The liberal media is just not even going to report on the memo

this is sedition, the biggest scandal since watergate and theyre just not even going to report on it.

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Shut the fuck up leaf

CNN is saying

>Read the disputed memo here

Jesus Christ these fucking commie faggots. Burn it all down

kill yourself you disgusting kike

they need time to spin aka "fact check".

So here's how this played out

Nunes puts together Memo to wave around as big secret Intelligence Community conspiracy fodder to wave around on right wing media.

Right wing media runs with it, getting their viewers all hot and bothered.

Nunes, Gaetz, etc do the media circuit continuing to froth up the constituency. All the while, they expect to never have to release it

Things spin out of control. Pressure mounts to actually release it. GOP so used to playing obstructionists hat they forget that theyactually have the power to release it unilaterally

Trump gets involved making things worse.

Slow motion train wreck.

They never wanted this released. They just wanted another Boogey Man and, once again, fucked up. And you're all top tier retards for eating it up. Jump off the nearest bridge.

what memo?

well it is disputed

>So here's how this played out
>Nunes puts together Memo to wave around as big secret Intelligence Community conspiracy fodder to wave around on right wing media.
>Right wing media runs with it, getting their viewers all hot and bothered.
>Nunes, Gaetz, etc do the media circuit continuing to froth up the constituency. All the while, they expect to never have to release it
>Things spin out of control. Pressure mounts to actually release it. GOP so used to playing obstructionists hat they forget that theyactually have the power to release it unilaterally
>Trump gets involved making things worse.
>Slow motion train wreck.
>They never wanted this released. They just wanted another Boogey Man and, once again, fucked up. And you're all top tier retards for eating it up. Jump off the nearest bridge.
Ok shill

hey. yeah, you.

its "bogeyman"

boogeyman implies some guy getting funky

Nice response you braindead faggot. Suck start a gun.

That is spin, you nigger

Kikes kiking
Gee didn't see that one coming

The entire fucking memo is spin.

fuck off jew

Wow imagine my shock

Fuck she's so beautiful

Not only are they not going to report on it. I'm sure a false flag is being prepared right now.

the shilling is real

the right wing media (aka Levin) just read NYT and WAPO articles. not sure how this is a right wing conspiracy if it's coming from left wing reporters. how was Flynn's name unmasked? if it's just based on opposition research (as the memo shows) this is stasi type shit, and I don't know how a reasonable person wouldn't have a problem with that.

It's only disputed by shill faggots who are still waiting for le_mueller to save the day

"Disputed" is damage control

You're a traitor

Fellow nazis and racists of /pol, I've looked at the memo and it really is nothing after all. I too hoped it would damage the evil democratic party because I am a Drumpf supporter myself, but it is a big nothingburger. We should delete this thread in my opinion

Heil Hitler btw

Care to elaborate? Seems pretty straight and to the point. FISA warrant secured by FBI agent with evidence provided by his wife, financed by a biased political campaign. How do you create spin from that?

I've always wondered what it's like to be in such denial.

How the fuck can they justify saying this? Seriously? And they call themselves “impartial journalists”

Like Dr. Savage says, liberalism is a mental disorder

Ok there's lies by omission and then there straight up bullshitting, fuck you CBS.

There’s dozens of stories on it. Check your feed. It’s top story on CNN.

It's boogie you insane person

We fucking TOLD you this babydicks and you still got all hard over nothing. Enjoy your blueballs.

Your cunting memo won't change shit if nobody hears about it.

Did you forget we control the media? Lol! Oh well, Jones and Hannity can scream themselves breathless to the choir.

Oh, but hey, we DO have a brand new story about President Fuckface meeting with Russian spies just before he decided to disregard Congress' lawful sanctions.

Funny how that works. Happy Friday. :)

Maybe you're not required to be under oath when you submit evidence to a court.

>reddit spacing

No u are

Investigation. Charges and convictions.

And Im sure Trump will go against them. This cannot pass unpunished.

So is climate change, the moon landings and the earth being round, but CNN never writes "read about the disputed moon landing here"

This doesn't make any sense. Have you been drinking?

