>I am an atheist Fascist! Therefore life, as conceived of by the Fascist, is serious, austere, and religious; all its manifestations are poised in a world sustained by moral forces and subject to spiritual responsibilities. The Fascist disdains an “easy" life (6).
The Fascist conception of life is a religious one (7), in which man is viewed in his immanent relation to a higher law, endowed with an objective will transcending the individual and raising him to conscious membership of a spiritual society. "Those who perceive nothing beyond opportunistic considerations in the religious policy of the Fascist regime fail to realize that Fascism is not only a system of government but also and above all a system of thought.
Luke Gutierrez
>Why are Fascists so Christcucked? Pagans were based! True religion of Europe! The Fascist State is not indifferent to religious phenomena in general nor does it maintain an attitude of indifference to Roman Catholicism, the special, positive religion of Italians. The State has not got a theology but it has a moral code. The Fascist State sees in religion one of the deepest of spiritual manifestations and for this reason it not only respects religion but defends and protects it. The Fascist State does not attempt, as did Robespierre at the height of the revolutionary delirium of the Convention, to set up a "god” of its own; nor does it vainly seek, as does Bolshevism, to efface God from the soul of man. Fascism respects the God of ascetics, saints, and heroes, and it also respects God as conceived by the ingenuous and primitive heart of the people, the God to whom their prayers are raised
Mason King
I like Christian values But I don't believe in a God I don't see the issue here to be honest.
Logan Jackson
>Fascists and Communists are basically the same thing! Such a conception of life makes Fascism the resolute negation of the doctrine underlying so-called scientific and Marxian socialism, the doctrine of historic materialism which would explain the history of mankind in terms of the class struggle and by changes in the processes and instruments of production, to the exclusion of all else.
Fascism believes now and always in sanctity and heroism, that is to say in acts in which no economic motive - remote or immediate - is at work. Having denied historic materialism, which sees in men mere puppets on the surface of history, appearing and disappearing on the crest of the waves while in the depths the real directing forces move and work, Fascism also denies the immutable and irreparable character of the class struggle which is the natural outcome of this economic conception of history; above all it denies that the class struggle is the preponderating agent in social transformations. Having thus struck a blow at socialism in the two main points of its doctrine, all that remains of it is the sentimental aspiration-old as humanity itself-toward social relations in which the sufferings and sorrows of the humbler folk will be alleviated. But here again Fascism rejects the economic interpretation of felicity as something to be secured socialistically, almost automatically, at a given stage of economic evolution when all will be assured a maximum of material comfort. Fascism denies the materialistic conception of happiness as a possibility, and abandons it to the economists of the mid-eighteenth century. This means that Fascism denies the equation: well-being = happiness, which sees in men mere animals, content when they can feed and fatten, thus reducing them to a vegetative existence pure and simple.
William Morales
>Fascism is totally compatible with Americanism/American libertarians. After socialism, Fascism trains its guns on the whole block of democratic ideologies, and rejects both their premises and their practical applications and implements. Fascism denies that numbers, as such, can be the determining factor in human society; it denies the right of numbers to govern by means of periodical consultations; it asserts the irremediable and fertile and beneficent inequality of men who cannot be leveled by any such mechanical and extrinsic device as universal suffrage. Democratic regimes may be described as those under which the people are, from time to time, deluded into the belief that they exercise sovereignty, while all the time real sovereignty resides in and is exercised by other and sometimes irresponsible and secret forces. Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive, tyrannical, and destructive than one, even if he be a tyrant. This explains why Fascism - although, for contingent reasons, it was republican in tendency prior to 1922 - abandoned that stand before the March on Rome, convinced that the form of government is no longer a matter of preeminent importance, and because the study of past and present monarchies and past and present republics shows that neither monarchy nor republic can be judged sub specie aeternitatis, but that each stands for a form of government expressing the political evolution, the history, the traditions, and the psychology of a given country.
Bentley Gomez
"Reason and science are the products of mankind, but it is chimerical to seek reason directly for the people and through the people. It is not essential to the existence of reason that all should be familiar with it; and even if all had to be initiated, this could not be achieved through democracy which seems fated to lead to the extinction of all arduous forms of culture and all highest forms of learning. The maxim that society exists only for the well-being and freedom of the individuals composing it does not seem to be in conformity with nature's plans, which care only for the species and seem ready to sacrifice the individual. It is much to be feared that the last word of democracy thus understood (and let me hasten to add that it is susceptible of a different interpretation) would be a form of society in which a degenerate mass would have no thought beyond that of enjoying the ignoble pleasures of the vulgar ".
