H1B Visa

yo Sup Forums i'm an international student. HOW THE FUCK DO I GET A H1B VISA UNDER THIS ADMINISTRATION?? i want to legally work here. i'm a software engineer, but companies get turned off by applicants who need visa sponsorship

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You can't Pajeet now fucking scram.
We don't need you.

fuck you, what skillset do you bring to this world? at least i'm a contributor to technology in the 21st century, and the most efficient way is to contribute my efforts in an american software company

find a company who gives a s*** about you

Why don’t you just write software in your own country? It would be much better being a big fish in a small pond. If you pay attention to what’s happening, you will see that a race war is about to start in America with lots of bloodshed n the streets.

>but companies get turned off by applicants who need visa sponsorship
Welcome to the world. I get that trying to go to Europe. People are just lazy and can't fill out 2 pages of paperwork.

You need to get internships and find some boss who loves you. Or be a genius. If not it is almost impossible. Sorry.

Go back to India.

slinging shitty code for enterprises isn't really contributing to technology.

>Welcome to the world. I get that trying to go to Europe. People are just lazy and can't fill out 2 pages of paperwork.

It really is, I'm trying to leverage my network to get a foot in the door, but it really does take a lot of effort to get a company to sponsor a visa even if i take a huge paycut.

I have a habit of writing clean, modularized, well-documented code, in a test-driven environment actually

Can't you just find a fake spouse to get you in?

Bullshit, just apply to any large American tech company. Except don't, because we don't want you here at all.

I hate the idea of getting a fake marriage to get a green card. My brother actually got his green card after grinding it out here for 8 years on work visas, so there's definitely a stigma if I were to do something like that.

fuck it, if it really doesn't work out here, i'm probably going to go back to Asia maybe work for a big tech company in China and apply what I learned here over there. I can come back here once the racism dies down

If you have the internet in whatever shit hole you're from you can just do you're coding back at home for an American company that outsources

We are full. Stay out of Europe.

start aborting yourselves now Poojeets. you parasites are of no use to pooland or burgerland.

I will tell you how. You get a job in canada, the gov will let you in after 2 weeks under an accelerated software/IT worker program, then transfer to that software company's branch in the US.

I have literally seen non Canadians come over here then transfer to the US in under 8 months.

>h1b human trafficking scam

>economy collapses every 5 years
>massive layoffs every 5 years
>import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off
>impoverished natives get health issues
>get bankrupt by medical bills
>go homeless
>get on heroin
white genocide was never as easy as this

meanwhile poos are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme

you don't get one. you fuck off back to your designated shitting streets

You're a paid dog, pajeet.
Fuck off - you're not wanted.

Racism isn't going to die down. In fact, it's going to increase.
Fuck off, we're full.

go back home and help build up your own country

be happy you got educated here. take what you've learned and go help your people

this resulted in millions of homeless/jobless whites who vanished from the labor force after several engineered economic collapses which saw more asians being trafficked and replacing the layed off whites.

go on a road trip and tour the damage of your once great nation, and see the remnant homeless survivors and the countless graves of the victims of the opioid epidemic

>hurrdurr white people jobs getting taken away!!!!
it's too bad white folk are not interested in computer programming, literally in my college classes, the racial make up is ~70% asian.

P.S. i know it's hard to get stereotypes out of ur head, but im not a pajeet

fuck off chong. go be a locust in asia.

also white people have been impoverished en-masse in the last few decades for the sake of race replacement.

those millions of homeless whites were once the white middle class that used to attend comp sci uni classes

after several engineered economic collapses that deliberately ex and systematically expelled white programmers from the industry and replaced them with asians (there are on going class-action lawsuits against the expulsion and replacement of whites with locusts) the whites became homess and started dying off with heroin/fentanyl trafficked from asia.

fuck off white genocider. go die in asia.

It's OK, just come to the UK. You'll won't get in yet, but once we leave the EU I'm sure we'll have you.

>being this angry

idk what's going on with you, but i hope you will get the healing you need. lol, u should probably go for a walk or something

This. Fuck off back to your country and work there you fucking leech

The problem with him is pajeets and chongs flooding into the west, driving wages down, and generally being a disgusting addition to our society.
Stay the fuck home - you're not wanted over here.

