No redactions!!
Dems got some splainin to do
Based President.
Not even redacted once. Boss.
Democrats on suicide duty
bumpity bump
Start packing, shariablue
Wow it's a literal nothing burger
Why would Paul Ryan not want this shared?
omg it's a 4 pages Memo FFS.
Even a subhuman like me have read it, get your shit together leaf.
God I feel sleepy.
Aren't you tired as well, user? Let's go to sleep, this is nothing
there goes muh blue wave
Is Darnell right?
its nothing, even Scott Adams said so.
Everything we've been saying was true all along.
>Fusion GPS has moneytrail leading back to DNC and Clinton campaign.
>FBI and DOJ say they wouldn't have gotten the FISA warrant without the dossier
>Steele turns out to have publicly slammed Trump on numerous occasions, showing a clear bias.
>FBI and DOJ found out that members of both organizations knew about the falsehood of the document early on and didn't say anything
>last paragraph literally states that the probe was launched due to Papadopoulos, undermining the entire dossier narrative in the rest of the memo
truly groundbreaking
Faggot shitposters aside, the memo confirms what we were all saying a year ago. The FISA warrant was infact illegally obtained
oh. it's literally nothing. well, whatever. see y'all at the next happening.
>Democrats conspired with FBI and DOJ to spy on Trump's campaign
"I-it's nothing, move along"
Lol man the left wanted this kept secret
Will anything actually come of it though?
comey is fucked lads
The Steele Dossier was a DNC paid hit piece that the FBI used as the cornerstone for their investigation (surveillance) in to the Trump campaign
>Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information
>that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information
Hang McCabe
Yeah we know, now push it out to normies who dont
yea, ill take scott adams over pol.
The entire Russia Probe and Mueller investigation will probably be dismantled this time next week. The entire premise of it's necessity just got exposed as a pay for play blackop. That was officially sanctioned by the then sitting president of the country against a rival, and for the betterment of someone he has already uplifted and protected in the past, no less.
That's it? Holy fuck this is the biggest "literally nothing" piece of shit meme Ive ever seen. No wonder the Russians were pushing it so hard, you're desperate to make it seem bigger than it is.
Britfag here
Someone red pill me on all this
confirms what most of us knew.
>They knew the grounds for the warrant were bullshit
>They knew it was an OP set up by the DNC
>The FBI played part in criminal conspiracy
I'm looking forward to Trump's guaranteed second term now.
Just leave if you don't actually care. It's 4 fucking pages.
Fuck me, Sup Forums was right again...
Hillary Clinton pays Fushion GPS to hire a political hack to write a totally fictitious "dossier"
Dossier is used as based for FISA warrants to survielle candidate Trump and derail a political enemy of the state
tldr US spy agencies and FISA court used against a presidential campaign that couldn't be allowed to win
>Wow it's a literal nothing burger
Go back to your shill hive mind and come bacn n' come up with something better.
This is it? Yeah what the memo lays out is 100% corrupt behavior but unfortunately its the sort of corruption we already knew about for a while and the chances of any major consequences coming out of this are zero
This is literally the biggest cock block waste of time of my lifetime. And here I was thinking we'd have an actual happening for a change.
It is the biggest (known) abuse of power and public trust in the history of the nation you shill fucker.
So this basically proves that EVERYTHING the FBI, and the DOJ did against the Trump Administration was based on falsified information, from a Clinton shill.
and now they all look guilty as fuck. Including the Democrats who tried to hide this as well. They all look fucking guilty.
Did you miss the part where the FBI hid information that would have prevented them from getting a FISA warrant on the Trump campaign?
It was about keeping Trump out of office, or getting him out when he won. FISA court is NOT going to be happy about this.
Look at the timeline and Page 1 closely
September 2016 - Steele admitted to Ohr he had bias
October 21,2016 - FISA warrant obtained with his dossier
>Rosenstein signed a FISA application
Wrong, it's literally fucking nothing. It'll be forgotten by next week, because it's a bunch of overblown bullshit.
>They knew all of that
>The Democrats try desperately to hide the memo
>They tell everyone that if it's released it'll jeopardize national security.