>proof of treason

Tick tock

You know a lot of people actually do watch Fox News right? Like 90% of boomers.

it seems worde than watergate to me. can someone explain how this isnt worse than watergate?

i mean the judges interpreted the law and gave the go signal so i guess technically it was legal. Was it the right call though? Clearly there were lots of conflicts of interest so probably fucking not

New York Times actually being pretty reasonable here:

>sign up for our disputed journalism at!

Except for direct quotes in bold. Lmao.

This jumped out at me first thing. CBS just lied blatantly. Again

Because nothing illegal happened.

You guys put up a dairy farmer vs the Intel community?!
LMAO! - Regurgitated talking points...Nunes fuc*ed you!!!

doesn't really matter if they ignore it. The world doesn't stop when the liberal media cover their eyes

Dude, that's not the liberal media, that's your Google algorithm

Stop reading retarded shit, stop looking at retarded YouTube videos, stop gushing over stupid memes.

If you live and breathe by retarded meme culture, Google will oblige. You're seeing what they they you want to see. They think you want to see this, because you suck at the internet.

Literally every single MSM outlet in your shitty Google news feed has a front page article about this memo. No one is ignoring it except your own personalized Google news feed.

The media is doubling down on the Putin and Russia narrative, it's really sickening. Just basically disregarding the entire memo.

And how Ana Navarro on CNN can represent herself as a Republican is hard to understand

The media is a joke

Do you not understand that the MSM and astroturfed platforms are another tendril of the same beast?

Yesterday's shoah! F7ck these tranny posting shills!!

SOTU! Rothschild assasina tion attempt on Russian train crash and memo


>trannys on pol?
>massive slidelogs!
Wow this memo is massive!!!

Where is o bama hiding! Heard he lawyered up

Fuck the SHILLS. Unite !!!!! Around!!!! Strong!!!!! Inividuals


Shepard Smith is literally choking on his words right now.
He's in full damage control mode and even called it the "Russian memo... err.. I mean Republican memo..."


We're overdue for a Civil War in this country aren't we?
I deeply want to kill people like these


Can anyone give me the quick run down as to what was written in the memo?




Thanks I guess.

Basically it shows that the Democratic party has
been using the FBI and Media Outlets as a
tool to manipulate the American people the
good thing is. Most Americans are not as
brainwashed as they seem and are starting to
wake up to the lies coming from the Jews in
America. I honestly do not want a civil war.
But it seems that is where were headed.
I wish people would just seek the truth man.

Here’s the whole thing

Do you hear that, shill? That's the sound of nooses being tied and hung from the gallows. There's only one punishment for the crime of treason, my friend. We call it death. Enjoy :)

What does the top story say user?

It was everything we had assumed about DNC contacts/Clinton campaign assocoates paying that MI6 agent for the pee dossier, instructing media outlets to corroborate evidence they falsified, and working together with Obama transplants in the FBI and DOJ to falsify grounds for wiretapping and surveillance ofnTrunp and anyone connected to him or his canpaign.


>"wtf cnn r-report our little memo,p-please"


The media has an obligation to report on the news. Sorry but you're just wrong and an ugly troll.

Thanks a lot guys.

>I honestly do not want a civil war.
But it seems that is where were headed.
I wish people would just seek the truth man.
I wish the same thing would happen to the people of my country. None of the politicians here are doing anything to help the country. They are sucking us dry. We are tired. Very tired. I don't know how the country is still functioning. I think it has something to do with the amount of Christians saints buried in our soil.

Are they not reporting on the memo?

It's up to us to shill it.

A civil war is unnecessary, all you need to do is get the stock market to take a dip, or a major offensive by a foreign enemy and suddenly those nuevo riche liberals will be back in with blue-collars looking for work and being pissed with government regulation.

They're complicit in it too, user.

Who do you think the "unnamed credible sources" with all the muh Russia stuff was? FBI.

Fire Rosenstein, that should take care of the coverage problem.

Lol how does it feel to get your ass raped shill ?

>the right wing media (aka Levin) just read NYT and WAPO articles.
That was funny.

hey user...I really think you should respond to because the NSA collects all the data. You are shilling for the wrong side, and trump has an entire chapter in his book of revenge about revenge.

You should probably stop feeling safe.