Bought it. Reading it. Loving it.
Bought it. Reading it. Loving it
Other urls found in this thread:
Incredibly entertaining. The best theory of Trump money can buy
sage this faggot thread
Bump this savage thread.
Faggot shareblue thread.
Sage. You fuckers are up need. Tell David Brock he best have his next heart attack soon or die in jail.
You're pathetic. You're why everyone hates democrats
>i paid money for fictional book to fuel my confirmation bias
this says a lot about you
It upsets me that you're so ignorant.
Get out of here shareblue fuck.
Do you usually enjoy reading deviant art tier fanfiction?
This is now a Hitler appreciation thread.
I don't think about retarded children at all.
The book is one hundred percent fake, and is based all on tabloids.
Prove it.
Easily the greatest Trump fanfic ever written.
How are you not going to love sucking your owners dick, you like the juicy semen pouring down your lips, as you get validation from the rhetoric that sustains the fragile castle of cards that is your sad pathetic life.
Enjoy OP, you have a faggot in you.
What it says about US when people had to choose between this orange head retard and witch of washington?
Well, sure, we all enjoy a little fiction every once in a while. Humans are natural gossips and liars. Especially leftists.
Good for you.
Welcome to our subreddit.
Here, have some more reading :^)
The author is a tabloid writer and said himself it's not all confirmed. Get your head out of your ass.
Part 2 :^)
*blocks your path
Part 3 :^)
>being this triggered over a book
I like reading fiction too, user.
Part 4 :^)
(((Michael Wolff)))
There's the great difference between national socialism and leftism.
We want to build a nice well functioning nation and you simply want to destroy.
comrade why would you use a jew hateing racist frog, pepe is a nazi are you a nazi?
Bumping this so you don't miss that good reading OP
Gotta make sure you don't miss on such good reading.
Did you know that the habit of reading and high IQ are related?
I'm helping!
this man is the kikest kike to ever kike his way into the public square.
Doujins when?
Trump is quite obviously a psychopath.
Good pics
Look at his firm grip on her arm, he definitely wasn't shy
reminder that the foreword even mentions that its all made up