Hunter Brooks
good thread user
Jason Mitchell
hope some people actually read it, the doctrine is in plain sight but they choose to be ignorant.
Honestly, I didn't know I was a fascist until I actually read the material. Ironic because so many here are convinced they are fascists when they probably aren't at all. (especially Americans)
Jayden Adams
The liberal century, after piling up innumerable Gordian Knots, tried to cut them with the sword of the world war. Never has any religion claimed so cruel a sacrifice. Were the Gods of liberalism thirsting for blood? Now liberalism is preparing to close the doors of its temples, deserted by the peoples who feel that the agnosticism it professed in the sphere of economics and the indifferentism of which it has given proof in the sphere of politics and morals, would lead the world to ruin in the future as they have done in the past. This explains why all the political experiments of our day are anti-liberal, and it is supremely ridiculous to endeavor on this account to put them outside the pale of history, as though history were a preserve set aside for liberalism and its adepts; as though liberalism were the last word in civilization beyond which no one can go.
Aiden Wood
I guess thats it then, hopefully more than one guy took the time to read.
All excepts were taken directly from "The Doctrine of Fascism" written by Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile. I recommend downloading it (for free) and giving it a read.
Jayden Gomez
i'll read it
Daniel Richardson
Good posts, but this is clear as a day, no one here knows shit about Nazism or fascism from which it derives. It's just a bunch of failed lowlifes and memeing kids.
William Robinson
Good arguments, but I'm still for a Meritocratic Selected-Successorial Kingship. It's totally possible with today's information gathering technology and the advances in political sciences on the codification and repartition of powers in the State. We are the future, old men.
Ryan Martinez
There is none.
Jeremiah Hernandez
You see I told you we should all start wearing swastikas. The stupid normies don't even know what fascism is
Austin Ward
Atheism/crypto-atheism is degenerate if spread on a societal level. Normies have an average IQ of 100 if not less. The reason why we are falling as a civilization and race is primary because of a loss of religion. Abrahamic religions are cancer as well. It leaves us with our old Aryan religion. I think fascists go wrong when they believe atheism will work, it will fall just like communism.
Kayden King
>Tips fedora Aryan mythos are not only ethnic and tribalistic but also not subject to centralized belief. With those three main points, the State will inevitably delve into religious tensions on the long term. It cannot make for a stable state. They would be the dream of a libertarian or an anarcho-capitalist as a moral and ethical compass, not to a statist. Christianity is the way, the truth, and life. Tell me in detail why you believe they're cancer and I'll try and refute your arguments.
William Hall
>Christianity is the way, the truth, and life. Tell me in detail why you believe they're cancer and I'll try and refute your arguments.
Okay I'll first ask some personal questions on why I should believee and practice christianity
Why should I, as a 6'5'' young Germanic male who even had a ancestor in the Waffen SS choose to not Worship Wotanaz, but instead yahweh?
Why does the god of the bible require blood sacrifice to him?
More importantly, why do christians and jews circumcise their boys?
Why do you christians of Sup Forums deny that jesus was indeed a child of a mother who was jewish ?
Why do you christians on Sup Forums believe Hitler was a Christian? Are you going to deny his measurements against Christianity and how the waffen SS was full of Germanic pagan elements.
Do you happen to have proof of there only being 1 higher deity?