>mfw this gets released on a friday and forgotten by monday
Agreed, this is a giant nothing burger. I'm tired. Are you tired? Get some rest. Zzzzz
>incomplete/falsified dossier used as basis
>blatantly biased employees
I guess that's somethin
leave shariablue.
he wanted a tldr of a 4 page memo, I tried to keep it short.
Just like Trump wouldn't be in office a year after his inauguration? Just face it shill, you backed the wrong pony.
Memo = Permanent BTFO McCain
You're either a paid shill or so numb to this it's sad to see. Or you don't realize how ahead of the curb being on Sup Forums makes you so this doesn't come as a shock
You Trumpcucks are fucking retarded, try to be objective about this. No one but Trump's cocksucking fans will care about this
>shilling intensifies
Go to sleep you must be so tired zzzzzzzz
>no one but the majority of the nation that put Trump into the White House will care about this.
He won, you lost. He had to have 51% of the nation's consent to win. You are the minority here and irl, shouting louder isn't going to change that.
Lol you think that's the original lol.
You're cute.
It no shit goes something like this
>meme war is going on
>many anons making counter shill accounts on twitter(hillbot,basedblackman,etc)
>one of the anons gets close to somebody in contact with Fusion GPS&DNC selling info to them on Trump
>convinces him Trump has a peepee orgy
>they buy it
>que Department of Justice, and Feds using this, and a collection of information they've gathered to compile enough dirt to launch a slander campaign
>King Nigger decides this information is good enough to spy on Trump
>Especially since they think Hillary will for sure win
>She doesn't
>que "oh no no NON NO NO NO"
>Trump is not happy
>Releases to the public in legal terms what they did wrong
>In reality this is really what happened, and it's better to release it in legal terms than tell truth
Memo details Fisa secret warrent obtained to spy on trump campaign based on bollocks dossier, compiled by dodgy ex MI5 agent. FBI kew it to be likely false, but didnt disclose this to Fisc as they should have - along with the fact the dossier was paid for by the DNC via fusionGPS. Basically DNC used US national security apparatus to spy on trump campaign with FBI collusion.
Dear diary
Today was a good day.
Pic related is really damning. Essentially --
>they make up a dossier
>they leak it to Yahoo News [very illegally]
>they use the Yahoo News article as """independent verification""" of the dossier
>they hand this over for the surveillance
Like, that's a fucking smoking gun.
Official link:
Did we know that Ohr's wife was employed at Fusion GPS?
you're reading it wrong, try again
Attacking your own FBI and Justice departments, after you picked the heads of both departments. This is how you know Trump is 100% guilty.
Some smalltime useful idiots will probably get a slap on the wrist.
The big bads will continue doing what they've always done, this won't stop shit.
However hopefully people will wake up a little bit about all this, I have my doubts it will ultimately amount to anything though, kinda depends on what Mueller does?
eternal anglo strikes again
When does the lynching of Dems begin?
This isnt nothing. Richard Nixon had to resign because of shit like this.
It's going to be the talk of a lot of superbowl parties.
This isnt going away faggot
Sup Forums was right again
Thank god its friday
Are you seriously this fucking dumb?
o fuuugggg
thanks ma burger
Watergate was literally nothing compared to this.
When you become the party of lies, then the truth will always be biased against you.
Edit: Thanks for the Gold! First time I have ever been gilded!
It's happening.
>this is the entry-level redpill we needed to dismantle the MSM narrative and make normies aware of all the deep state fuckery that has been going on for decades
What a beautiful fucking day. Day of the Rope is on the horizon, boys.
Trump just pulled the drain plug on the swamp, prepare for incoming shitstorm
All politicians on all sides should be up in arms about this, the larger issue is bipartisan - the use and manipulation of US national security apparatus to spy on political opponents.
You get that faggotry from the same place that told you to say “rural” a lot?
Its over. They're gonna keep saying its nothing until people forget. Luckily for them the superbowl is sunday. I'm not too optimistic
You fucks blather on more about Russia than McCarthy ever did. Take your faggotry elsewhere. The knobs whose knobs you slob are boned.