
I'm gonna fucking say this.


I don't know how many fucking chinks or pajeets come to America for a better life, but if they wanna come to America, they shouldn't come to a country with a language they barely speak.

Same shit goes for Americans going to other countries for vacation or some shit. If you're going to Germany or Russia, at least make the effort to get a good understanding of the language BEFORE going to that place so you can communicate what you want effectively.

>But I don't wanna learn a whole fucking language just to go somewhere
Then learn some basic phrases that you can quickly access. Learning a language isn't easy, I know.

but If you wanna come to America to escape whatever shithole country you live in, then LEARN ENGLISH.

Learn the language or GTFO

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You sir are correct.
Nothing is more sad than a turd that goes to a foreign country and expects that the locals will meet their demands



tourism is a thing, check it out sometime

You don't need to learn the entire language...just don't be a cunt and say thank you when you are in mexico...or say thank you when you are in Brazil...learn simple fucking phrases, it goes a long way.

If I visit the USA...I don't say OBRIGADO, I say thank you. It is simple courtesy and shows the nature of your person.

We're pretty bad for this I'd admit. You don't even have to pump hours into the language, just learn the basic shit like hello, thank you, where is the toilet etc. and you'll get a far warmer reception from my experience.

>squandering 2 years to get a "good understanding" of an inconsequential language just because you wanna go vacation internationally for 2 weeks

You aren't very bright, bud.

It does not bother me if tourists do not speak the language however someone who plans to move to another country should be required by law to learn its language and at least show basic proficiency upon entry.

I work in a corner shop (convenience store for you mutts). Its boring and tedious but it pays the bills. The place is run by three immigrants. Not sure if they're pakis or poo-in-loos, can't be fucked to ask. Two of them speak English, the third does not. This both perplexes and enrages me to no end. Obviously he cant man the till on his own because he cant talk to the customers, so he just sort of stocks the shelves and stands about muttering the handful of English words he can say. Whenever its just me and him in the shop we have to communicate through retarded sigh language,

I don't think you should have to learn the language if you're going on vacation, but if you're gonna live in a foreign country, how the fuck do you suggest going about it if you cant communicate?
The only reason the paki/poo can even function here is because of the two others who CAN speak English (they're all related btw).

>just don't be a cunt and say thank you when you are in mexico

most mexicans understand what thank you means. so do most europeans, asians, etc...literally the entire world knows more english than we know of theirs. it's a universal language that we should be happy most people are learning.

you're getting angry about a problem that isn't even real, dude. and in time it will completely disappear as everyone learns english.

My thoughts are pretty much what these two said

top zozzle

Wherever I stand temporarily becomes American soil, so these foreigners need to speak English or git

Tourism is a pretty vital part of many economies. If you talk to anyone knowledgeable in say, Italy, and tell them you feel that tourists are disrespecting them by coming there and spending their money, they'll tell you that you're wrong.

No one would disagree that you should learn the language of a country if you're planning on moving there.

The tourism part is fucking dumb because English is the global lingua franca and if you're an Anglophone tourist and make an attempt to speak the local language (outside of please/thank you/phrases of courtesy), the locals will tell you to just speak English.

>color/colour, organize/organise
>會/会, 個/个
Not even close to being "simplified English."

True...however, even if you don't speak 1 word of the language, at the very least learn how to be POLITE in the place you are visiting.

Proper manners set you apart from the assholes.

If you want to live in another country...fuck yes...make the effort to learn the language, I could not agree more.

I believe a command of the English language is an asset. The English language is beautiful in its simplicity and power of communication. A bullshit free language that does not require you to know ridiculous amounts of grammar, ambiguities and decorum.

This is not politics

There is something civil about knowing how to say thanks, please and you are welcome.

Polite manner is what separates us from the animals...sure every living soul knows thank you but honestly, if you even mangle a foreign language but they get that you took the time to learn common goes a long way

who the hell even teaches navajo nowadays

Pol is more than just politics, it encompasses all issues that deal with political correctness, current events or anything having to do with politics and our basic way of life...all based on laws, life and the human condition

Yes it is. Nothing is nore political than the way we communicate. Particularly when discussing accommodations for people who don't speak the native language. Spanish versions of training manuals and street signs are a good example. Fuckers need to learn English if they want to work in an English speaking country

>the foreign policies about what language immigrants should be compelled to use is not politics
kys retard

>Parents come back from a trip to Japan
>"It's a really nice country but totally disgraceful how nobody there speaks English!"
I was disappointed desu

it's actually one of the only ways besides EU giving us money that Portugal makes money

Too fucking difficult. Explain it to me...
>... It's where you walk, on the side of the road
We'll call it a side walk.

>americans only speak one language
>tell people to learn languages
it official , the day of rope is coming faster than expected

no engrish

You dont even have passports burger shut the fuck up.

I want to go to Japan in May/June so I'm learning GRORIOUS NIHONGO as best I can, but this is not a requirement.

Travelling is not the same as emigrating.

>I don't know how many fucking chinks or pajeets come to America for a better life
They contribute quite a bit, don't they?

There is nothing more cringe than tourists who try to speak Swedish. Just fucking speak English please, I don't want to hear your sorry excuse for "Swedish", I get enough of that from the immigrants.

>and if you're an Anglophone tourist and make an attempt to speak the local language (outside of please/thank you/phrases of courtesy), the locals will tell you to just speak English.
I'd tell that to any tourist or immigrant who speak broken Swedish. Just speak English instead of butchering my language.

having to learn a new language to go on vacation. the fuck are you on about. go eat a bag of dicks faggot

Foreigners on Asian countries are the worst, I've met people who lived for freaking 5 years, mostly as English teachers (oh the irony) and couldn't say anything besides greetings, numbers, read the letter and say "please give me".

Fuck you, you're not the boss of me.

I agree on relocation - if you are moving to a country, you should be fluent in the language.

Visiting? Maybe learn a few key phrases to get by, but you don't need to know it fluently.

The asians are the bad ones. Fucking savages who can't even learn English. I know more Japanese words than they know English, and I'm neither jap nor anglo.
They have a retarded education system where they learn a bunch of words and grammar but they can't actually use it to form real sentences. Their bullshit with romanji where they keep their own soundvalues for English words also makes it really hard for them to learn English.

So err, when are you guys gonna start learning english then?