Tldr of the Memo:

tldr of the Memo:
>Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, and Boente all signed off on FISA applications for Carter Page (a volunteer advisor for Trump's campaign)
>The Christopher Steele dossier was paid for with $160,000 by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC via Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS
>None of the FISA applications or renewals mention the HRC or DNC funding the dossier, but the FBI and DOJ were both aware that they funded it
>Steele leaked information to Yahoo News, but was not punished until he leaked information to Mother Jones; he was fired for the latter
>Steele admitted to the FBI that he "was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president." These feelings were not disclosed in the FISA applications
>The dossier was not corroborated before the FISA filing. Comey declared it "salacious and unverfied," but McCabe testified under oath that no surveillance would have been sought without the dossier
>The FISA applications also mention collaboration between Page and Papadopoulos, despite no evidence of such a connection existing.
>Strzok was in charge of investigating Papadopoulos before his text messages with his mistress caused him to be reassigned. The texts mention anti-Trump bias and also mention an "insurance" policy against Trump that was mentioned by McCabe during a meeting.

Holy shit...

Other urls found in this thread:

time to hang all Brits. Australia is our best friends.

mother jones was the first news organization to directly quote the steele dossier in october 2016, prior to the election. Now we know that Steele, who was paid by the DNC, leaked it.

>Holy shit...


This is proof that the FBI and DOJ were fine spying on US citizens using a document paid for by the political opposition, and they concealed this fact while making the applications for the spying.

This is one of the biggest political scandals in US history. The DOJ and FBI were literally doing the bidding of a political party and trying to hide that fact from the American people. The entire "Russian Collusion" investigation was triggered by this document.


'Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information'.

do you think this ends at the president?
they spy on all of us and fuck with all of us. it took someone the likes of donald trump to stand up to them. none of us has any hope or chance to stand against this evil. america stopped existing in my own fucking life time.

Shills saying this is nothing are also desperately demanding that no one is questioned under oath about this memo...


>MFW I read the memo on the House Intelligence website.

The reactionaries saying "THERE'S NOTHING IN THE MEMO, IT"S FLUFF" are coming out of the wood works.

Wasn't there some unmasking scandal as well? Is that related to this?

This is a sad day in America. This is going to put lives in danger and undermine our IC.

Problem 1:

The Steele Dossier was used to investigate Carter Page. This started in 2016. Page was under investigation since what 2014(3)?

Problem 2:

It admits Steele is an unreliable source because he talked to the media...not because his information is bad. /u/ta111199

Problem 3:

It claims that FBI agent Strzok (the person at the center of the text-message scandal) had a clear bias in favor of Clinton, and that this bias led him to open the FBI counterintelligence operation into Page and Papadopoulos. /u/trumpimpeachedinaugust

This despite the fact that Strzok tried to reopen the Clinton email investigation a week before the 2016 election.

Problem 4:

GOP claims that the FBI was targeting Trump. But Trump and his surrogates have stated many times that Carter Page was only a low level volunteer. Why would investigating him have any correlation to Trump? /u/everyday_politic_

Problem 5:

A GOP group initially contracted out Fusion GPS who then contracted Steele. /u/beat_schrute









AND A FISA JUDGE SIGNED OFF ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aussie Greatest Ally confirmed.

I am honestly feeling sleepy.

Yes, the Ambassador to the fucking UN unmasked over 125 people.

This scandal is in its infancy.

(((Rod))) is TOAST.

I just finished reading the memo in another thread and holy fucking shit.
It's almost as if Sup Forums had redacted it itself.
I love all of you so much, you fucking autists

Isn't that pretty strong evidence that the Russia investigation isn't some partisan witch hunt when Trump's own people see merit in it?

Were those missing text messages from a week or two ago ever recovered?

Cheers cunts. Appreciate it.

Your forgetting Bruce Ohr and his wife.

It admits Steele is an unreliable source because he talked to the media...not because his information is bad.

Right in the memo: Comey testified in June 2017 that the dossier was "salacious and unverified".

KYS Shareblue shill. Better get your resume together for Starbucks.

tl;dr, 5 pages of republicans bitching about the one or two news outlets that they don't control

Used as a reason to spy on an American was an article in Yahoo News. See image

lol, this dumb leaf thinks that most news outlets in the US are Republican-friendly


>A GOP group initially contracted out Fusion GPS who then contracted Steele.

I see you gleefully forgot about never Trump

Explain why its so big pls, im dumb

Fuck I missed it on Sup Forums. When did it come out?

Like 12 EST

This dumb leaf needs to get ready for an influx of shitholers that Peter Pan Trudeau just invited in to rape the white genes out of his bloodline.

>“I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

What, the guy bragging about writing it, and saying when they bought it he knew, for sure, that they had nothing on Trump?

Maybe October 2016ish.

You know it.

>quoting ledditors
Fuck off

>Problem 1
Under investigation =/= being spied on
>Problem 2
He openly admitted to the FBI that he hated Trump and wanted to stop him from becoming President, and the FBI still considered him a reliable source. He was not a reliable AGENT because he was leaking to the media.
>Problem 3
He literally said in his texts that he did not want to piss Hillary off because she might be the President. Directly contradicts the report that he wanted to investigate Hillary. Coincidentally, this text in particular was "lost" by the FBI. HMMMMMM...
>Problem 4
They used the Trump dossier to approve the FISA applications into Page. It's written in the memo clear as day.
>Problem 5
And then the DNC/Clintons had Fusion GPS pay to have the dossier made

Literally all the "problems" are answered in the memo if you actually read it.

If Trump gets rid of civil service protection, I might die of joy.

This really isn't that big of a deal. If this is the best you've got, just stop trying.

Time to fire up and share the documents on Social media and fuck them up.

yes goyim, it's a nothing burger.

Is Mother Jones complicit or just doing their job?

tl;dr for normies what this means and why its important?

>>The Christopher Steele dossier was paid for with $160,000 by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC via Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS
Holy shit, does this mean I could get serious money by just making shit up? Because now I feel like a schmuck for doing it for free.


Look it's another fucking lefty that has been anesthetized to holding people accountable and the rule of law.

How nice it must be to be on the left and not have to fear ever actually getting in trouble for their bullshit.

You fucking disgusting goddamn faggots need to be piled high and burned alive.

Grab your popcorn. Normies publicly slaughtered show is coming. Dance in the streets!

Can someone give me a quick rundown?

I've read tldr's of this memo maybe 50 times and I still don't understand wtf has happened. It's a fucking nothing burger.

It proves Drumpf is Putin in disguise.

Think about this. Judges do not like being lied to, all these people named will be facing a Judge at sentencing.

Good, just sleep now. Everything will be better if we just take a nap.

unless the judge is a radical activist like vaughn walker

Nope FRANCE is our oldest and greatest ally.

Got this from the Trump thread.

Holy mother of fuck.

