Isn't the Fermi paradox proof that WE are special and God exists?

Isn't the Fermi paradox proof that WE are special and God exists?

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>proof of god


This slut is proof that god doesn't exist. She would be killed on the spot for sinning.

why did god make lazy ants

I know where you are ultimately going with this, so:

a god/gods exist =/= the Christian god exists and the bible may be taken as literal truth

Intelligence life in the universe is unique and special so it is designed

We exist inside a complex computer simulation... advanced species realise there is no point exploring the universe when you can create virtual realities and explore them instead (its much safer and more fun)

Doesn't matter what she does in this life Hell is forever

The whole idea is we haven't been visited but we should have. This isn't evidence that there is no intelligent life out there besides us.

For sake of argument, lets say we are the only intelligent life that exist. How does that prove we were designed? Also who made the designer?

The fermi paradox is only a paradox to bluepilled normies that don't understand God.

God doesn't kill people for sinning, he judges them when they die.

>me on the left

Judgement comes faster if they die.

>that there is no intelligent life out there

There isn't despite the fact that solar system spanning civilizations should have evolved by now. Therefore we are special and were created

>the absolute state of white western women

>Humans wonder why they haven't been visited by aliens
>humans eventually explore space in search and find nothing
>humanity builds spehs empire unabated

>4,000,000,000 or so years later after there are enough stars with heavy elements in areas without enough background radiation from neighboring stars to produce life
>Aliens search outwards to the far reaches of the galaxy to find the ancient home of the Old ones
>After millennia of searching and decapitating ancient star maps they discover earth
>make planet fall and bask in the well preserved glory of human culture and archetecture
>go into big important libraium
>find ancient data logs from even before humanity took to he stars
>it's just 900TB of Sup Forums backlogs and memes
>first thing to pop on screen is pic related
>literally only thing they found so the only information they have on human society and culture is some ancient humans posting poorly drawn amphibians.
>but at least they discovered the origins of (((the dark ones)))

What is the correlation between being unique and special and being designed? You can have unique and special without being designed, and you can have something designed that isn't unique or special.

This is like saying that stubbing my toe is proof of life on mars.

>Therefore we are special and were created
This isn't an argument. You've literally applied no reasoning for this other than we lack evidence of other civilizations therefore god. You're the same kind of faggot who did rain dances for the rain god.

I'm not saying there is no god, but lack of understanding doesn't prove jack shit.

Or we simply havnt been reached yet as the universe is just that large and someone is on his way to meet us in 3000 years.
Or no intelligent life has made it into intergalaxy spacetravel yet as they all die out before reacing the point or the technological capabilties are seen as not worth to be explored after you harness suns for power and life in a perfect society (or one that sees itself like that akin to china in the 18th century.)
Or ayys made themselves immortals playing videogames while experiencing extreme constant pleasure in a selfbuilt machinical heaven protected from dangerous space-desasters so they dont explore shit as they are in heaven.

Yeah my argument isn't refined yet that's why I started the thread

What are the chances that intelligent life developed on earth instead of one of the trillion other planets. The total lack of any signs of intelligent life in the universe is very significant and weird

Not really. Life still could be random and just incredibly rare. Like one planet for every 10 galaxies rare.

Do you have a better system of morality to follow dumbass?
>Hurr ok so maybe there's a God but that doesn't mean the most successful religion on Earth is true!

No alien would want to visit a planet full of niggers.

>What are the chances that intelligent life developed on earth instead of one of the trillion other planets. The total lack of any signs of intelligent life in the universe is very significant and weird

It sounds like you have a poor understanding of how large and vast the universe really is. It would take hundreds of life times just to reach a planet that is in our solar system. Why are you assuming that alien races are capable of FTL when it's literally not possible to do? To get from the nearest solar system to ours would take 25,000 years traveling at light speed. Humans have only been capable of space flight for less than 100 years.

You sound like a stoned freshman in November. But less smart.

They don't have to actually visit us, evidence of their civilizations should be easily detectible even from Earth, just like you can see planes in the sky even if you're in an isolated cabin in the woods.

The Fermi Paradox is bullshit. Is it a good guess at an idea from a human perspective. Problem is the variables are filled in with mostly guess work and we have no idea how fucked our perspective is on this question.

>It would take hundreds of life times just to reach a planet that is in our solar system.
No it doesn't. If you were going in the space shuttle, it would take around 23 years to get to Pluto. Not "hundreds of lifetimes."

The universe is 13 billion years old, even at slower than light speeds, that's plenty of time for a civilization to have reached Earth by now.

If they have a sufficiently advanced technology, they can hide from us.

>the absolute state of harlots

Also quick answer to the paradox. We can very soon have the tech to accelerate a space born born near the speed of light. A rock is space for instance. Now it would take time to accelerate it but we could do so and target it pretty well.

Now assume that survival of the fitness in the law not only of our planet but the universe. That its the one way to reach intelligent life or is the way most would get there.

