to get 25 billion for the wall? 2 walls, 2 scoops, 2 terms


Trudeau will rule until 2030+ and destroy Canada.

Trudeau passed Bill C-6 for a reason: 3 years from stepping foot in Leafland you get citizenship. Time before permanent residency is counted so is time spent waiting for a refugee claim.

>Let in Mohammed and Aisha and their 12 shitskins
>Let them file a refugee claim, by this time the waiting period is 3+ years
>Give them $100,000+ a year in cash + free health care + free dental + a $30,000 startup check from the Refugee Assistance Program in addition to housing them in Guelph for free
>They magically become citizens before their refugee claim is heard, no need for a refugee hearing anymore
>They can also now vote in a formerly White majority riding that's now shitskin owned

Who the fuck do you think they're going to vote for?

Also don't be surprised if Trudeau rushes through a law that allows refugees to vote. They're going to do it in Sweden apparently and Trudeau NEEDS the cuck crown.

Thank you leafs, for doing us this kindness in 100 years we will annex you and genocide all non-whites as repayment

Man, being a syrupnigger must suck.

Put those literal niggers and sheepfuckers to live in and around Trudeaus mansion and his cuck deputies houses.

Someone needs to just kill Trude the Jude already.

Canada has been a meme nation for a very long time now so I really dont care what insane policies they choose.

Ok yeah sure but that tweet's fake, senpai.

And to think, I was dating a bitch that wanted to live in Canada permanently because she thought it was some kind of utopia because she's been on vacation there a couple of times. I really hope she enjoys the enrichment she receives if she ends up moving there.

jesus christ i hate this fucking country

inside source says there is a coverup of ongoing truck of peace style attacks which are being referred to as Multi-pedestrian vehicular collisions.

These 'collisions' if reported, are reported only local media and law enforcement has been assisting in the removal of any reports of the incidents under the guise of islamophobia. Facebook has been assiduously cooperative in this regard.

t. 8 minutes of independence

You'll eat my shit and like it, leafs.

*eight seconds

Canada isn't a shith... oh

Is it better now leaf?

You realize the 12M+ shitskins (will be 13-14M by 2019, approaching 20M by 2023, 25M+ by 2027), along with the hundreds of thousands of shitskins who will be given free housing in swing ridings in addition to their free gibs, combined with Gerald Butts gerrymandering (redistributing ridings so Libs) win means Trudeau will govern until 2030+?

First Past The Post ensures Liberal majorities forever. Trudeau scrapped proportional representation immediately and was caught on camera warning SJW's about >muh Kelly Leitch getting a seat in the house.

Keep in mind Canada has no term limits, so Trudeau can rule for unlimited 4 year terms theoretically. 4 Canadian PMs have ruled for over 12 years, and Trudeau is in his 40s.

You are utterly fucked

No, you build a bridge connecting America's southern border to the northern northern. Put a maglev train on it. Call it the freedom railroad.

That tweet... How is every cock sucking Canadian not dumbfounded that this guy is inviting every brown piece of shit that can make it across the border into the country?

>the only entity that recognizes Catalonia's independence is Sup Forums

7.62x39 goes for as low as 12 cents per bullet, if it ever gets that bad, which we know it will.

Call it the overground railroad to commemerate nigger history month.

>the eternal gypsy

Trudeau is such a leaf that he even pisses other leafs off kek

Why don't we take our shitskins
And push them somewhere else

I love how the very presence of my flag makes every leaf shiver in fear, its glorious.

No fear, no shivering. Try again

Meanwhile Russians have to pass tests and etc.

please impregnate my wife with your massive romanian benis

Fucking hell, I know, right?
I'm a weed grower so I'm pretty much Canadian at heart already, and I'm 100% sure they wouldn't let me in just like that. I'd need work visa and all.

This guy thinks that his idiotical pseudoleftism will neutralise the fact that he supports a nazi regime in Ukraine.

You should so to keep your 46% better contained.

That is what Trump is doing. By doing random ICE raids all the time he's causing the shitskins to panic and self deport to Canada.

Already over 20,000 of the 60,000 Haitian TPS dirt cookie eating niggers have self deported to Canada where they get a welfare cheque upon crossing the border. I think Quebec set up a welfare office in the Olympic Stadium and was just giving out cheques to the niggers.

You should learn French, it's the state language of your country

There is no reason to lie leaf man I have seen it how manly your people are.
Nah mate, I like you cunts its just the leafs I dislike.

Why do we allow Canada to exist? I mean, really? Why do we allow it? Canada doesn't even have people. It has no air force. Is it just that we don't want our own Siberia to deal with?

Actually Trudeau changed the citizenship law so rapefugees no longer have to a word of english or french or take a citizenship test if they are under 18 or over 54 (used to be under 14 and over 65)

>All Leafs are Sven 2.0

Only useful idiots are welcome. He doesn't invite Slavs, Japanese or South Koreans or anything. Just like Europe. Negro's, spics and Arabs is what they want. the Jew commands it.

