Rose McGowan has absolute meltdown after trans yells at her
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Rose did this shit to herself. When you sign a deal with the devil, eventually he's going to collect
the tranny is contra
I hate trans activists with a passion.
When is the fucking clownshow going to end?
She's the mutt meme
Anyone else hear a jew at 0:04 or is that just me?
I can't twatter vid, can somebody mirror it?
I don't understand this
is this like a new 'murican cult?
What are they talking about?
btw girls with short hair who sit around all lazy with spread legs and try to look manly and say fuck alot, are so 90s
Who has her nudes?
btw you linked the wrong vid, you have to scroll up to get the real lulz of some Chris-chan kind of guy shouting around
She was in a car accident and had to have a lot of her face reconstructed. She was much prettier before.
I am aware. I just think there's a resemblance is all. Apparently I'm the only one
>a channel dedicated to the rape and brutalizing of women
what channel is this?
this guy
It looked like an argument between a man and a woman, but not in an apparent way! This world is really confusing!
Animal Planet
yeah my bad I realized that
scroll up for the real vid everyone
Who the fuck is that?!?!?
Channel 4, obviously
>sunglasses emoji
>Rose McGowan
>a tranny yells at her
Why are we even have a thread about some random thot having a go with a tranny?
Ask harvey
If you don't even know who she is why are you in this thread? Also "thot" is a nigger word.
Fuck.... made it like 20 seconds. Their shrill squawking kills my head.
Not even sure who rose is
Bing, take off filter. She's posted straight up porn of herself. Not bad to be honest.
She was pretty cute in "Scream".
Rose McGowan was beautiful
She had the Mark Hamill style face injury.
why are sjw's so terrible at swearing. they just don't know how to use them properly it's weird and randomly placed in sentences. i think this is the number one way to spot an sjw without asking their political affiliation, just listen to how they swear and if it's not smooth and natural you're dealing with an sjw. it's quite the testament to how they try to over emphasise things that need no emphasis both politically and when putting a FUCKING sentence to-FUCKING-gether.
I like the way she is sitting, it seems that she wants to be licked again.
raped by weinstein, she has done well to bring more light on this whole Hollywood scandal
And yet they get triggered when they see men sitting like this.
acts like an entitled cunt, disrespects every avenue that's provided to her and demands sympathy?! WTF?! she needs a serious beat down to put her in her place because clearly it's not working and putting up that "I AM A BITCH, FEAR ME" persona isn't working.
Just answer the question Rose
Did she collide into cocaine and father time?
Does anyone here ever wonder why we let women have any degree of independence? It's clear they're finally getting to the 'we're angry' phase, like a moody teenager. They've been allowed to go out on their own, empower themselves by sleeping with 100 dudes a year until they settle down, they can ruin elections with the biology, ruin entire countries with how their bodies make them feel...
I wonder when it'll be acceptable to just go up to screaming women and just rape them. I mean, men don't get like this because there are often repercussions, like if a dude had this meltdown the other guy would definitely want to work it out with fists. But because society has been set up in such a way to allow screaming idiot liberals to be protected the same way a hard working, tax paying blue collar person, we have to sit on our hands.
I don't even have a sexual interest in Rose McGowan, it's like fucking a fridge or washing machine for all I care, but some people need to be reminded that without their high price security and their 14' concrete walled homes, they're human like the rest of us and subject to other humans' judgement.
Society is just eroding under all the entitlement.
>the wall
>she hit it
weinsteined PTSD
Apparently facial reconstructive surgery
Why no feet? :(
Don't you faggots have a wiki for that
Feminism I'm guessing.
What a shame.
mind virus
they're just trying to intimidate the person they're arguing with
They were always like that user, its just most noticeable because she hitted the wall hard and now people actually put attention of what she say´s.
Plastic surgery. Sucks. I've never seen it work right. She could have ridden her look into her 50's but she probably partied too much and that Irish/Scottish skin can't take a minute in the sun.
Scroll up to first video. ID channel
Apparently she was in a pretty serious car accident and needed facial reconstruction surgery
Well shit. I didn't know that. Thanks user.
>American women
Not even once
Her face was fucked up in a car accident
Always looked coocoo
was the car ok?
At some point you can hear men saying "we love you" and "you're beautiful". I cringed so hard
5. She says she lied to the press about the real reason behind her plastic surgery
When McGowan’s appearance changed in the late ’00s, there was widespread media speculation that she had gone under the knife. At the time, the actress explained that the change was a result of reconstructive surgery she underwent following a bad car accident.
But in her new book, she reveals that was not the case. McGowan now says her altered appearance was the result of a medical procedure gone wrong. During an operation to correct a lifelong sinus problem, she says, the surgeon accidentally punctured the skin below her right eye. The mistake forced her to have reconstructive surgery, leaving the eye looking “slightly pinched.” She then had surgery on her left eye to keep the look even.
“I told my publicists what happened and they said to say it was a car accident,” McGowan says. “Looking back, I don’t know why it mattered but I took that advice. And so when I was asked by the press, that became the party line.”
Generally if someone got in a wreck that was bad enough to warrant serious surgery it can be safely assumed that the car was totaled
wait that's what a meltdown looks like? fuck I do this all the time
Age like milk and go bat shit insane.
Remember when white women use to be the prize?
>At some point you can hear men saying "we love you" and "you're beautiful". I cringed so hard
Those were nu-males, who are similar to men only in anatomy
I'll be damned. Thanks user I was just repeating what I've heard
Can't say I blame you
Why do we want to save this shit again, tell me. I can understand why you would want to save Aristotle, the greccho-buddhist world of Alexander, or Perikles and the culture of Ancient Greece. But this? We've hit bottom barrel of world history. All of this is worse than the Weimar republic even. Just need a new economic crisis and BOOM
>two tards yell at each other
thanks for making me waste 2 minutes of my life op
She got into a car accident and bashed her face into the steering wheel while wearing sunglasses. It shoved glass into her face
>when the left eats itself
Both of those rants were kino as fuck but she's going to be torn apart for speaking her peace now .
lol now she's ugly
Meh. Great tits, weird face.
she embracing her kikeness
Yeah- I just researched this and I guess she just felt embarrassed. Renée Zellweger kind of going now also. On this issue I do feel bad for women who make a living on how they look.
That's a single frame from a single scene in a movie. If you were a teen in the 90s like me you'd know she was pretty hot
even after the plastic surgery, that godawful buzzcut ain't doing her any favors.
still, even after the Weinstein accident, why did she continue to work with them years after when the incident happened?
that's where her story falls apart.
you have any more Spongebob reaction images?
Yea it was a WW.
Weinsten Weiner
She's GOAT don't care about feminism or any of that, but this chick is one of the Hollywood starlets who helped wreck Harvey Weinstein and the kikelets.
Imagine sitting in that room and seeping in that collective mental illness. What a fucking nightmare.
wow, usually not a fan of suicide jokes but that one was killer
this is amazing.
That was literally nothing
I come to pol for drama, my threshold is low, I am easily pleased
>Tampon commercial where a the camera loving pans up a woman's body while she's being choked and strangled and raped!
Pretty sure ads like that don't exist.
of course
>She knows what's best for you more than your mother
>not a fan of suicide jokes
See hot
>inb4 the stepfather comes in and claims SPANIARDS ARE NON-WHITE HURR ALT-RIGHT BTFO
Thank you. Keep'em coming if you got nothing to do, new device and such. If not then not.
That savagery
last one i got
her work is awesome, really quality stuff from her directorial positions
>”My name is Rose McGowan and I’m obviously fucking brave.”
>beta males cheer
Actually made me Kek out loud.