>I don't like this movie
I don't like this movie
>dis movie didnt have enough bbc and dey didnt make us kang enuf i rate 9/10
>hate speech!
what the fuck? what if like starwars it is legit garbage and disney just pushes it's weight to get "critics" to give it good scores, likes it's so fucking obvious at this point now they are going to undermine the credibility of their website to push Disney's agenda. do they want people to just stop watching movies all together?
Just means leave legitimate sounding reviews instead of KANGZ memes
I guess they're worried a bunch of trolls will bomb the website with some bullshit. Huh.
> it's hate speech when you don't like a shit comic book movie about black people.
>no negative opinions allowed
fuck this corrupt world
>Watching MovieK UltraHD
Who the fuck gives a shit?
This is almost as bad as the time autistic suicide squad fans tried to stop people from not liking their garbage movie
If it's racist to dislike Black Panther, is it anti-semitic to dislike any of the other 99% of movies out there?
Like how this superhero movie is being paraded as a black nationalist propaganda film. Can't wait for the "Black Lives Matters" chants in the theaters!
>I-is twenty Oscars enough mr. nig?
>nah fuck dat, gimme 30
>w-we only have twenty sir
>fuck u white boi
Who posts like this? Kys
autistic teenagers
How many movie reviews out there do you think have anything insightful to say about films at all? Every review I’ve ever read is basically a plot synopsis followed by very basic sentences on what the reviewer liked or disliked.
>I didn't like this movie because it was too derivative and the story was weak. Also, CGI overload.
>Valid points, sir. Your score goes on the board.
>I hated this movie because of all the fucking niggers.
Lol stay mad faggot.
>I don't like this movie
yes you fucking anti-semitic fascist bigot nazi poop head
Except both scores will be rejected because they are negative.
Because that strategy worked great with Ghostbusters.
t. (((Holly Wood)))
whats the white version of the black panther movie?
Soom Eeryone Will Have The Same Opinion About Literally Everything (and that's a good thing)
Birth of a nation.
Yes. To hate and kill whitey.
Make account now and leave a few meaningless reviews of other films.
>They'll be looking for brand new accounts created on day of film's release.
This. Trolling is a art form. Lest we forget.
This movie sucked balls!!!
Star Wars is sjw bullshit!!!
Ghostbusters sucked balls too!!!!
etc etc
>clone website 'Fresh Tomatoes' makes its debut to offer movie-goers a voice
>I disliked this movie for lack of diversity on the protaganists' side.
>inb4 they cherrypick some shitty "fuckniggerslol" reviews from fresh accounts to remove the more legitimate reviews and let all "bestmovayeva!" 5/5 scores pass.
why does dude in op's pic related have a tarantula on his head tho? he should be freaking tf out; yumsayin?
Just write out reviews that talk about everything else sucking and don't mention the characters or race.
If you liked BLACKED, you'll love BLOCKED
>assuming that rules are fair AND will be applied fairly to everyone
You sound like my dad. When I point out fake news to him, he launches into a BS explanation of how things SHOULD be: "You see user, the media tries to verify the accuracy so that they know what they are reporting is true."
Black fragility is a key component of "institutionalized racism"
I grew up wanting to be in the film industry as a director, went to film school and even moved to Los Angeles in order to pursue that. In very little time it becomes apparent that if you even want to get a call back you need to either blow a fag, bottom out a twink or emasculate yourself to a problem glasses lesbian. Hollywood film productions might as well be welfare for degenerates, any claim that it is a difficult job is a joke. The hardest working people on set will spend half of the day sitting on their hands and they will flat out refuse to help with any task that "isn't part of their responsibility". I had a guy refuse to help me two man lift a light that needed to be set up about 10 feet away. And the actors pretend having to recite three lines a shot with minutes in between takes is somehow stressful. In an extreme scenario we might be talking about 30-45 minutes of takes (with breaks) and then back to the trailer where you have assistants and catered meals provided for you. Fuck Hollywood, they don't work hard, they don't appreciate how easy they have it and they believe they are superior simply because a producer wanted to peen pound their tonsils.
Only RLM matters
Sounds like hell. Sorry things didnt work out as you hoped.
So you can't even criticize the movie respectfully?
a girl i met was ***extremely*** pissed off i didn't like star trek discovery (which is 100% nigger/homosexual drivel) even though i was extremely soft and courteous
If Rotten Tomatoes was smart they would collaborate with Twitter to block by email address and/or ip.
shut it racist
a highly underrated comment and a brilliant approach for newbs heading over to rotten tomatoes to do a little trolling
It still amazes me that people in western countries thinks it's possible for any news outlet to be fair and unbiased.
If there's one good reason why the west needs to fall to communism it's that you would learn to be deeply cynical of anyone in a position of power or influence.
>>I don't like this movie
rotten tomatoes said this because a bunch of dc comic justice league fanbois said they were gonna sabotage the ratings
fuck all to do with jiggaboo hating
more bullshit fake leftwing jimmy rustlers
Rt fucking sucks, every awesome cheesy movie has a bad rating yet pretentious faggotry goes over the moon, I noticed when looking over my Plex movie collection lots of my favorite movies are super low yet they rate pc garbage like hidden figures as if they’re the best movies ever. They actually rate hidden figures same score as terminator 2
Remember when credibility once meant something?