You'd be getting unlimited natural resources that Canada is too stupid to develop along with the North West passage which is even more important than the Panama Canal.

You should let another couple provinces break off and become independent from your vodka failed state



Fuck this country, fuck this prime minister, fuck the hordes of vancouverite communists who vote in drooling retards that shower non-canadians with my fucking tax money.

We need a seriously conservative government, and we need it now.

Maybe because conquering Canada would be like beating up a retarded little girl?

you are the only one that stupid...need put resources or things before the welfare of humans

shut up and stop trying to act edgy...Canadian are God gift to the world



I'd much prefer you guys to the scum we are getting now...


I want those red headed French girls get throat fucked by Mexicans

It's never going to happen. Liberals will rule for eternity now.

They might as well disband the NDP and the Conservatives. Scheer doesn't have a chance in hell of winning, neither does the turban nigger

Your east coast is getting filled with 3rd world trash while your west coast is getting colonized by the chinks, while they at the same time they have infiltrated your government and army.You have a drama teacher as a prime minister that has fucked your economy and implemented laws that make insane people and pedophiles above you, while all of these are happening all you are doing is dream of smoking weed, so you tell me how you are not Sweden 2.0.

1 billion poo on loo...stop talking and fix your country food shortage by 2050

There's no point in invading when open economic policies essentially create the same result as military control. The US hardly ever expands anywhere on the globe because it's too messy and just ensuring open markets is a lot more effective.

You guys are in the process of compromising our northern border, though.

Damn. Hopefully the Americans annex us. Hell their civilians could do it themselves

if only

spend 20 trillion a year on defend talking about northern border

I am not even joking, but northern border wall when?

Canada going to become Sweden 2.0 in no time if this shit doesn't stop. The cartel is one thing, but once canada become a sharia state of grenade attacks and civil unrest without any actual culture to tame it somewhat (mexico at least has traditional catholicism to fall back on) what the fuck will happen to the american mid-west?

How about we just Annex canadian land.
We don't need to feed all those transgender cuck scumbags.
Take the timber, the oil, the minerals, natural gas and water and leave the people where they are.

So a legit American citizen can't get in for a business trip over a DWI, but they're gonna let MS-13 and other assorted SPICS march right in?

What a fukking joke of a country.

You think I care about 1 billion people who are there to only buy my product when I wish.
Remember, and remember well faggot, India is where Jews first took birth and now they control the whole world. They decide when your mommy gets to cuck your father and when you sister gets raped. Bow your fucking retarded head and may be you get to have a better life next time.

Good point. Another one might be that getting our undesirables to flee to Canastan isn't really thinking long term. In fact, they'll just go there for gibs and what happens when the 20 million functioning Canadians stop working to support the 20 million shitskin invaders on welfare? The niggers will just come right back here. Even though it wouldn't make us look good, we should just take over Canada. I know, it's like taking candy from an infant but your point that they are posing security concerns it too valid to ignore.

can buy you product if they cant afford legumes

Still better than Harper

>Remember, and remember well faggot, India is where Jews first took birth and now they control the whole world.

Fuck off and use your real flag, leaf. This country gets shittier by the day thanks to urban shitheads that think government money is just a fucking never-ending fountain. More and more money gets wasted on importing useless retards with no job skills and trying to stop African niggers from spreading AIDS, which is about as effective as pissing on a forest fire. This money is thrown into a pit, meanwhile actual business and resource development is strangled. Pipelines are blocked, mines are shut down, dam construction projects are stalled for years until they finally decide that it would cost more to cancel them than to finish building them.

And then they make the national anthem even more faggy than it already was. I'm fucking done. What US state is best for an aircraft mechanic that's tired of liberal bullshit?

Nicaraguans are black as coal.

Literallly can’t find a darker American country, except maybe Haiti.

>What US state is best for an aircraft mechanic that's tired of liberal bullshit?
They have a decent airport in the Twin Cities. But it's just like Canada there. Pretty much any state will be looking for aircraft mechanics.

We tried to do that in the 1990's but the idiot Republicans sperged out and stopped it.

I didn't say we aren't Sweden 2.0, I said "all leafs are Sven 2.0" Are you new?

Who ever mentioned 20 million?

It's you guys with the 180 million non Europeans and not Canada.

Best joke I've heard in 2018

You heard it from a friend, eh? Heard from a friend who heard it from another something, something?

Let's be real. It was proposed to allow for smuggling and drug running.

That's a fake tweet.

Yes and we will pay for it. Keep your fucking refugees or send them home.

is JUSTin Castro gonna win his next election? Pls dont like

Go ahead, dude. It wouldn't really even take military conquest, just ask for canada.