Is the second amendment of the United States Constitution the most based law to ever come out of politics or government?
Is the second amendment of the United States Constitution the most based law to ever come out of politics or government?
>give niggers gun, FUCKING BASED
> Disarm weak men just so muslims can beat the shit out of them
We shoot the niggers
it called natural selection dude the week must die
no, you don't, you are called a racist even if you look at them wrong and if you dare hurt them even if they raping a child and you try to stop them you are sent to court and get jailed for life for hate crime and hurting niggers muh racism
It's not a law, it is a declaration that defines the limit of government, but yes, the 2A, alongside the 1A, form the basis for freedom and liberty, and are so based.
second to anti miscegenation laws
Also, that DOE carbine is high on my to-build list. I just need to SBR a standard AR lower and find a source for those handguards and front sight.
What kind of bullshit airsoft play rifle is that? Not possible that magazine holds 5.56 ammmo.
Go back to plebbit, kid.
I seriously hope you're only pretending to be retarded
Dont know, they have the guns but not the balls to use them. American gun culture has become effeminate, people color code their rail guards, spend shit tons on gear, but yet they do nothing against their shit government that is slowly working to eradicate the ethnic american...
I think the somali nigger or mid east gun culture is better, the fuck you ill proactively kill your entire family if you try to disarm me mentality.
Colt 9mm SMG. Look it up.
>It's not a law,
The Constitution says of itself:
>This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
In the Bill of Rights, it says:
> ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.
Therefore the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, are indeed law.
I absolutely despise the magazine release on that
definitely a weak point. I'm also not a fan of the weird trigger guard but other than that it's a fine pistol
It's honestly one of the dumbest laws. People still bring it up as if mentioning the law is a good argument for never changing it, despite how out of date the law is.
No law should be permanently immune to change, because societies and technologies DO change. Every government should be prepared for change, and not stubbornly refuse to put aside ancient laws that are no longer even relevant.
I'm not even in favor of gun control, I just don't think an ancient law existing is a reasonable reason to uphold that law. Every law should change with the society its ingrained in.
>have guns
>can't walk on foot
Yes. I wish we had similar ones in Europoorland
Not-rich-enough fag here, where is the USP's mag release? It doesn't appear to be a heel release.
>spending thousands and thousands of dollars on guns you'll never have a use for besides on the range
Might as well build train sets in your basement.
>butthurt canadian mad he can't have more than 5 rounds in his gun
>all AKs banned by name
People spend more on stamps they'll never put on a letter. Whats your point?
You are retarded and seem to think we have Euro or other cuck nation laws in the US
I raise you the edict of expulsion.
Show me one magazine that looks like that. I even looked up if you might be right. 5.56 magazines aren’t manufactured like handguns. Every example I can find is curved.
If it’s not some Walmart knockoff, that’s .22 chambered, I cannot find any example of a magazine like that. All I find is like pic related. All have grips. Straight mags exist, but low capacity and all have the same grooves that military mags have. Prove me wrong?
What kind of toy gun is this
My point is that collecting guns isn't any better than collecting anything else, and that all collections are just eye candy in the end, including guns. It's treated as some sacred right, and rednecks think they are so cool and bad ass for collecting guns, but it's just as nerdy as trains or magic cards in the end.
I don't see how having a 5 round limit makes any difference either, since it does not apply to gun ranges and thats the only place you'd ever fire a gun.
Unless you're hunting, which almost no one actually does, and even if you do then you don't use an assault rifle and shouldn't require more than 5 shots anyways.
>t. never fired a gun or hunted
Possible. Didn’t look for that. I’m a purist and retired 11B. If it isn’t 5.56, it’s Walmart bullshit to me.
it’s a 9mm ar you retarded faggot
This is exactly why we have guns, to prevent filthy foreigners from taking our freedoms.
It's a colt 9mm SMG.
pic unrelated
definitely possible you retired as an 11b because you’re 100% a retard
It's a 9mm you absolute retard. The DOE carbine.
They are colt pattern SMG mags, which are essentially Uzi mags without the block on the bottom and a different mag catch cutout. There is a block in the magwell to accept a 9mm magazine. Jesus christ.
So, I enjoy shooting and collecting guns, yet you're clearly butthurt about something. It is a right Americans have, and we have used them in the past, pic related.
Sorry you're just a cuck and don't understand basic freedoms.
I wonder how hardily the NSA laughs when it sees you post about freedom.
Is this a new pathetic psy-op shit?
The penis jokes didn't disarm the citizenry. Now it's train model nerd?
>ar you retarded?
Obviously I’m more capable than you, faggot. You couldn’t walk half a mile in my boots.