Landon Hill
>faith in god has something to do with religion
Ethan Torres
I'm gonna save your first question for last, if you don't mind. >Why does the god of the bible require blood sacrifice to him? I think you've noticed that no blood sacrifices were ever demanded after the crucifixion of Christ, at least by Christian following the Creed of Chalcedon. Beforehand, God didn't necessitate sacrifices, just as much as Wodan don't actually need them; they were just made to strengthen the relationship between the material world of Man and God in the Heavens. Sacrificing food item, be it raw like the lamb or actually confectionnated makes little to no difference, except maybe that God prefer them fresher. On the other hand, human blood or ritual murder sacrifices are remnants of the old Canaanite faith and maybe even of Ashurian influence. Those were wiped clean by the Founding Patriarchs of the Church, but orthodox Jews never had such reforms. >More importantly, why do christians and jews circumcise their boys? Christians (as in, the Catholic and Orthodox Faith) does neither support nor condemn circumcision, partly because their first step was to convert those that could be converted in the Jewry (Samaritans, primarily) and because accepting it as a practice would have made them undistinguishable from Jews in the physical sense. For the founding Patriarchs, the question to ban or legitimize it was non-existent. In my humble opinion, anyone who willingly sacrifice foreskin is a crypto-jew. Paul would probably agree with me too. >Why do you christians of Sup Forums deny that jesus was indeed a child of a mother who was jewish ? While the seed was planted into Mary, a Jewish woman, the seed itself was not of this world. Some neotheologians have postulated that the "seed" referenced in the Bible was an fecondated egg, rather than what we see as "seed" as humans, which is sperm. Jesus may or may not have been the perfect aryan that Sup Forums describes. The lack of physical descritpion about Him (cont)
Jack Flores
(except for that highly contested "blue-eyed, fair-headed [which could be anything from silver-blond to light chestnut color]) really is a shame, but it is His teachings which are the most important part of His Legacy. >Why do you christians on Sup Forums believe Hitler was a Christian? Are you going to deny his measurements against Christianity and how the waffen SS was full of Germanic pagan elements. Maybe because Hitler accomodated both Protestant and Catholic Christians and didn't try to push a codified neo-paganism on the aryan race and beyond? Hitler wasn't known for being very open about religion, and it might have to do with the fact that most of what he concerned himself in his life was His Fatherland, a worldly kingdom. His platonician values concerning his country and his strict adherence and loyalty to national-socialism makes him very close to platonician mysticism, which is the basis of the christian philosophy. Althought he announced himself publicly as a catholic, it might have been to bring the sympathy of his austrian camarades. We may never know. >Do you happen to have proof of there only being 1 higher deity? No, but it is more probable that there is one than there are many. The Universe is the only closed perfect system in our actual knowledge, and eventually all of its inner working are ultimately brought back to a single, universal equation. The same can be observed for any phenomenon, be it mathematical and abstract or physical and observable. The natural order, aka the predatorial hierarchy, also follow that concept. In each of these systems there is a massive force at the top who regulates and readjust the rest of the equation. For Nature, it is Evolution, for the predatorial hierarchy, it is us, Humans; for the Universe, it is something related to dark matter, quantum physics, and neutrinos. In the end, if we assume there is a spiritual system, logic would dictate that it would obey the same principle : (cont)
Charles Sullivan
there is an organized spiritual world, regulated by a powerful entity, God. Of course, there is no proof to that theory, and there may never be, but it is my belief.
Gavin Reyes
(cont) >Why should I, as a 6'5'' young Germanic male who even had a ancestor in the Waffen SS choose to not Worship Wotanaz, but instead yahweh? Indeed, why should you? Many religion, ethnic like germanic paganism, or universal, like Islam, require your inherent participation. Not participating is not up to your free will. Christianity is the only religion that : A)Has a universal vision of this world, just like philosophy and science ultimately want to accomplish B)Spread its good news to the wind; indeed, there would be no point to salvation if the means to reach it aren't spread C)Demand your consent. Islam demands your conversion or death. Christianity warns you that not accepting Christ can have repercussions on your soul, but they never go beyond that. Why would God wants voluntary participation, if not so that you YOURSELF AS AN INDIVIDUAL enlighten yourself or be damned and suffer the consequences. Ultimately, Christianity is the ultimate union of Stoicism, of Platonicism, and of legalism : >DO WHAT THOU MUST, WHEN THOU CAN, AND KNOW THAT THY DOOM COMETH The question is, now, which is compatible with an organized and morally independant society? A christian pagan following the above, or an unorganized pagan whose faith is fractured and has no philosophical basis whatsoever.
Kayden Nguyen
Also, the whole "choose between salvation and damnation" is very reminiscent of natural law, with the strong, the virtuous and the righteous, ultimately dominating in this world and the next the wicked and the sinful.
Jackson Baker
christian believer* instead of christian pagan, typing error
Gavin Walker
How do you deal with eternal hell? Christian theology is incredible illogical with this. Why not reincarnate lost souls? Why give someone infinite where he/she was finite before?
