>Rabbi Susan Silverman, sister of U.S. comedian Sarah, is behind initiative to support some 40,000 Sudanese and Eritrean migrants who are facing forced deportation from Israel
>Jews jewing Jews
In what parallel universe am I?
>When (((they))) start believing their own bullshit
Guess it backfired then, innit?
>when you jew so hard you jew yourselves
>when you start believing your own fairy tales
If ##s Mossad takes out both sisters.
They actually want to destroy themselves too, just to destroy us?
They may want to just end humanity.
If so, I may side with them.
Israel is kind of like a little fish tank in which you can observe concentrated jewry.
Some Jews really do believe all the bull.
Good work Aydin!
They've been dominated by highly advanced propaganda and other mind control techniques. According to Anon5 social engineering has made liberal Jews seek out to destroy any country with people who "look white", and specifically mentioned this includes regular Jews and of course Israel.
(((reform jews))) are the root of this, especially american ones
>according to larp5
Brainlet detected.
Its fake virtue signaling you fucking retard.
>not automatically trusting anyone who claims to be an insider
Sarah Silverman is a comedian? According to who?
The average Israeli isn't aware of a grand Jewish conspiracy for world domination, the left here is just as rabid as the Western one. In 50 years this shithole will be overrun with Arabs and orthodox kikes.
They plan on hiding africans in europe. Israelis will never find them there.
Yeah. A lot of people on Sup Forums have to realize most of the Jews they hate are essentially commoners, free-ranged slaves (like us) and will be thrown to the wolves the moment it is convenient. The Rothschilds don't give a fuck about some random Jew from New York or whatever. They powers that be probably would have wanted the holocaust to have genuinely happened far more than any of the most hate filled Nazis.
Semitic religions are all death cults. they all seek
remake anne frank story with hot Eritrean girl hiding from jew storm troopers. Young Eritrean hides out in attic with middle aged man from San Diego because kikes are trying to kick her out of the country. He is up in the attic because he heard there was a hot Eritrean girl. Passion builds over time and she records in all in her diary and also posts it on facebook. Finally the kikes find them and she is deported to France.
Huh... it's almost like jews aren't a hivemind. Rly makes u perform amazing mental gymnastics to convince yourself there's something wrong with jews.
will you jabronis please read about what jews believe about their role v the goyim?
I swear to you those 2 links are worth more in redpill terms than every stormfagged post ever made, because its simply from JEWISH TEXTS.
Much less are "normal" since many of them were misplaced during WWII. It still always pays to keep your eye on out groups.
they expect one of us in the wreckage brother
the best timeline
>practising a false religion
Hell is for ever!
>will be overrun with Arabs and orthodox kikes
that's gonna be entertaining as fuck
I agree.
Lol. This is israel. We dont give a flying fuck about what dumb leftists think. They are being deported. end of story.
People here may not realize but theres a war on reformed jjews vs zionist jews, thats why in places like israel they hate the shit out of people like Soros too.
The jewish situation is way more complex than people realize, but people here only want simple solutions to make them feel better about themselves.
Which is the sad thing of it all. There is only a very small group of extremely rich and well connected Jews plunging the world into chaos - completely uncaring of the damage (both immediate as well as to their reputation) caused to other Jewish people. If "Jews in general" were the cause, Israel would not have been infested by 3rd wave feminism (and all the ideological cancer coming with it) - but it has. In fact, the whole new Left wing-Idioms pushed will sooner or later end with Muslims taking over the western world, and thus cause the death of a huge part of Jewish people that cannot afford to flee to eastern Asian countries (because Islam likely the most antisemitic mainstream religion in existence). Of course not all of the Jews pushing Leftwing Agenda directly belong to the rich circle - females are prone to get (Sarah Fridge Silverman for example) brainwashed easily by feminism anyway, so i would guess those to be cases of "women being women".
>bet on all sides
>always a kike who wins
are you new?
We need to start making comics of evil Jews trying to deport proud black royalty
>so i would guess those to be cases of "women being women"
oh, so pretty much like your Bundeskanzlerin who still walks free to work on destroying Europe each and every day?
pic related, what Hitler did wrong
> oh, so pretty much like your Bundeskanzlerin who still walks free to work on destroying Europe each and every day?
Exactly. She is also a prime example how even women that do not view themselves as Leftwing-oriented still bow down to Leftwing-pressure. Merkel originally never intended to "accept and welcome everyone" (as she ended up doing it) - some Leftwing fucks confronted her with a crying Refugee girl on public television, obviously intending her to give in and soften her stance on the matter. Merkel told the girl that "not everyone can come to Germany after all", and was subsequently bashed by the Leftwing press for "inhumane coldness and cruelty". I suppose that was the straw that made her give in to Leftwing social pressure (or: acting like a woman)...
>females are prone to get (Sarah Fridge Silverman for example) brainwashed easily by feminism anyway, so i would guess those to be cases of "women being women".
That's pretty accurate. I live in a fairly conservative town but the amount of pozzed liberal, pro-Arab, pro-refugee and pro-gay women is staggering. And it's not just women but increasingly men as well.
While still pretty religious, mentality-wise Israel is a Western country. As already demonstrated, It's only a matter of time before the same degenerate trends that plague the West are imported here as well.
Well user, there´s a reason why women always been the main target for social engineering, that and the worldwide mental illnes problem that disproportionaly hits way more women than men, that should tell you something of how broken it´s the world right now.
put them back in the kitchen schlomo you lazy fuck
>come play with us in the gas chamber, user
Hahahahaha the eternal American does it again
Fuck off, kikes. Love me some orthodox jews. TRUE JEWS.
do it shlomo!!! DOOOO ITTTT!!!!!! >:D
Burn holy land let the ends of days come with you.