How does this russian cock taste like, drumpftards???
How does this russian cock taste like, drumpftards???
I may be mad about how corrupt and evil america is proving to be but at least Americans will never be Ukrainians.
trump is guilty af
Anyone who defends him with a US flag is either a Russian shill or a traitor.
They must have been really shitty fucking spies if everybody fucking knew they were spies
Oh, it's the shareblue hohol. Move along
you tell us
Tastes like treason
Russia is not an enemy of the US?
slide thread. focus attention on the memo
Eat shit shariablue.
Slide threads get saged.
>Sonam Sheth
Tastes like cosmoline and onions
>Actually falling for these Nunes memo deflection attempts.
Russian cock > liberal cock
Fucking kremlin shills.
funny how this comes out right when the memo releases
funny how "SPIES" were so bad that they got found out that easily
really jogs the nog
Stop being a cuck
Did they visit the white house or meet with Trump?
Can you prove this?
No. Now stop bumping your own thread shill.
It's almost as if you're trying to communicate something, can't tell...
Russians are more American than the DNC
Shills trying to damage control after based Trump releases memo.
>muh russia guys
Russians are better than niggers and spics
Politics went from hot potato to rotten potato.
Did itnever occur to people that with the push for we opened up a can of Surströmming ...the stench will go on for generations and foreign powers will always be pushing to buy off our leaders to benefit a greater cause of evil?
Uh, no. Eastern europeans are trash and absolutely not welcome. Don't pretend these "people" are white.