Get fucked you walmart gun buyer
>walk a mile in my boots
>spends his days vacuuming the lawn
wouldn't want to, monogoloid
>there is no eternal truth
2nd amendment aint worth a fuck if you dont throw its weight around
government passes all kinds of fucked shit and the masses dont use it as leverage to enforce their will.
Hold onto it americans
Yes, burn all traditions and values. Professor Goldfineberg taught us all about it at my university.
Oh ok. Department of energy guns. Might as well piss on something as shoot at it.
That would actually be the 10th if it was actually followed
Eh, I like to keep it simple.
change is pointless and volatile.
After I read this post I expected to see an african flag attached.
Think about just how badass the 2nd amendment is for a second.
Our founders encouraged us to kill our elected leaders if they get too far out of control. Jefferson anticipated small, bloody revolts every couple of decades.
too bad this generation is too castrated to follow through with it
Yes goy let the smoke flow through you
Fudd detected
>Unless you're hunting, which almost no one actually does, and even if you do then you don't use an assault rifle and shouldn't require more than 5 shots anyways.
>t. never hunted confirmed
When I hunt, I personally take pic related (not mine, but comparable /w different mount). Why?
1. I like 223/5.56; good for small, medium, and large game
2. Because it is a small caliber, you do need a higher cap. for large animals. Or for getting a few pheasant after the first round goes off.
3. Having a low cap. in a small cal. is pointless. I realize that leftists are frequently too retarded to understand the concept of caliber, when their blunt, overly-domesticated brain sees a 40mag.
4. You absolutely need a high cap. for predator hunting. 5rds in 223 isn't really enough for defending yourself from a wolf pack or adult male grizzly. I realize wolves are not as plentiful as they once were, but they're not extinct, and it's the principle of it. Besides, a goal of mine to reintroduce the grey wolf into leftist areas anyway. The thought of urbanite-beta fags getting eaten by literal wolves is not revolting to me.
5. It's our intellectual property. Fuck off
The only benefit of a low cap. mandate is that it might entice some conformists to band together to accomplish things. And then leftists will suddenly discover that more people with guns are a militia. And groups are always more effective than lone-gunmen anyway.
That does come close desu
That Tay-Tay-9, get your ass back to /arg/.
you put bullets backwards
>Muh constitution
>Second amendments stripped immediately
>suspicion of domestic abuse
No. It was a bluff, and your fellow mutts fell for it.
Gun collecting, hobby shooting and hunting are all memes to distract leftists who can't handle the real reason to have a high capacity assault rifle.
Which is to kill groups of people trying to harm you as efficiently as possible.
american men are very insecure about their masculinity which is why the are obsessed with phallic symbols like guns
How come no political partys in europe have been rallying for gun ownership despite all the terrorist attacks lately?
>t. 1984 Britain
Spot the gungrabbing shill.
The Second Amendment has never been more necessary than today.
Trump was wrong to say in the SOTU to say that the 2A needs to protected; what it needs is to be enforced by declaring that every gun-control act passed since 1968 is unconstitutional, null and void and unenforceable.
Gun laws are only as enforceable as the population allows it. I personally see the laws as an attack, attempts to disarm are alway a precursor to invasion or hostility, a citizen incapable of owning firearms should either be enslaved and watched over by a vigilant master or executed. This is one of the problems of northern europe, commented by Hitler, theyre not willing break any law 99% of the time, but when laws are enacted against not necessarily the will of the people(because democracy is fucking stupied as so are the masses), but against their continuance and well being it actually becomes the duty of man to break the laws...
People need to take a cue from the niggers and rev up the violence levels, unless they love their precious laws and democracy more than living and existing as a people
>large game
>with 5.56
North American whitetail can be taken down with 5.56 easily.
I bet you think 5.56 was designed to wound
>tfw you realize this isn't an SBR but instead a pistol
fookin based
In Chester, a citizen may shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the City walls during the hours of darkness.
user.... That's a rifle
You have to rip it out from under
I think you meant to say Jim Crowe Laws?
hk handguns have lever style mag releases, right at the bottom of the trigger guard where it meets the handle/frame. i'm fairly certain they do because its a simple ambidextrous mag release
This is false, and I'm pretty sure was deemed null after the Act of Union with Wales (I think sometime in the early 1500s)
I'd argue free speech is greater.
I thank God that I can draw pictures of muhammad all I want and I won't go to jail for "hate speech"
Dude I can't believe that's true.
The magazine looks so weird on it.
Because it's chambered in a pistol caliber. The stock makes it a rifle, and the barrel/overall length makes that an SBR
First is the bark, second is the teeth...
The reason I'm so confused is because pic related is classified as a pistol
Right, because the "stock" is actually designed as a brace that isn't meant to be shouldered. A rifle is defined by the ATF as a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder