From a cultural point of view, why isn't love a thing in american society anymore?

From a cultural point of view, why isn't love a thing in american society anymore?


What do you mean? Americans still love money

Non-whites don't feel love, only lust

americans love violence


How can love be a thing when porn is everywhere and people are confused as to how many genders there are?
Nothing in sacred in the degenerate west anymore. Not even God, not even family.
It's just "progress", which isn't really progress but more degeneracy which leads to a hollow, unfulfilling life.



this too

it's just not so popular to mention anymore. but these people you see. oh yeah they are head over heels in love. might as well be kissing in a tree.

It was killed in the 80's when corporatism really got going.

Love begets love. Hate begets hate. Choose wisely.

I'm an atheist, and even I realize it's because our society has become entirely materialistic and focused on matters of the flesh. There is no higher purpose in people's lives. All of the social justice causes are focused around enabling degeneracy and attempting to redistribute wealth to the undeserving, as if poverty can be fixed by throwing money at it, as if poverty isn't also a state of mind.

Corporate culture does nothing but pump out dreck glorifying casual sex and showing marriage as a dismal death trap. People learn from the culture around them; it’s just surprising people still marry and have kids at all.

It almost makes you view the fucking hippies in a favorable light. Almost.


There is no such thing as love between man and woman. What actually happens is in the first 6 months you're with someone, your brain chemistry is altered to make you think you're in love so you can reproduce. After around 6 months goes by, the feeling is gone. And you can either stay together because you had a kid, or because you're afraid of being single again and going through the hell that is dating. So most just try to stick it out. You will never feel that initial honeymoon type love you had for your partner when you first met. You become bored with each other, the sex is not as passionate or good it becomes routine, in some cases your wife basically just turns into your second mom.

Not if you're Chad.

to be fair, marriage IS a dismal death trap in this age

Spoken like a true nihilistic virgin.

Would you argue that American society is becoming increasingly defined by hate?

identity based ideology

Because sex has taken its place.

Wonder (((whose))) to blame?
Also African American culture that sexualizes woman's bodies. Because black woman's bodies have bigger breasts/ass so black culture glorifies that making society less civilized.

The same thing could be said about penis size. The whole notion that our bodies are here for pleasure is really really new. My penis is not there to "please" woman just as her tits/ads are not there to "please" me.

We are really weird about nudity. And I know (((whose))) fault it is. The christcucks and there obsessive puritanism has irreversibly ducked humanity.

I'm reading a book right now called "the uses of the past" and it details how Christianity warped Rome and it tells of the forces of Judaism vs Hellanism, or the Greek vs the Hebrew and how these cultural strains shaped the west. It is clear from reading that one is clearly superior in cultural, and scientific achievement. The other claims spiritual achievement but in truth it only succeeds at keeping the populous ignorant so that they do not question anything.

What, do you think people are going to fuck like they're 20 years old when they're 40 or 50? You sound like one of those day time tv kike psychologists or bullshit women's magazines pushing for "healthy" adultery and cuckoldry to "spice up" a marriage.

Love is transphobic and exclusionary.

You cannot refute my claims. I forgot to add that I do believe true love exists between a mother and her son, and a father and his daughter. But man and women, no. Stay naive though.

All ideologies are identity based.

Good point, ideologies are just shit be default then.

I never said that. Actually the thought of people in their 40's and 50's having sex is disgusting to me

Because most people don't understand how to sustain that Love/appreciation people get tired after a while of doing the same thing over and over again


Everybody wants to exclude themselves from a mainstream norm in order to feel superior to not participating in a convention they give themselves an illusion of enlightenment.

That or inability to deal with rejection.

You sound like you're 19 buddy. Get off your high horse

My grandfather and grandmother on my mothers side truly did love each other and live in harmony until death separated them.

because you live in a godless, disguisting society and you infect the world with it like an apocalyptic plague

Fucking die Molochian

"Love" is not a feeling. "Love" is a choice; when you love someday, you choose everyday to be faithful to them, to support them, and to do right by them.

We've gotten those "love hormones" mixed up with actual love. You're halfway right, but we're using an incorrect definition of love. Love isn't that giddiness or excitement of the beginning. Frankly, love isn't even about the person one commits to. It's about how you choose to treat someone.



I can't stand that Star Wars shit so....

Kek'd n check'd

Sluts, for Fucking not for loving, love is a patriarchal kind of thing

it died, just like art, and every other thing that's been politicized to all hell