Getting that rock moving that fast is way easier then stopping it. So let me introduce the idea that due to the aggressive nature of life any civilization that doesn't keep its mouth shut gets killed by another civilization just out of fear.

A rock hitting your planet at that speed will finish you off. And better safe then sorry.

So how about the only civilizations who survive have a healthy dose of keep your mouth shut.


>So how about the only civilizations who survive have a healthy dose of keep your mouth shut.

There is no reason to believe aliens wouldn't have projected radio signals the same as us. Once you reach at least our level of civilization, you've likely broadcasted your existance out into space. Still though as described, space is yuge. Radio broadcasts from Earth haven't even come close to the nearest star yet.

I do have a better system of morality, I believe there are elements of truth in most religions and humans are incapable of completely understanding the nature of the divine

>popularity means it's right
So if Islam overtakes Christianity in number of followers, it will become the one true faith? That's shit reasoning and you know it. Half of Christians today are Latin Americans or Africans anyways

Soon our planet will be completely infested by niggers. This is why no aliens want contact with us. We are a condemned species.

Hey it me

No. But the existence of Greece if proof that God, if He exists, has an awesome sense of humor.

>A rock is space

A rock is mass. It exists within space. It is not space.

Forget about the Femi paradox vortex mathematics proves God exits

If you want the truth about everything go here

start with the playlists

Problem is, “they” convinced girls to become feral... and boys to become weaker... no one has the wherewithal to tame feral animals.

Life is special but God has nothing to do with it. The distinction between alive and inanimate is blurry. We are walking, talking chunks of matter. There is no soul, no greater meaning. It is amazing and the only answer is to indulge our nature and spread to the stars. Rotting here on Earth so that the worst of us can live comfortably is retarded. Life should fight against this dead universe and become God itself

Do you know the prophecy of the third Sargon?
They banned it on Jewtube

But why would they travel for hundreds of life times just to say "hi"? Even if an alien race is capable of reaching us they still need a good reason to do so.


T. Astrophysicist

>God has nothing to do with it.
Sorry but no, nothing happens by accident there is no such ting as coincidence as this can be proven conclusively, we are in a cyclical existence a simulation created by the architect to ascend to a higher consciousness to escape Samsara and take our place among the Gods and stars

I was going to point out that "no such thing as coicidences" is just a saying, and that it's not an actual fact. Coincidences very much exist.

But then you went on to talking about us living in the matrix so it seems like your grasp on reality is tenuous at best.

>Coincidences very much exist.
nah bro they don't see The creator God is 3,6,9 we can affect variables 258 and 714 but they are still contained within the matrix of the creator so they are coincidence nothing is when you get to the level of ascended master you will see it is all connected and always has been, I can help you if you want to achieve this knowledge this Gnosis

I’m to old for stuff like that, but I can guess the sluts in Babylon probably weren’t pink haired fat lesbians. Just old fashion sluts

If God exists then why niggers, genetic diseases and pathogenic bacteria exists?

You are never too old, the new age has begun this new cycle of consciousness described as ages in the west and yugas in the east, this is ancient knowledge from the Atlanteans/Aryans try this

to prove we are keep worthing in this planet and are able to handle over population

It sounds like you're choking on a yoga pamphlet.

tell that to the guys in OT

We failed then.

>implying Humanity hasn't already been visited many times
>implying the government isn't aware
>implying the government isn't in contact with aliens 24/7
>implying the government hasn't already admitted to the public that UFOs exist
>implying the sodium fluoride in your tap water prevents cavities

>We can very soon have the tech to accelerate a space born born near the speed of light.

lol wtf, no, not even close.

Even the government has looked into, studied, and knows we are all just energy and the higher power is just the universal energy.

Well you have to be really smart and really well educated outside of (((school))) to understand this so no surprise few will ever reach the level of ascended master, only the top minds of every age do

Marilyn Manson shock culture making a comeback?

By the sounds of it you've got the whole world flipped upside down, so I can see why you'd think you're at the top when you're actually at the bottom.


it really isn't even difficult to understand, it just hard for people to get their head around it because even they (((believe))) is the exact opposite of reality and takes years to actually find the truth, for some decades for some a lifetime because there is disinfo everywhere by design. This is the fundamental principle as above so below, couldn't be any simpler


There is no Fermi Paradox, period.

It completely vanishes when you take into account the literal incomprehensible vastness of the universe.

However, idiots always overlook that part.

You're energy, and you're a person.

The "universal energy" is also a person.

these videos are so low iq it hurts

You're both retarded. Radio signals travel at light speed and the closest star to us is about 4 light years away. Since Earth has been producing radio signals for a century now our presence is easily seen by hundreds or thousands of star systems. Furthermore, if an advanced civilization to used generation ships that travel at sublight speeds and take a generation or two to reach the nearest star, the galaxy could be easily colonized within a million years, which is just a blip on the grand time scale of the universe.