Every last ounce RT once had is now gone.
But how does this look like a box office movie when it's produced like this?
Do you honestly think this looks amazing?
>website with supposedly impartial reviews
>admits censorship
>loses all credibility
Nice work, faggots.
>dreams of tinsel town
>upon arrival discovers it's full of dirtbags and perverts
Many such cases
What if I hate all capeshit movies equally? Is it still racist then?
>movie ranking voting site
>prevent people from casting votes
Every day the going gets a bit more retarded
>Who posts like this? Kys
New phone, who dis?
>Can't wait for the "Black Lives Matters" chants in the theaters!
>implying black people actually pay attention to the movie instead of yelling at each other, answering their phones, and laughing maniacally at something happening 2 rows in front of them.
we WILL make you like this movie goyim!
What do you guys think will happen when all the nogs all get together in the theaters when this comes out?
>Kristelnacht v2
I KNOW. It isn't fair, is it, sweetie? Giving a certain group of people, fans of this movie, an unfair systematic advantage and --
Oh. Never mind.
It's totally inane against five hundred years of brutal slavery and racism supported by whites up to this day.
Good Bless Rotten Tomatoes for going after your sacred cow. Free speech is literally a shield white people hide behind to spread hate and enforce privilege. Unironically fuck it straight to hell.
>a art form
an art forn
ftfy faggot
don't wanna hurt the nigs fifis
this deserves its own thread
>an unfair systematic advantage
Looks like you got one
Pretty much like when Obama was pres.
I can't believe it still works.
jokes on you two...
>lol i just pretended to be stupid
come on son
No, it isn't
Youre clearly showing you got zero ounces of Sup Forums experience
if i'm understanding leftist orthodoxy correctly, it doesn't really "matter" whether the movie sucks or not, because by virtue of being diverse, it's automatically good
Yep. And Los Angeles is a bigger piece of shit than you can imagine. The mexicans will literally throw trash in the hallways of their own apartment complex. The apartments I lived in had garbage chute rooms for each floor. People would just leave their garbage in the room and not drop it down the chute. Every second or third day there would be so much trash that it would block the stairwell next to the chute room. I want to say these trash piles were lit on fire 5 times for the year I was in that particular apartment. Oh, and every single mexican steals shopping carts and will leave them piled up on staircases. Fuck, then probably every other week there would be a drunk piss covered mexican passed out in the stairwell, not gonna lie I kicked this old frijole in the back of the head one time as I was leaving for work. Complete shit people, shit city, the only whites are liberals that chomp at a chance to attack another white person. The best thing, though: Every single kid you see in school is brown and obese with almost no exceptions. Enjoy your future, Cali, I hope it has a lot of fire.
You know how to stop internet trolls.
Tell them they can't do something. That'll show em.
You WILL Love The BLACK fff Why even see it if you can't have an opinion it.
Females >18 10,0 score
bbc confirmed a draw
What timeline are you in that it's year 2017?
I had a bet with my real doll that you faggots would reply. I won so the jokes is still on you cause my real doll has to suck my dry
i bet your parents are thrilled with your 8 year, $300,000 social justice degree
They will loose credibility (if they had any). How do I know if a score is not fixed?
Stop disliking things we keep shoving down your throat like a giant BBC!! !!111
sure it looks great. kinda like that smokin hot honey that is batshit crazy and is tryin to kill you.
Its hard to domesticate them. The jungle is still roaring in their blood.
I think it might still be 2017 in Australia not sure when they roll over
imdb has always had more consistent movie ratings anyway.
rotten tomatoes has always poorly represented controversial movies.
>Movies don't bother with being good anymore and instead would rather be flashy for people with ADHD instead of having a good story
>Instead of characters you feel empathy for, it's just a dumb mindless diversity fest in efforts to piss off half the movie going audience, and also make a dumb criticism shield because "If you don't like our movie, you're racist!"
>Dumb nontroversies about opinions on a film are turned into dumb internet wars which end up being retarded viral marketing
>"Lol, look at those pathetic nerds bitching about black people in film" - Director/producer of film where "nerds" are the target audience
I seriously hope the movie industry dies soon.
Why don't we fill the user reviews with glowing positive reviews?
...Where we express our greatest admiration for Wakanda's isolationist policies and immigration law
>I'll rate this movie 9/10 because nigger kids need a fictional character to feel represented given that all the real ones suck and haven't done sheeet.
Sounds good to me
The only reason anyone could not like this movie would be if they were racist.
Why not both? 2 star and (what little) praise in comments.
They won't. They fall only for slogans and one-sentence ideologies. Still, they'll go to the theater, chimp out and proud of their mud cookies.
>brutal slavery
dat bossa man tryin 2be tellin me what to do at da KFC
Don’t even think about voicing your opinion you racis wh*teboi