Just a little while longer.
Kemono Friends
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Well, isn't in hilarious.
this one is double doubles, therefore a designated shitposting t
My wife at work!
Don't they realize that delaying it will only make Grape-kun suffer more in the end?
It's going to be one hell of a heartbreak.
Summer fun time!
Are we autosaging?
I want an owl bag.
Are they keeping Hululu there?
Don't sexualize the animals
No, Hululu is leaving.
Staff said they're not taking her out yet. At least that's what I saw on the last thread.
I'd give Serval and Kaban a fun time if I saw them dressed like that.
(sorry I preferred the other thread's picture slightly over this one's)
Sexy mom with a huge tail.
It's alright no need to say sorry.
That or the page counter is broken.
Okay so what is the current consensus on the serval question.
1. The two servals are different; both distinct animals uplifted at different times by different sandstar eruptions
Evidence: they have different voices and different voice actors, which strongly suggests (under cartoon logic) that they are different characters. However if they were the same person, it is not unreasonable that sandstar doesn't mutate you exactly the same way twice.
2. The two servals are the same original serval, gone through a uplift / devolution / second uplift cycle.
Evidence: Kaban's serval cries at seeing the hologram of Mirai's serval, suggesting some deep subconcious memory that survived the transition. But it could equally well be the sudden and unexpected sight of a long-lost family member causing this upwelling emotion.
3. something else, I don't know.
Evidence: write your justification here.
3. It's Cerval
I don't like this theory, but only because I love Cerval so much and they'd have to change her a lot to fit her into the anime because of the differences in Cerulean mechanics also it'd be interesting to see anime serval react to cerval
Okay, who overchlorinated the hot spring?
Hot springs use bromine.
But why can't they just leave Hululu on there until he passes away?
3. The current Serval is Mirai. Her brain is implanted onto Serval's body because she wanted to be an animal so bad cited on the guide book. Get Out reference.
sorry which one do you mean by "it"?
We all agree that Mirai's beyond any and all hope, right?
Didn't she leave to live alone according to the guidebook? I would love to see Cerval joining Kaban and Serval.
Maybe she wanted to be a Friend.
I don't know. What does the picture say?
Yeah, there's a bit of detail on where she lives in the third guidebook. But I don't think we have proper scans yet, and it was only translated as a summary here (from what I saw)
Please give me a rundown on exactly what Cerval is and how it worked in the game, I've also heard referenced to something called the "Queen incident" that I haven't heard of until now.
probably the past serval somehow had her DNA also come in contact with sandstar at the same time Mirai's dna transformed. I.E Kaban and Servaru-chan are the next iteration of Mirai and whatever serval was with her.
I didn't know they were two different CVs, I always assumed it was 2.
Or before they showed how cerulean work I assumed she had just lost her memories somehow.
This sounds pretty realistic actually.
>"I want to be born again as an animal"
>Cerval got a castle-like home of her own built on the "Cerval Hill", with a design inspired on the legendary Ryugujo. Although it's not clear if in the present it's just a historical artifact or still inhabited.
Cerval is a cerulean who turned into a Friend. The Queen incident refers to the Cerulean Queen and the game story, I believe. pastebin.com
Ceruleans in the game mimicked animals and other stuff and tried to steal their "Sparkle" to evolve.
Cerval copied Serval and ended up befriending her. She eventually helped Serval and co. defeat the Cerulean Queen and became a Cerval Friend.
It's already heart breaking as it is that they can't be together
She just wants to mofumofu. That means her brain is working perfectly.
I'm guessing Mirai's Serval was either Serval's previous self or else Serval's mother as a Friend. We don't really know what it's like for Friends to "grow up" so parenting in Japari Park is pretty much unexplored.
>naked apron and bath washing
Grape-kun isn't like this, he doesn't want a maid. He dreams of them cuddling together and looking into each others eyes.
I'm having a hard time working out the mental capabilities of the friends. On one hand, some of them are able to build houses and pedal-powered boats, but on the other hand they weren't aware of the fact they could take off their clothes until Kaban pointed it out. It seems they can't read, but the owls seem to have picked up the concept of words from somewhere, as they understand the library and signs contain things that can be 'read'.