>By the sounds of it you've got the whole world flipped upside down
I lold just the opposite my friend. Let me ask you this do you the masses are genius, or is genius the opposite of "normal"? If you believe what everyone around you believes and think what everyone around you thinks, what (((they))) have taught you which one of us do you think has things "backwards"? You sit here on this site and call people "normies" and you are barely anymore aware of the reality of this existence of them if any. Put it this way you know the people you call normies? Multiply that by a 1000 and this how "normie" you are to an ascended master, you simply cannot grasp what we can teach you, you don't know the questions to ask and would not understand the answers anyway, we barely speak the same language you don't even know what words really mean, you don't what anything means, you accepted what is presented to you and it is all lies for a purpose
kys kikaroo I am about to give some lessons to these anons

While you are running with the pack I am int he company of giants as I said I can prove this all conclusively and even offered to show you, you may be able to ascend depends on your karma (IQ being a major component of karma)

"The higher we soar the smaller we look to those who cannot fly" - Nietzsche

Choice is yours. I know most people on this board are borderline retarded so I usually only get one or two people a thread that realize the magnitude of what I am telling you now but this is my purpose my Dharma so I trudge through it grudgingly trying to show you what the kikes do not want you to know

Radio signals do not travel forever, an they also don't travel anywhere near light speed. Humans have been broadcasting a signal into space for less than 100 years, which is significantly less time that it would take to get from Alpha Centari to Sol.
That's also on the assumption that alien life is on Alpha Centari too. No one is suggesting every solar system has life, and it's thought it be a tiny minority of solar systems that do, so one of them being at all close is exceedingly unlikely.

While the universe is vast, it's not intraversable. Even going traveling at .1 the speed of light it's possible to reach the nearest star in 40 years.

>Radio signals don't travel at light speed

It's time to stop posting kiddo

Well it is not a person, it is conscious however, it is impossible to know what exactly "it" is, could be a server could be the mind of the creator could be Horton hears a who, all you can know is everything is done by design nothing happens by accident

Sorry, they don't travel faster than light speed. I thought they were a hair shorter than light speed.

We can travel much faster than the speed of light, Einstein was wrong about nearly everything probably a plant the Atlanteans were travelling interstellar for millions of years. This is what the Reich found out what they tried to show the world and why the Illuminati had to stop them

Read the story in the OT and see how much it really takes to get 'judged' in life

No, the alien species might be at a technological limit and be unable to travel great distances to visit other planets. It's still strange that there is still no trace of any communication attempt but this might also have to do with the size of the universe.

Just because we cannot detect other intelligences doesn't mean they aren't there. It simply means that we don't know...

We are talking about infinite energy here literally tapping into the aether the source, God himself. The Sun does not have the power of this even, this is the source of the suns power the sun is not nuclear like they think it is electrical and you plug into the same outlet it uses the subatomic frequency aether the fabric of this entire reality the mind of God

Got a single fact to back that up?

already posted it mate numerous times mate I can show you everything even the math formulas which I already posted videos of them

I posted everything you need to crack this code the very fabric of this reality :)

t. never read OT
it's fascinating how many expert bible rippers there are who have never looked at the scripture.

this is not new information my friend

"If I can see farther than other men it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants" - Newton

The creator put clues everywhere mate to solve this puzzle :)

>signs and symbols everywhere

>signs and symbols everywhere.

>signs and symbols everywhere..

>signs and symbols everywhere...

No one even bothers to read nothing in these times, its surprising the amount of atheist that they never even bothered to even open a bible even if the objective was just find find new stuff to shit on, its easier to just parrot what i have read on the internet.

Why read when le based black science man will just tell you the truth, on his hit new ****ing awesome science show™

Indeed, they don't know anything, as I said they don't even know what words they literally don't know what anything means, everything means something and came from somewhere and was designed that way for a purpose even every single letter and syllable in words have very specific purposes and used as mind control techniques


She's a virgin.

If I say what does the swastika mean I doubt anyone in this thread has a clue would think "Nazi" because they do not seek out what the true meaning anything is, what the true nature of this reality, they are barely even conscious

from the look of it the great filter is ahead of us

wow if i don't google any of those claims this is legit
>Novus ordo seclorum = New order of the ages (based of Virgil)

Pretty sure I have demonstrated that I know what I am talking about I think you should probably quieten yourself and stop posting

>there are elements of truth in every religion
Yes, arbitrarily cherrypick what truth is. Moron.

>islam was successful at anything but rape and theft

He is right they actually all in fact hold the same wisdom but it is in metaphor and allegory and a masonic cipher but you don't seem capable of understanding it or even trying to. You all blame the Jews for everything, the Muslims etc but you never look at yourself, because you could stop all of this at anytime. You do this by educating yourself to the truth and then evacuating others. The world is what you have contributed to making it because there are very Aryans in this age only fourth class men

>sorry very few Aryans I meant

implying jews arent gona shill your thread