Oh you want to work here, but you're a foreigner?




what wages are going down? The average pay for a software engineer is $70,000-$100,000 in the west coast. Sorry but i'm not competing for the wages of being a mcdonalds worker, coal miner, some other less qualified job that you lot are stuck in

You have to go back.

>Stay the fuck home - you're not wanted over here.
I will add, however, that foreigners are driving the housing prices up since we are buying property en masse. Well, can't help it that we have all this money...and know not to spend it on useless shit

Those wages would be higher if not for the flood of foreigners on HB1 visas.
I'm am far more aware than you are, chong, as I'm a hiring director for a tech company. I've seen the wage compensation flatline in conjunction with the surge in visa approvals.
So, to reiterate:

You're a 'hiring director', first of all i've never heard someone from HR call themselves that, is that what you call yourself on ur linked in? strange title.

secondly, as a hiring manager, you're willing to pay MORE than $100k annually for a software engineer?

This leads me to believe, that you are not, someone with the authority to hire people :-)

>go back to Asia
yeah do that, shitskin

>be asiatic locust
>wrecklessly clone yourselves to the billions
>billions of hungry and envious subpar human-imposters need to steal resources and achievements from successful whites
>jews invent open-borders to replace whites and invite locusts
>whites get systematically expelled from their jobs, become homeless, and die from heroin trafficked by locusts
>b-but why are whites not welcoming of the locust horde?

the white is not responsible for your overpopulation- for your existence.
asia should have been quarantined and left to rot in its own filth and shit.
tell your bow-legged bitches to stop shitting out useless and cheap human-imitations and fuck off you pathetic usurper.

There's a lot of shit you don't know, chong.
I'm not HR, I'm a technical director who decides who gets to decide who's hired and who isn't, and at what salary band.
Wanna know what happens to every pajeet and chong resume I get?

>Believing in this narrative

Out of curiosity, do you think you are part of a majority or part of a minority in believing in something like this? Secondly, do you consider yourself a critical thinker who can look at things from an objective standpoint? you call your own race 'whites', it just sounds really weird and uneducated

>victims of the opioid epidemic
Give me a break. White people don't take oxy because of their employment situation; they take it because they want to.
I had a tenant who had a good job as a journeyman plumber. He and his gf decided to take up the hobby of pill-popping. He lost the job, and she poisoned their baby.

first ur a hiring director, then ur a technical director. yeah im not buying the bait, have you even written a line of code in ur life? no? ok let's stop play-pretending here, i will stop conversing with you. besides ur in fucking canada, im talking about the USA

>they do it because they want to

>why do apples fall down?
>because they want to

nice argument

typical chong - can't figure shit out if its not in cookbook format.
You're not welcome in north america - stay in your infested shithole where you belong.

If you’re one of the few decent international developers who speaks English well then I recommend just finding a company that does visa sponsorship

Companies generally don’t want to because ur a liability and they don’t want to invest in you if your gonna be stuck back home for some reason

Most companies that sponsor are on the west coast of course but there’s plenty just make some calls to decent companies

>making an analogy of people taking oxy as a natural phenomena similar to apples falling down

dude what?

whites are not your mothers. whites are not your fathers. whites are not responsible for shitting out billions of hungry shitskin clones. whites are not responsible for you.

whites lived happily and comfortably without any chongs, poojeets, putos, achmeds, shlomos, and were on a path to colonizing the Moon, until the dark cloud of the asiatic came upon us.

we didnt have any heroin epidemics until the misery and wretchedness of the asiatic locust menace suffocated the utopian white lands with the dark cloud of asiatic shit blocking the bright light that once graced upon the WHITE MAN.

To be honest, the thought of having to brush shoulders with someone this dim-witted in this country is a good deterrent. I applaud your dedication at embracing ignorance, you simple simple man.

Holy shit, just go back to the land of nurgle and do IT there.

we didnt birth you locusts. no matter the amount of deception and opium you traffick, we are not going to commit suicide to allow you an opportunity to steal our lives and achievements.

go back to suckling on chongs cloaca. get the fuck off the White Man's dick and take your miserable asiatic dark cloud thats suffocating this planet with you.

As an American, our desire to reject you freeloaders supersedes your desire to work in OUR country.

Poo off.

>since we are buying property en masse.

You're opportunists taking advantage of the housing crisis here.

>hurrr this country full of brainlets and simpletons
>pls tell me how to stay


burgers, is it true? Trump admin is making it harder for H1B visa parasites?

making it so hard that libtard companies put affirmative action aside just to have less problems when hiring?

that's fucking golden

they ARE the housing crisis. the asiatic (jews, chinks, poos, arabs) IS the dark cloud over western civilization. they are the cause of multiple economic collapses, hyperinflations, homelessness, declining white birth rate, heroin epidemic.

I cant wait for the next crash, going to buy up all white land.

"I hate you guys so much please let me into your clubhouse!"

fucking chongs, man.

Fuck off and stop trying to take my job you worthless faggot.


It's just the >10% of Americans who are this ignorant, that I dislike. There are bad apples in every country, you are taking my statement out of context, as I was replying to a single person in this thread, which you are taking as a generalization against all Americans. Idk what triggered you

>stolen wealth of whites

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your agreement...

I'm just here for the off topic Silicon Valley discussion.

I don't care how much you like sucking conservative values cock, I think TJ Miller is a hilarious comedian and actor.

> be me, soft developer
> apply to jobs
> get 200 calls per week from Indian sounding recruiters located in mumbai
> cannot understand most of what they say due to heavy accent
> tell them to fuck off
> the state of america's IT sector

meanwhile for every shitting low level IT job posted, 100 resumes are sent on average

you have to go back

Fuck off, we're full.

I hope you understand Chong, why you are getting all this hostility. Senior level software engineers get payed 20k less in Canada because of open fucking borders. That is before the currency exchange of 20% loss.

Employers are also less willing to hire entry level workers, possibly sending their 4 year degree down the drain. Getting stuck with student loans sure is fun.


>you freeloaders
>your desire to work
you literally disproved your faggot statement

Hey go fuck yourself man. We are the cause of your decline of white birth rates? Stop blaming others you piece of shit. Go ask your women why they don't have white babies. Protip: they are working on their careers.

OP here...so ur saying there's a higher chance of me getting a work visa in Canada..

Yes, imported Pajeets and chongs on H1B visas are causing problems. Not the lion's share of the problem to be sure but definitely a part of it.

>Silicon valley lobbies for boatloads of h1B visas
>Publicly scold bad goys who point out that importing Pajeets to work for 50% wages hurts Americans, mostly of Asian descent who are here legally
>Internally rub hands because you've cut payroll in half
Fuck off Google, fuck off Pajeets, AMERICANS are on to you.

not if you apply to my company.
And I'm not the only one binning resumes that aren't from white canadian males.

I would argue, that given the H1B vetting process is so stringent, that literally only the cream of the crop get those highly-sought after jobs. They are given to mostly STEM majors, people who work in highly productive industries. Do you see the big picture here? People on H1B visas contribute to the economy, by increasing output, increasing the overall wealth, thereby generating more jobs. Would love to hear more thoughts on my opinion.

>H1B vetting process is so stringent

This post says it all.

You are blind and deaf of you don't believe this. This reason here is why Americans get paid shitty.

See The fact is that they drive down the wages of American STEM'ers. Period. I'll never understand why legal minority STEM majors aren't marching at Google HQ, etc all day and night. Almost as if they are socially programmed...nah, that couldn't be

>yes look at the big numbers on the screen, aren't they beautiful?
>never mind the suffering and alienation of actual American citizens

>How do I...?
You don't.
You have to go back.

>locusts swam comfortable white cunts via yiddish open border/h1b scam
>locusts buy up all houses, businesses, and jobs
>whites cant buy houses, businesses, or get jobs
>whites cant settle down and raise families
>white declining birthrate happens thanks to locusts hoarding all the white-created resources
>whites go homeless
>whites get a heroin gift from the locust

simple as that my mentally challenged usurper
>the slope cant into critical thinking requiring the white man yet again to do the simple explanation

>Almost 55% increase in RFEs – Since none of the proposals have passed through legislation yet, the tightening of rules is happening through implementation instead. As a result, there has been in increase in Requests for Evidence (RFEs) that delays the process by focusing on job appropriate salary, job appropriate qualifications and the categorization of the specialty nature of the occupation.