Maybe Friends don't actually age.
Why not both?
They're animals that gained human bodies, so it makes sense that most of them aren't fully aware of what they can do in that form yet. And then you get ones like Gray Wolf who have even started writing stories.
Friends are intelligent, they just don't have any humans to teach them.
Just like animals, you have some that are a bit (or a lot) less smart than others.
Which Friend would you mate with?
They weren't aware of clothes because thats how they work in universe. The clothes are functionally equivalent to fur until they become aware they are removable. Their tails clipping through their skirts isn't just an animation problem its also part of the lore. When they consider they are clothes it doesn't happen. Kind of like the "you are now breathing manually" thing.
Different friends are good at different things.
Which is best at anal?
Which of you is over there taunting the sales-fags?
Falseflaggers or some genuine autist.
It's clearly the shitposter.
And why would you ever go to a sales thread?
Some autist, probably.
People who post about Kemono Friends in other threads are subhumans. They generally don't post here except to post shitty memes and just be all-around children
I am very much enjoying the irony contained in this post.
Aw shit emoji titles
Example A
Debiruposter please go.
Irony indeed.
>And why would you ever go to a sales thread?
To see if they were still raging about KF, of course. They are.
Think about the things you post user, you might learn something.
Don't count on it.
>Replying to the avatarfag.
dumb sataniaposter
Writing stories, yes. Problem is that a good majority of the Friends are illiterate including Grey Wolf. She's narrating her manga like an old picture show, or oral storytelling (which may lead to over a dozen versions since they haven't unlocked technology of Written Language)
Interesting question. Some act like children (otter, ezo) some act like adults (alpaca, hippo) but none act like elderly people.
The fact that they have human bodies means that they can learn, and I'm pretty sure that something like that was even said either in the show, in the databook or during a stream. It's pretty much why the entire second half of the show was what it was.
Of course, all that is moot if they get Cerulean'd.
>oral storytelling
One day "The 12 labors of Kaban-san" by Grayolf will be read by Friends in Middle School literature classes.
Sandstar probably keeps them healthy and prevents the typical signs of old age.
It could be that they remain their age from when they were animals, and animals in the wild usually die before they become old.
>none act like elderly people.
Why aren't you drawing your waifu?
Because I love her.
Serval throwing the paper airplane in the last episode is pretty definitive proof that Friends can learn.
In something from KF is germane to the discussion in a thread, one should post it there. Try to not put yourself into a ghetto, user.
>Try to not put yourself into a ghetto
If you want to associate yourself with the trash that is modern-day Sup Forums, you go right ahead.
That's just how all capybaras act.
Can't draw.
There are plenty of artist who can't draw very well, but they still do it.
From what I've seen on Pixiv, they shouldn't.
This must hurt a lot.
i wish he did more of these
Is this the canon size of friends?
Where is her character song/s at?
My pants.
it's not "untill they're aware they're removable", it's "unless they're thinking about them being removable". kaban's regrowing gloves and stockings are a point of emphasis, because she knows quite well such things aren't attached normally and yet it's coming back like shaved-away hair.
The two Friends based on old Tanuki chiefs from legends (although they didn't appear in the anime) also have youthful appearances, rather than looking like old women. At least one of them does -talk- like an old person though.
Something similar happened in the Keroro crossover too. Keroro himself is considered an adult, sometimes even referenced as middle aged. He's thrice as old as Tamama according to their official ages (although their lifespam is very different and much longer than a human's) and yet their age differences when they become Friends is pretty much negligible. Tamama maybe seems a bit younger than the others, but that's it.
you disgust me
Well yes, they'll eventually grow back regardless of what they're thinking. But as far as their basic function goes, it is very much the same as breathing manually.
calle calle
She/s near the volcano, the regrowth is the influence of a sandstar-rich atmosphere
No need to be jealous. Maybe, if you're lucky, one day you'll have your chance to mate with a Friend user.
>Denying Friends a chance to explore their sexuality.
You're the monster, mate.
Fuck off.