How would you make BNHA better?

don't make it take place in pseudo-japan
>make the angry autist the protagonist
>he already went through highschool and would now be an official hero even being the best of his year
>at one day he wakes up with stronger power
turns out AfO modified his power and wants him for his team
>he joins AfO
>gets really close to and even does some Jobs for him like stealing some shit or kidnappping strong heroes who work for private buisnisses
>in this dimension heroes are more akin to hired mercenaries because that's what they actually would be if the world would suddenly be filled with superhumans...

basically buisnisses hire strong superhumans to protect their shit so other superhumans can't steal it and the title "hero" has lost all it's meaning
>Deku still gets the power from all might before all might dies but at that stage in his life he actually hates the world
>Kacchinator gets the job of finding the succesor of OfA
>he finds out that the succesor is a kid who was still in the unlucky generation of the 20% with no powers and who says that they were both in the same class in middleschool once
>by that point OfA's succesor is basically the only thing AfO fears because it is already been two and a half years since OfA died
>and the fact that a former quirkless guy is the proclaimed savior of the world can't even use 1% of it makes Kachhurrito so angry that he wants to immediatly kill himself

i mean he wants to kill deku
>but somehow Deku escapes death and has to ready himself
>he tries to get stronger and fails but he garners some attention from some good guy who is being inspired by him
>long story short he finds the former master of all might who is half the time almost dead
>Kaccchan the mighty meanwhile keeps quiet and doesn't tell OfA about deku
>he wants to figure out how he got the power and get it for himself
>though AfO can basically read his mind with a power of his
something like sensing emotions or some shit

anyway one big plot point would be that OfA and AfO both die at the same night though i think OfA will die before him...
>the world is at the brink of destruction because of shiggy
>and kacchan is by that point the only one who can stop him
in the end he kills shiggy and the people can decide themselves if they want to get out of the matrix or instrumentality or whatever you wanna call it

also an immortal guy appears in there somewhere

Less stupid costumes

Drop the high school bullshit

Make Mineta the main character. He has a more unique personality and quirk.

>all might gives tooru one for all
>cute invisible girl that can sneak up on anyone and either blind them with light or knock them out instantly
>super-strong invisible children with tails that can refract light

Mineta is an asshole and hasn't contributed anything important to the series up to now

You just made a completely different show with some names in common

can you blame me?
there are so many ovious things you could do better storywise even if this was just shitposting
this fucking story is so fucking generic and i hate myself for liking it

nice fanfic OP

>I hate idealism: the post.

Oh wait, you're just an edge-loving jackass.

Kill off Mineta

Make the girls real

Wow that sounded terrible from the very first point.

Written by Cold Steel

Takes place a year or two before the series is supposed to.
Deku is the same everything is the same, except deku has friends in school.

Baku was an ex-bro who turned into a chad asshole after he got his power.

He channels his self hatred and wanting to be a hero into analyzing and worshipping quirked indiviuals espescially allmight.

He meets allmight and things unfold like before except allmight is not hurt.
He's not injured and is just a normal quirkless dude and he spent the last week using OfA bulk form to fight against the order of stone a supervillain organization.
He actually can't keep it up for much longer and reverts to his unimpressive normal looking body after Deku grabs onto him.

He tells Deku that being a hero is a dangerous thing and that without a quirk it's basically impossible to be a licensed one. He then says to become a police officer and how it's a good and noble profession.
Deku is immediately crest fallen and looks visibly depressed. Allmight looks at him slightly disguste and says that if he wanted to be a true hero, then his lack of a quirk and even his words wouldn't have dissuaded him. He says that he doesn't have what it takes to be a hero and leaves. He looks obviously beaten down and exhausted.

Cue the moment where the sludge monster captures bakugo. The other heroe's are trying to protect the crowd from explosions and the sludges thrashing about and thrown cars. The others are too busy trying to figure out how to do it.
Deku recognizes him and mindlessly springs into action he uses his encyclopedic knowledge of quirked heroes and villians to instantly devise a plan and throws his back pack at him. Apparently his absorption has to be a skin on skin thing and any other organic material or a second person will become absorbed as well sickening him and weakining the merge.
His leather backpack basically halted the fusion and he tries to claw him. No other plan just the one to stop what was happening. Then allmight appears.

LGBT and minorities pandering

Allmight chastises himself for not being strong enough and wavering in the face of such horror. That boy he scolded is showing more heroism then any one of them.
He screams one for all transforms and charges into the fight.

Everything else happens as normal till the final scene.
Allmight appears before a beaten down Deku who's walking home after being chewed out by everyone.
He tells him. You displayed courage young hero, I'm proud of you. He tells him that what he has is what is most important in a hero and says that he would help him become one.

Deku, breaks down crying. Cue the training scene where he demonstrates abnormal physical strength and prowess.

While Allmight is out being a hero he is training and occasionally helps out the heroes with helpful tips on beating quirked villains and robots and what not.

He dons a dark costume and makes a few items and helps people as an unlicensed vigilante.

Make Kirishima the main character

>How would you make BNHA better?
Erasing it from existence so I wouldn't have to deal with cancer like this thread on a daily basis.

>not filtering
how nu r u

this tbqh

stronger villains. Shiggy, Stain. Overhaul, and AFO are all great but the overwhelming power of the hero side seems to overpowering for them to be threats.

This seems like a plot point that is getting resolved soon but still

>Bakugou needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine
>whenever Bakugou is not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Bakugou?"

>my nigga
This user gets it

It would improve greatly if you removed 90% of its english speaking fans.

Stop making Deku a deku.
Kill one of the kids.

by watching it and not sperging out so hard i make a half page post about it

If I were to kill kids I'd kill 3 at least. The purple little fucker with sticky powers, toad girl, and the guy that can harden his skin. I hate the purple little kid, I like toad girl and I feel like her death would be meaningful, and the other guy is a bro I'd be really sad if he died.

>Someone took the time to make this fanfiction

T: This is why I am not an author

Just when I thought Boku no Pico Academia was shitty as it is.

Yeah, sexual harassment is a quirk worthy of main character status.

Truth. I actually prefer a lot of the characters in their gym uniforms vs in their costumes.

Looks very Fantastic Four. But then, I've always liked the minimalist look of things like Static Shock or inFamous.

But most of the costumes I have problems with are actually just the result of deformities caused by the quirk. Can't really do much about that except design less characters with deformities.

Ignore fanfic and post pics of the traitor.