Elijah Rivera
>those sjw sure don't understand reality! >me? Im a religious fascist :^)
Aaron Brooks
Catholicism has something against it, but I doubt orthodox recognize it, namely Purgatory. Purgatory is the place where the souls of those of have: >Known about Jesus, and sinned, but are still capable of repenting their sins >Those who didn't know Jesus and didn't live virtuously or righteously but are still capable of repenting Hell, on the other hand, is the equivalent of Tartarus, for those : >Who have sinned and refuse to repent >Who rejected Jesus and refuse to acknowledge Him still. Of course, even if you ultimately get out of Purgatory, no one calls it a pleasant place, and you have to want to repent to get there, hence why people confess still in the material world for the catholics. Orthodoxy, on the other hand, has no purgatory. For them, the wicked and the faithless burn in Hell, whether or not they repent before Christ, and the faithful and the sinless get to go to Heaven. >tl;dr Catholicism does give you a second chance, but it's gonna hurt. For the rest of the denominations, it's the spiritual law of the jungle. If you sin and don't repent beforehand, you lose, forever. Why is it eternal? Because otherwise the Faithless and the Sinners, those who refuse their guilt and their actions and refuse God and Jesus, would otherwise crawl back up from Hell to shit on the Kingdom to Come. If there is to be a reward, and if it is given by God the Ageless, the one who cursed all generations of Men to work the Earth and of women to give birth, I'd imagine it would be eternal (in the image of His own eternal perfection) rather than temporal
Dominic Myers
And how do I, personally, deal with Hell? I recognize that I might go there somewhere, but I do what I must, considering what I know of any situation. If I did wrong, I guess I'll know when I die, and I'll repent. The guilt would kill me tho.
Zachary Robinson
Sounds interesting. Can you explain to why the baltic crusades happend, the swedish crusades happend and why pic related get's no replies from christians on Sup Forums
Adam Jackson
Political reasons, mostly The Romuvan and Suomunesko populations were not only the true heir of the roman-era barbarians through their insubordinate character and aggressivity, but the succession system in Europe was flawed, leaving young sons of lords and princes with no domains and no serfs. Christianisation, here, was a mean to an end.
Caleb Turner
Deism is the furthest you can go. athiests are faggots all the us founding fathers were deists they knew all churches are corrupted and they knew the jq, especially ben franklin
Andrew Bennett
Also this is Jewish propaganda at its finest. Jews have been seeking to subvert christianity since its very inception, Arius is one mighty example. Jews call themselves the spiritual brothers of Christians and the instigators of its propagation while the propagation itself was about blaming the Jews for all of the misery Mankind was experiencing since His crucifixion. The Blood libel marks them, and even if the worldly churches begin to corrupt and break apart, letting them infest it like the parasite they truly are, the Truth is unalterable; they condemn Jesus, they hate Him, and their fap fantasies is about Him drowning in shit, literally. Modern fell-good christians are a tool to them, and ancient christians would not tolerate this. No Good or Evil, theya re Jewish concepts. Only what must be done in the interest of all, or ignorance and defiance. Righteousness versus wickedness. Jesus was not a good or a nice man, and God is not a good or a nice God. Both do what they must, and have done what they should.
Isaac Butler
How is this jewish propoganda? Why is jesus a good jew? Why are all the jews in the bible good jews? Why do you think certain jews are based jews?
More importantly, why do you worship a semitic god
Nicholas Ortiz
Try to keep up : All Jews before Christ were Hebrews, althought with some schools of thoughts. Hebrews aren't demonized anywhere, except for the Pharisees, because they're fucking assholes. Then Christ comes along, shit on the Pharisees, gets crucified because he announced that the Chosen People wasn't so Chosen anymore and that they better do what they had to do to stay in God's light. Needless to say, most Hebrews joined up with Him because he either : >healed them miraculously >exorcized their demons miraculously >taught perfectly to the masses >made them witness the resurrection >Or made them witness all of the above The rest, those that kept their fingers in their ears and kept saying that he wasn't the Messiah formed up what we call the modern Jew. Being a Jew was born after that Schism. Being a Jew before was irrelevant, making the Apostles and their followers literally non-Jews. Beside, most modern Jews now branded themselves, being born of ashkenazim descendance and physiology, making them easier to discern from non-Jews. On a personal note, I'd like to see you revive Paul and call him a Jew, I bet you'd get your ass handed to you.
Daniel Barnes
So you actually believe that jews did not exist back then? That is fucking wewuzzery and you know it. This does not justify worshiping a jew and a semitic god
Kayden Evans
Also those stories are just tales. There is no proof of legitimacy
Nathaniel Peterson
The Hebrew people is no myth you fucking ignorant faggot. Also, a four-man account is usually proof enough in historical studies, so why don't you believe that the information that comes back in the four gospels as accurate?
Aaron Phillips
Ah you're getting personal now huh? White pagan Europe or non-white Christian Europe?