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Fuck off and die
We we go!
Truepundit is great
You're mentally retarded then
True pundit reported for 24 hours after the boston free speech rally that a car bomb had gone off. The guy is literally a piece of shit shilling nonsense for shekels. He's literally banned from t_d for being too fake
give me a quick rundown plz burger
t. brainlet
Im at work and cant read it yet!
Update anons with highlights and will support transcribing after work!
You're fucking retarded. Every news outlet is just copy and pasting the 4 page memo.
read the screen caps dummy
What a shocker. It's fucking nothing again.
shills on full alert, don't let them slide!
Wow it's FUCKING NOTHING. Who could have guessed
Wow it's nothing.
shill alert
it's collusion at the FBI and DOJ at the highest levels authorized by Obama for Clinton using false information.
kys shill. People have fucking eyes.
This. Where are the arrest warrants?
next to the wall
Why are you still working in (((their))) basement, shill? You know (((they))) will probably kill you now just to the up any loose ends, right?
>The Shilling: Redux
Fucking kek. Look at all these shills scramble like cockroaches after turning on a light switch. Fucking gold.
Steele shopped the memo around to news orgs to gain credibility, Feds knowing this used it to gain FISA court approvals. Memo was bogus opposition research paid by the Hillary via fusion gps
FBI/DoJ was outed by Strzok's texts messages that this was insurance plan
This memo doesn't provide all the facts. It just leaves me with more questions because they're not disclosing the part where Trump was working as an agent for Putin.
Shit happens. They’ve been breaking stuff that no one else will touch, and it’s been reluctantly corroborated by others later. One goofed up story in a hectic situation when you’re a small organization is no big deal
the memo is a summarized brief, now there's the sited forms that breaks the memo down point by facts. I hope they release that soon. Drip drip!
omission of details by FBI requests is not collusion.
The DOJ's failure to point these out is not proof of collusion.
At no point has anyone claimed the FBI was ordered to not submit this information to the FISC.
AT BEST you have a charge against the FBI for not properly submitting relevant documents to the Foreign intelligence surveillance court.
IF they can somehow link these people any way than "They read it, and knew it wasnt true... and never corrected the record" then MAYBE we get something out of this.
>Actually really was a nothingburger compared to what everyone claimed.
It is illegal, and should be dealt with but again this links no one... its not even linked to Obama. Other than "Well he would have known about this at some level... at some point..." Well good luck getting that to stick in ANY court for ANYONE much less an ex president.
Its already been released its 99 pages and Alex jones did several videos about it.
Hi Barack, watcha doing?
The vitality water salesmen? Doubt it, I'll wait for the official release. thanks tho
White right winger...
I'd love this to be a big deal but it jsut isnt.
Again it doesn't implicate Obama or Hillary or the DNC... just the FBI.
Okay cool. the FBI is corrupt as all hell we all know this... so? Whos going to burn? Maybe a few agents that didnt type these reports up to the FISC correctly... at MOST. Or maybe some heads resign to "restore confidence" to the FBI.
A political party paid $$ for standard bullshit propaganda, which was handed over to the FBI and used as evidence so an American citizen would have his communications intercepted. That by itself is troubling enough, but the fact the FBI knew it was bogus but still went ahead with it summons up flashes of WMDs in Iraq. Knowing something is BS but still using it as evidence for your own political purposes.
It was an official release... get got it off the .Gov website that released it...
link or it didn't happen!
I'm not reading all that
The real memo was already released but we're getting all hard over a summary?
Embarassing, desu
>DNC $$ for bullshit propaganda,
>handed over to the FBI used as evidence for FISC
>fact the FBI knew it was bogus but still went ahead.
>Knowing something is BS but still using it as evidence for your own political purposes.
The FBI PAID the DNC and Fusion i believe for the Steel document... THERE IS NO LINK BETWEEN THE FBI AND THE DNC/HILLARY.
AGAIN THIS IS NOTHING. Illegal YES! but other than a few people fired for NOT stapling a copy of the steel document to the back of their FISC requests is ALL that they technically did illegal... Again MAYBE a few people resign at key positions to save face publicly. but less they have more this doesnt link the illegal actions of the FBI to ANYONE much less Hillary and Obama.
>standard bullshit propaganda, which was handed over to the FBI and used as evidence so an American citizen would have his communications intercepted.
This. These are the people who are supposed to uphold the law, Add in CIA and NSA everyone knew it was fake and still used it to unlawfully (illegally) spy on a prospective politician which IS a crime.
>t doesn't implicate Obama or Hillary or the DNC... just the FBI.
You must the cia nigger shill dedicated to this thread
It's fucking nothing.
>Who is James Comey?
They mention the actual.Gov release site at some point in the video if you want the OFFICIAL gov release papers, but thats Alex video on the contents that the memo was written about. As in these papers were shown to Nunes... and he then wrote this memo.
I've never done this in my 2 years on Sup Forums, but seriously KYS
you can't put two and two together unless you're shill
Proof that Allah is real
Everything we knew turned out to be true. The russia investigation is a complete hoax
Why is it when you interject with reality people call you a jew?
I want Hillary to burn not jsut hang. But Facts are Facts. YOU WONT be able to link the DNC and Hillary to the actions of the FBI with just this. You need to prove intent or collaboration. This is very hard to do, especially against people of power.
We ALL know Obama and Hillary are crooked and were all okay with the FBI exonerating her and using slime ball tactics to listen in on Trump... We all know this... but can you PROVE it? this memo doesnt do that... it jsut shows the FBI as slime balls...
They only needed probable cause...
Hey guys, I just finished reading the memo. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's anything major. Save your time and don't bother reading it.
This is like 3 pages complaining about christopher steele. The big bombshell is that christopher steele didn’t want trump to be president? Wow what a surprise, someone who believes that a candidate is compromised doesn’t want him to be president.
proof is right there LMAO. you don't get to unmask and spy without Obama not approving and knowing especially against a political opponent where he's campaigning for Hillary
Dude said this would happen. Obama, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, and the rest of the swamp weaponized it during and after the campaign.
this is all about dirty cops.
and then after Trump was elected, it became treason. ESPECIALLY when you consider that everything under the DOJ is the Executive Branch of government.
No Obama gets BRIEFED... Again you have to PROVE He knew /and/or ordered the FBI to withhold info from FISC.
Here is the conduit between the DNC and FBI. FBI leadership is married to someone who earns their money by lying about Trump (paid by DNC to do it). FBI leadership takes the shit his wife pushes out, and uses his position in the org to take the lies and turn them into official FBI source material, which is then used as an excuse to spy. Its not the "IDS HABBADING" furor user wants but it definitely shows our FBI has been compromised and used as a political tool. The fact that the FBI was doing its own internal investigation shows the FBI itself isn't rotten to the core, but it does mean that its not infallible, and shouldn't be treated as the arbiter of truth and justice its supposed to be. If one person in one leadership position can mis-wield its power, then it needs some restructuring.
But fuck the DNC for compromising an FBI informant, desu
Everyone said this would happen... back in 2001 I Was saying this would happen as a middle schooler when they broke the story of the Gov going into At&T and Verizon... EVERY time this type of thing is implemented its abused. Didnt need an autistic computer contractor to tell us this...
dirty cops get the green light from higher up, this was approved by you know who.
only the beginning!
>Clinton Campaign used the US Government to maliciously prosecute a political opponent.
Clinton is going down hard. Obama's legacy is burned to a crisp. Obama turned our government into the KGB.
THis mostly.
Again yes this is illegal, but you are nto gettign the huge DNC/Hillary/Obama/Dems/FBI hanging as everyone hyped...
The worst part of this is it shows the FBI is willing to allow its political bias (most likely political power and money) in favor of the one that owes them favors or they owe. This implicates the FBI using its power for political reasons. This does raise concerns given their connections to DNC/Dems but this doesnt prove collusion or conspiracy or anything.
Thats like saying since you have a friend thats a skinhead, when their group does some crime you are now a criminal? No... The DNC/Obama/Hillary are associated... not involved.
>this was approved by you know who.
yes, Obama. And Clinton.
The memo is nothing new so don't waste your time reading it. Oooooaaaahhh feeling sleepy, nighty night.
drinking diet coke, I'm so energized
Why don't you retards read the whole thing before commenting?
There are more pages.
Are the next pages out yet?
If not obviously people will comment on what we have
just reported comey to the fbi lads.
For convenience, could someone please combine the pages of the MEMO minus the cover letter into a single doc? Thanks..
I.e. combine:
Oh so you want real proofs? I have the pissgate tapes, just send me your credit card details desu.
>Clinton Campaign colluding with a British informant that was later terminated for contacting the FBI in order to violate people 5th amendment rights by providing knowingly false information in order to try and gain a political victory.
Bro that's like 4 different law violations and a direct link to the Clinton's.
>Literally nothing
This isn't the entirely of what the committee knows, just part of it. And the investigation is ongoing.
This is the first shot of the actual war. At minimum, Ohr and his wife need to be hauled before the committee, and then a judge, to explain themselves. The 3 DAGs who signed off on applications knowing they were based on the Steele dossier need to have their law licenses revoked (one of them is counsel for the FBI right now) and hauled before a judge. Mcabe and Comey as well.
They lied to a court, by omission. Had a Republican done this, they would be in jail already.
Stop trying to be the voice of reason, weak mary. This is just part of what the committee knows. JUST PART. The anons here always get worked up and spew ridiculous shit, but this is a big deal, in the long term scope of the story. This is important, because we know these are facts now. The entire Russia thing is a scam, and it's public record now. The indictments will come. I fully expect that in the next couple of months we'll either see a special prosecutor assigned to this, ala Whitewater and the Clintons, or a Grand Jury empanelled for this. Or both.
The links to Hillary, and just as important, to the Oval Office, comes later. This is the first shot in what will probably be a very long war.