>A Committee has passed a bill that increases the minimum salary of H-1B visa holders from $60,0000 to $90,000. This would make it harder for foreign employers to pay the salary of potential H1B petitioners and may end up foregoing the option altogether.

>Since all immigration is going to be executed through the lens of the ‘Buy American, Hire American’ Act, H1B renewals will not be automatic as in the past. It will be adjudicated based on current merits and no deference will be given to previous approvals. Going forward, this would make it a lot harder to get H1B visas renewed.

Why don't you work in your own fucking country?

Since you post on Sup Forums i'll give you a fat tip (been in software development for 20 years now). Because of the big poo outsourcing firms, you will never get a job as a direct hire who needs sponsorship. The best you can do is suck off accenture, infosys, tata, or one of those companies for four years and get treated and paid like shit and do your very best just to try to keep your client happy as possibly. Make yourself indispensable to the company you're at so your consulting firm can't just fire your ass days away from being eligible for a green card. Once you're in that sacred time to get a green card, go for it. Pray a lot to jesus and hope for the best. I've had quite a few good foreign coworkers go through this mess and eventually get rewarded with that green ticket of glory. I've also known the shittier ones to be fired and replaced and sent back to their shithole countries. The hardest thing you'll face is the fact that the next day you could be deported (I've seen it happen) and knowing that your consulting firm is charging probably $80 to $140 an hour for your time but you're only making $30 with shit benefits.

Supply and Demand, the fact is that there's a greater demand for software engineers, than the U.S. can domestically provide.

>wahhhhh we gotta help the lazy and unintelligent people that couldn't make it in a country full of advantages and opportunity
Survival of the Fittest. Cry some MORE about it.

You have to get a PhD OP. You can get a masters and try, but a PhD will secure that you can stay in the states. That is basically how you buy yourself a U.S. citizenship.

You could also try contacting a recruiter that specifies in tech and let them know your situation.

Best of luck.

asians end up destroying the company and the company goes out of business. There's like 500 companies that were taken over by indians and ALL of them went out of business

anyone who outsources to them will have their company ruined OR will have to hire white knight American consultants to fix the mess they've created.

alot of companies are bailed out by these dumb white knight goys who fix the failed systems created by pajeet

these white knights who keep the company afloat are usually then fired for multicultural reasons

The exploitation of the H1B visa loophole is the main cause of this. There are companies that fired their US programmers and forced them to train their own replacements, threatening to withhold their severance packages if they refused to train the Indians.

Most of the Indian programmers are really slow and only know the bare minimum. All they are good at is following directions. As soon as they have to solve a unique problem or think outside of the box they fall on their face hard.

In fact, I have noticed that about all Asians, whether they be Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. They may excel at studying and getting good grades, but in the real world a white autist always trumps Asian IQ when it comes to logic and problem solving.

>Most of the Indian programmers are really slow and only know the bare minimum
So companies in the most capitalist developed country in the world are paying Asians high salaries, high enough to drive expensive cars and live in high-end neighborhoods, just because?
The real world is not le epic Sup Forums maymay.

You've obviously never worked for an IT consulting company.
Team of 10 people contracted out to $client:
3 know their shit. 2 are ok - the rest are pajeets.
The pajeets bill far higher than they are paid and are absolutely fucking useless at best, or cause damage at worst.
But, they're billable - so no protests from anyone else will be heeded. Until they fucking destroy shit at the client site. In which case, the rest of the team has to fix the fuckup, and the pajeets play dumb.
They're a fucking poison in any country - keep them in India.

I appreciate the advice you have given me, PHD is out of the question, i can't afford to pay another .4 years of tuition..this is a good time to enter the job market

that's just your racist opinion man :)

Incorrect, the supply is greater than the demand so tech companies are afforded the luxury of choice. They obviously choose what's better for their bottom line. That isn't whats best for American citizens. So why do you need the knee to corporate masters and not your fellow kin?

>So countries in the most capitalist developed country in the world are paying rapefugees high salaries, high enough to drive expensive cars and live in high-end neighborhoods, just because?
heard of ponzi schemes?

billions are spent on rapefugees and billions are spent on creating a brown upperclass to replace the whites- at all costs

the whole H1B pyramid scam was devised by globalists as part of their race replacement scheme, it has nothing to do with worker shortage, skills shortage, or other smoke screen excuses

it is a corporate migrant smuggling scheme, as implemented with the migrant refugee scheme

I have it on good authority that the Obamacare system that failed when the floodgates were first opened was made by the Indian branch of CGI...

obamacare system launch failure caused by poojeets was major news here and entirely exposed the h1b scam and hindu IT supremecy b.s

the whole H1B pyramid scam was devised by globalists as part of their race replacement scheme, it has nothing to do with worker shortage, skills shortage, or other smoke screen excuses

it is a corporate migrant smuggling scheme, as implemented with the migrant refugee scheme

the soros/globalists destroy everything

CGI Group, Firm That Botched Obamacare Site, Gets $4.87M Extension


There was a point a point where I wasn't racist and judged people based on their actions and abilities.
Every single other race than white lived down to the stereotyped "racist" expectations.
Now, much like scripting a routine, racism just makes reaching the end goal so much faster, and has the same margin of error.


Google hires are like 80% retards 10% Really Smart People 10% Autistic Spergs.

Most of the marketing and "com" teams are really stupid. They're just virtue signaling fags, who talk about how great SF is but aren't from there, and spend most of their time working in Mountain View. They are also mostly overeducated white's and asians, and occasionally you have a couple of really dumbass niggers in there who are obviously there for diversity. They mostly just look busy and pretend to work by "scheduling meetings" and "touch bases." Half they time they don't work and are "working from home" which really taking pictures of salads on IG.

The indians and chinese are for the most part really retarded. They just hangout amongst themselves and are mediocre at their jobs. They work a lot tho. The indians are usually less qualified and really irritating to work with because all indians have this horrible hubris. The chinese tend to be qualified but unimaginative and don't solve the problems unless its very straight forward.

You never hear from the autistic spergs because they're autistic and they normally do dev ops or something and they just live life on call.

Unsure of how it works for non U.S. Citizens, but I know a lot of PhD programs will pay for your four years. Maybe look for scholarships. Although, you will face some discrimination in the application process. If you've ever seen a compsci MA or PhD class, there is almost no whites.

There is no whites because the pay increase to anything past a BS is not good. This is due to people, like yourself, who want to stay in the country and work but can't get an H1B visa. So they need higher education to stay in the states. In return, it has lowered the value of someone getting a higher education that is a citizen. So right now, they actually want white people to apply to these.

I would also talk to some of your prof who are from overseas and see how they stayed in the states. Always good to talk to someone who has gone through a similar situation even if it's in a different time period.

that is equivalent to 30k in the heartland.
Also to everyone else on pol
Once poos control a company
>rampant nepotism
>code goes to shit
>hopes to keep coasting on company name
>chain migration
Poo's are second to Jews in nepotism third is chinks.
The difference is the family poo hire is not nearly as smart as the average family hire jew.
Go home and reign as a god. We do not like you. Your men are social awkward creeps, and the women love white which is far larger then indian cock which needs special baby condoms.
((power brokers)) It is known that commie spies and US diplomats fucked up the situation to prevent china nationalist from winning.
Brain drain keeping india's poo out of the loo. If they stayed they could begin fixing india.

fake and gay. Tech companies are highly prog retarded and openly will discriminate against white males.

>ponzi scheme trafficking asians for white race replacement

this right here! the industry is a part of the globalist scheme for white genocide.

I used to work in ad tech back in the day. tech companies are ponzi schemes. they are all ad tech companies. most also happen to be owned by jews based in israel so gee I wonder why
Noone wants to admit it but Silicon Valley exists due to Ad tech
everyone in the bay starts in adtech

Both google and Facebook are ad tech companies

Don't forget Yahoo, Twitter, and all the DSPs, SSPs, "Agencies" like Goodby Silverstein, even companies like Adobe.

It's an incestuous, terrible ponzi-scheme business model.

What you described were my co-workers. Low energy asians who went to CAL and just 'got a job' at one of these companies and were wasting their youth. And for what?


>meanwhile millions of homeless, jobless whites that used to be the middle class

this. people should call out the industries that actively implement white race replacement and genocide.

> rants of a schizophrenic

So the white people who are the CEO of these tech companies, are committing genocide against their own race? Or are they jews?