Is K-on the greatest moeshit anime in the world?
Is K-on the greatest moeshit anime in the world?
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It is but that is like being the world's tallest midget
It's not even good let alone the greatest.
Yes, the best anime from the best genre. Haters can go to down the hall from here.
K-on is shit.
GTFO user
I don't understand how anyone could hate k-on. It is such a comfy show that makes you feel so happy while watching. I think my favourite episode is when they go to the concert festival. Also, the ending almost made me cry.
K-on is shit and is better.
yui is a retard
yui is dumb and retarded
no, but it's good. Especially the part where Mugi tried to fuck Ritsu.
NNB isn't even good though
It's repetitive and boring.
>no, but it's good. Especially the part where Mugi tried to fuck Ritsu.
Mugi got really wet for Ritsu during that one episode they hung out together.
She was trying really hard to get fisted by Ritsu.
The fact that so many books still name K-On! as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" moe anime ever only tells you how far moe anime still is from becoming a serious art. Classic anime critics have long recognized that the greatest anime of all times are Legend of the galactic heroes which was not the most famous or best selling of their times, let alone of all times. Mecha critics rank the highly controversial Neon Genesis Evangelion over mecha anime which was highly popular in Japan in the 90s. Moe critics are still blinded by commercial success. K-On! sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Classic anime critics grow up watching a lot of 20th century anime of the past, mecha critics grow up watching a lot of mecha of the past. Moe critics are often totally ignorant of the anime of the past, they barely know the best selling anime. No wonder they will think that K-On did anything helpful to the anime industry.
Would Hyperdimension Neptunia be considered moe?
Suck my dick Yui.
Everyone knows that the slower a SoL is=the better it is.
That's why Hidamari Sketch and Aria are kings of the genre and K-on is but a (popular) knight.
No but is very good.
Mugi as good taste.
Pic related but Ritsu is still my favorite.
>Comparing Hidamari Sketch and Aria with boring ass NNB
>ywn wake up next to a comfy Yui
K-On, Non Non Biyori, Hidamari Sketch, and Aria are all very good. Let us unite against the common enemy; the growing crossboarder summerfag presence.
Waking next to any of the Keions would be glorious. Even Azusa.
The Mugi/Ritsu episode was the most comfiest.
What about two?
I might die of moe overdose.
Well I used to hate her but I learned to appreciate her after my first rewatch.
Well shit. Why even live then?
1a. Non Non Biyori
1b. ARIA
3. K-ON
4. Azumanga Daioh
5. Hidamari Sketch
6. Sketchbook: Full Color's
7. Nichijou
8. Shirobako
9. Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon
10. Minami-ke
11. Yuyushiki
12. Himouto! Umaru-chan
13. GJ-Bu
14. Tamayura
15. Flying Witch
16. Ichigo Mashimaro
17. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVAs
18. Yama no Susume
19. Kamichu!
20. Working
9001. Dragon Ball Z
Don't bother me about this. I'm an official, certified Sup Forums Arbiter of Taste; it even says so in my name field.
Move the orange rat below DBZ
why aren't rec threads being deleted anymore
This thread is cancer.
I mean, I preferred Tamako Market, but we can have different opinions on this and peacefully coexist.
Depends on where you draw the line. I this Azumanga is way better, but that might be considered comedy instead of cgdct.
>pick up k-on because I assumed it was about little girls making and playing music
>literally more tea cakes than notes
Get the fuck out
So Yui is the ultimate girl?
Where do the Keions rank on cock awareness?
Yes. Yui is still best girl in the world too.
The only ones that can compare are Hidamari Sketch and Aria because those are their own thing.
But K-On! is the most influential
That's not how you spell lovelive
IDOLM@STER is a million times better than that retarded school tripe.
>He didn't like lovelive
Lmao you neckbeard
Let me guess, Neon Genesis Evangelion is your favourite animu of all time?
Sounds like your typical Love Live underage newfag.
I've been here for a decade friend
It's boring. Never went past the first season.
You mean the most overrated series on Sup Forums with the most insufferable circlejerking fanbase
You almost make Jojo fags look good
Why ask a question you already know the answer to?
Wtf I love moeshit now
Christ, I've watched damn near all of these.
Is that really such a bold claim?
Sorry am I not using the cool lingo?
>He unironically likes Love Live
Kyoani fags = bronies of anime
Either way you're unwelcome here.
Lovelive is one of the best works of art I have ever experienced
I love all the albums too